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Posts posted by Kurosawa

  1. So most likely the entire construct is lost in a spectacular explosion with a voxel/element loot drop from the list of vowels and elements that comprised the construct.


    It seems so, it is just bad gameplay as you can just focus fire the core and win, even if the ship has only minimal damage.

  2. Elders Scrolls III: Morrowind was the last good ES game, but i would not call it empty, there where quite a lot of side quest and things you could do in that open world, it sounds like you jusst steamed true the main mission.


    It was an open world with little hand holding, hell you could even kill the main quest gives breaking the main quest.

  3. I'll be honest with ya, people have done the math, I'm 92% right, the rest 8% is just me argueing about semantics.


    And I am actually facetious. It comes out as rude, but in fact, I take nobody seriously. Some people like to say the Joker's phrase of "Why So Serious?". I live by it.


    Just saying. I may or may not be a crazy person, but I am 92% of the time right. That's the actual crazy part.


    President Trump ?


    In regards to EvE being superior, it's a taste thing no douth.

    In my opinion EvE has the best open market/skill system there is as well as sandbox environment where players create the content.

    The fact that people are asshole to each other is not the sandboxes fault, and while there are lots of ganging and so on there is also a massive amount of team work.


    If you look back at MMO history. There where plenty of open skill/market games before WoW, but after WoW everyone jumped on the blizzard train and it has taken until now to see the emergence of open games again from the west.

    Open Sandbox is what i am after in MMO.

  4. Logistics is a main part of the game. Its what keeps all of the facilities running and its what many people will be doing (the main game revolves around resources and their inevitable journey into being used to make more resources, be that by mining equipment or by bullet). You cannot have a discussion about a game mechanic and not have its effect of logistics and the economy mentioned.

    The point was that i did not bring in logistic, it was something twerk added him self.


    If you go back you will see the only think i have said in this thread, is that i think we will be more mobile at a faster paste then what the general population thinks.

    The thinking behind this is the need to get people away from noob town. But also to hook people in to the game by giving them some form of progression so they feel like the time spend is worth something. Hook, Line and Sinker.




    Twerk is someone who has seen enough to understand how this kind of game works (the economy based MMORPG that just happens to be in space). Whilst he may come off as rude or aggressive, he is right (most of the time). Making people look like fools is how he gets the point across, and when you start yelling at him for making you look silly, his job is done.


    Lets just say i disagree with that, all of it :)



    Let the hate flow through you. Embrace the hater inside.


    Hate you? i don't even know you.


    But I guess according to Kurosawa no players would play Truck Simulator in Space. I mean, what would happen if all of the german playerbase vanished overnight? We would be left without space-truckers in EVE - who do travel from null-sec to high-sec systems once a week, taking hours upon hours to get to the trade centers and load on cargo for the coalition due to the vast distances involved.


    This is what i dislike, you add what ever is on your mind and believe it your self, how and where did logistics even enter the picture ?


    And while a can agree to EvE being superior in many ways to other MMO's and DU being inspired by EvE the amount of paralles and reference thrown from your side is just stagering :)


    p.s. notice the :) at the end

  6. "The only thing NovaQuark will add later is Stargates"




    No active development after launch?


    Thats disappointing.. :(


    Ofcause there will be more stuff and updates, do not take CaptainTwerkmotor serious

  7. Nq stated several times that the most basic equipment will be available within some minutes of skill training. But to get you off planet you need more sophisticated techs like engines that can reach escape velocity (last devblog). And they said that this will take about 4 weeks iirc. So players will have to stick to alioth for some time and only spread out there. You can leave the arkzone with a basic hovercraft though and build your base on the other side


    makes sense the initial rush will be tight but over time it will become better. Hope fully Alioth will be big enough, i do wonder how Alioth will chage over 1,3, 6 month time, i must remember to take some SS.


    is this the blog you are refereeing https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2017/04/07/devdiary-march-2017/

  8. Hi. The realistic in-game economy called. It said you know nothing. 


    You are not an engineer, marksman, pilot, gunsmith, chemist scientist IRL, you won't be either in the game. Not from the get-go. It takes time to become those things. This is NOT a power fantasy game. Your character is NOT an uberman. 







    ecomomy != game play


    Lets say all backers join, do you seriously think they want 9000 people sitting at spawn for months on end?

    Did you notice i said basic skills and equipment?



    I love the fact you are one of the people who will be thoroughly disappointed from this fact of the game - or hopefully, I'll be wrong and you'll be converted to a teamwork player and not an antisocial lone-wolf who thinks "I see no reason for peopel to interact with each other in an MMO".




    Funny, cause i think the same about you., You have seen nothing of the game yet, but are concocting all kinds of parallels to real life, EvE and what ever else strikes your fancy. I am sure you mean well and really want the game to be good, but to me you come of as untrustworthy and rambling.

  9. I think we we start with basic skills and equipment to get us away from the ark and off the planet right from the start, from a game play perspective there is no reason to limit people from basic tech/skill and it will be a good idea to get people away from start fast so there are not 100's of player on the same spot.


    hot air


    Spiteful posts adds nothing to the forum, they subtract and break any good talk there might have been.


    No one knows what the game yet, but you guys are trying to put in arbitrary limits based on what you think is aesthetically correct, awesome :(


    Personally i want a sandbox with out limits

  11. To be fair, the DU universe contains humans from the cultures of this world, so the Hello Kitty branding would be feasible - albeit practically ancient, given the timeframe.


    perhaps all the hello kitty fan where packed up and launched in to deep space. So what we see now is several generations down the line where hello kitty has become mandatory.

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