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Posts posted by Talocan

  1. I think that the Recycle Element option isn't super great tbh. People don't really bother buying or selling parts, so unless you need/use that specific part you're SOL. I'd like to see an industry unit called the Scrapper, a tier 2 L element that when connected to a container will dismantle any element (maybe parts too?) into a portion of the product materials used to craft it.


    Potential benefits:

    Wrecks become a little less useless.

    PvP becomes more lucrative now that you don't have to find a buyer for damaged elements - just melt 'em down.

    Trade in product materials might increase, which helps close the gap between newer and older industrialists.

  2. 17 hours ago, RugesV said:

    Tier 3 ammo has 3x the cost of basic ammo. These changes do not reflect the additional cost for these ammo. 

    Tier 3 ammo is strictly better than tier 2 in every way but cost. Want max performance? Tier 3 ammo. Want to save some quanta? Tier 2.

  3. 20 hours ago, Atmosph3rik said:

    I think the amount of mass reduction across the tiers is fine.  I just want to be able to use them with a hub.


    What i really don't like is the way the negative aspects scale through the tiers.  An Exotic GI container L weighs 75 tons while the uncommon version weighs 22 tons.  


    I understand that they're trying to create a balance, but it just takes all the fun out of upgrading to a higher tier item.


    It makes sense for a military engine to have more hps then a freight engine, and a freight engine to have a lower warmup time then a maneuver.  But it doesn't make sense to me for the warmup time on an exotic freight engine to be so much worse than the uncommon version.


    The idea that if i upgrade the four large containers on my ship to exotic GI then i'm carrying around an extra 200 tons when the ship is completely empty.  It just kind of saps all the fun out of it.


    I would rather they scale back the bonuses and not scale the negative aspects at all across the tiers.


    The intent is so that exotic isn't strictly better than another tier. The benefits and drawbacks both become more exaggerated at higher tiers.

  4. Here's a thought: what if plasmas were craftable by large quantities of high-tier materials? Similarly to CCP's response to OTEC when one conglomerate of entities monopolized most fo the technetium moons. Basically you could do "unrefined" reactions that would make intermediate components that normally needed technetium with larger quantities of non-technetium materials. Ideally holding a core should be the best source of plasma but this would help counteract a "snowball effect" where the only entity in game holding the cores is the only one with ostensibly more effective exotic elements.

  5. On 1/26/2023 at 7:42 AM, Jinxed said:

    Two week, 28 days tops. I know for a fact people are sitting on tiles with alts burning one dac every four months. 

    That does seem like an abuse of the system. Perhaps the countdown to abandonment should, rather than resetting upon resubbing, start counting up (after maybe 15 days or so).


    So I drop sub for 89 days -> eat a dac -> timer stays at 1 day until abandonment for 15 days, then starts counting in reverse (so you'll have 16 days when your 1 month expires to get a new sub). Won't have much of an effect on normal gameplay, especially if you're subbed for 3 months at a time and actively playing, but will keep HQ alt spammers from being able to cheaply hold tiles.

  6. I think Haven has some very basic stuff available from NPC orders, maybe Alioth too.


    I don't think we need NPC seeded stuff frequently in all markets though. What I do think is that NQ should nix the market storage fee and just charge a sales tax and maybe a listing fee. The point of listing stuff in less popular markets should be that you can get higher margins on those items at the cost of waiting longer to sell them, but if your higher margins are getting eaten by storage fees there's no point in selling your crap in places that aren't Alioth M6.


    Also another random idea: give different planets/areas of space/whatever bonuses to certain types of production. You can still build stuff 10km away from M6, but now people can go somewhere else to build things to compete with you, which means that stuff is getting hauled. Albion Online does this and people move stuff around to different cities to get the refining bonuses all the time.

  7. I think they're fine as is. They seem optimal for freighting stuff via warp drive, since the mass reduction is quite valuable there. 85% mass reduction on the top end seems a little much.


    IIRC the hub thing is intended, unless you want to explain what having an XS exotic GI container connected to a hub with optimized containers would do.

  8. 14 hours ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

    There you have it. With TW there would be no reason to build static constructs outside safe zone other than xs cores with mining units and a container.

    With TW the safe zones would probably be massively reduced so you have no choice.


    Right now there's no advantage to building in PvP. There are only disadvantages, not only that you can be shot at but you're further from Alioth M6. I'd like to see carrots for building in PvP because right now there's nothing but sticks.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Gillwin said:

    The whole moving ore around idea is flawed and destroys 2 of the basic pillars this game is based on.

    Who is going to want to build anything on a tile if the ore is not stable and moves around.  I build my large multicore factory on a tile because of the ore,  i am not going to move all those cores every 2 weeks to a new tile.  All my mining stations are fancy M core structures, which i again am not going to want to have to relocate every 2 weeks.  One of the main pillars in the game is building and you basically are wiping that away.  The only strategic place really left to build is in space.  I know some will build for the view on planets, but one of the main reasons for building a building with a purpose will be wiped away.

    Second is territory warefare.  I know it is not in game now (or near future).  Who in there right mind will fight over a tile if all they have to do is wait 2 weeks and get it without a chance of major loss?  The purpose for future expansion of pvp will basically be wiped away.  I know some will fight just because they can, but a lot of players are willing to fight if there is a reason to fight, this takes away that reason.


    I am not saying there is not a problem with ore distribution but people need to come up with a better solution that does not break just as many things as it may solves.

    I appreciate your concerns, but as for 1 the only reason to build nice things is vanity. A box works just as well as a work of architecture. My miners on my calibration tiles are an XS core and a box hooked up to the mining unit. You can still build something beautiful on a HQ tile.


    As for 2, I'd definitely be down to revisit this once TW comes out since it won't be needed if there's a way to change a tile's ownership without the owner's consent. This would be a stopgap until TW comes out.

  10. Static ore pools are, IMO, a threat to the longevity of DU. They ensure that the barrier to entry will constantly increase, and there's no meaningful way to take a territory from someone without their consent.


    I would propose the following: As you mine a territory, it begins to deplete the available ore pool (fewer L/h will be available). As the amount you mine increases, the depletion increases quadratically. Mining units will be configurable to mine less than their base rate if you so choose. To prevent calibration cheesing, each tile will have a limited number of calibrations/day/resource that spawn rocks. This gives you the choice between mining slowly but being able to extract more profit overall from the territory, or mining as fast as you can and sucking the life out of the land and moving. Even at maximum mining draining a territory should be at least a two-week affair. As the ore amount decreases, it respawns elsewhere on a tile flagged as able to have ore of that tier. (I don't think we need to apply this system to t1 ore because it's not hard to find). Those tiles should include all tiles that currently have ore of that tier, plus a bunch of other random ones. Each depletion tick (maybe once a day), a few tiles that have ore of that tier are randomly selected and the lost ore is added to their pools. This ensures that we don't suffer a "heat death" of ores, where they end up distributed in a relatively even and low-profit configuration. This means that ore deposits will be harder to monopolize and scanning will be a perpetual affair, rather than just a two-week frenzy when a new planet is added.

  11. 20 minutes ago, blundertwink said:

    That said, this needs to be solved with mechanical changes, not GM enforcement. I'm not suggesting it needs to be a virtual crime that requires GMs to figure out. There are infinite mechanical solutions, many of which have been discussed over the years. 

    OK, so how does the mechanical system determine what is theft and what isn't? Like if I fund a ship and make it useable for my org, and then later decide to leave, am I allowed to take the ship that I paid for with me?

  12. So what's your alternative? I mean, if NQ does take a stance that prohibits "taking stuff in bad faith" who's paying for all the extra GM hours to figure out what is "stolen" or not? Honestly I suspect that the policy of theft being allowed is a pragmatic one, so that NQ doesn't have to step in and settle arguments over what belongs to who.

  13. If you don't trust them enough to not steal something, don't give them perms to it. Don't give them perms to "everything" if they don't need it. I dunno if I'd call robbing people emergent gameplay, but as an Eve player I say: welcome to the sandbox.


    Rep system is make a reddit post about their thievery.


    Legal system is shoot them.

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