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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hotwingz

  1. Yea that is true. But you can still do all of that just replace DAC with 'random item of value'. Though I will agree that transporting PLEX to a far out market to make a big profit has been one of the most exiting things I ever did.
  2. Do tell what emergence is being removed? I agree it removes some exitement but what emergent gameplay is removed by it?
  3. But yes at launch there will be the option of constructing hoverbikes or hovercraft. Haha what am I saying people will be using hoverboards.
  4. Aaaw Twerk you know pirates will still be pirates even if its just about virtual space bucks.
  5. That settles it I guess. I wont lie I enjoyed the idea of DAC being an item you could loose but concidering the many comments in this thread NQ seems to be right in knowing what people want.
  6. On that I agree completely. There are indeed some serious questions around this topic. On the example of the factory, I can imagine there will be people who would enjoy working in a factory. And as I suggested if there is some real time input required to keep the chain going you avoid afk workers. Though I will admit that in the example of a base, defence turrets that dont fire if you are not online doesnt seem to make much sense. Although it is quite possible these turrets dont need a script to just fire at people. I am inclined to think that the devs decided on their current solution for a specific reason eventhough we might not understand that reason at the moment for not having played the game.
  7. Man text to speech in Unreal Tournament 2004 was hilarious. Though it wouldnt really be a solution because text to speech is still typing.
  8. Would be a little bit sad if a person prefers to multibox instead of interacting with other players. Eventhough I know this happens frequently in other mmo's. Since a human will always be better then a script I dont really understand why you want your scripts to run even when you are not online. If you want a factory that produces 24/7 you should hire people to make that work. I suspect that while an autonomous production line will be possible I doubt it wouldnt require some form of real time user input. Just having alternate accounts standing there might not work at all.
  9. I dont want to be a negative nancy but JC said colliding constructs will not do any damage. He said its not really about the physics its a gameplay issue. He does not want that people will start making constructs with the intent of crashing as a form of attack. He made a very good comparison but I cant remember right now what his exact words were. Of course with the game being pre alpha things might change. But thats what he is thinking right now.
  10. Haha yes. That is if you can kill them in the area. Going to the market might be maddening. Just imagine the crowds of people and the amount of noise... Though I'm sure if NQ implements it at some point they will be sensible about it. Unlike some other developers...????
  11. Yes if push to talk is default that would fix most of it. But you'd be surprised to discover how common it is for people to be annoying with in game open mics. Like I said I'm not against VOIP perse. I just feel it needs some extra attention if its to be done right.
  12. Have you any experience with this? Spending most of your time muting players isnt fun. Just sayin'
  13. From what we know so far there wont be any elements for mining. So to mine you need to actively dig. And in the new interviews JC explained he does not want the game to evolve in a series of automations. Player interaction is very important to him. In that context I can understand why you need to be physically present for your scripts to run. Player interaction goes out the window if 1 person can automate an entire production line 24/7 without any physical presence.
  14. Not to nit-pick but its not that your skills compensate. Usually in an RPG its the character stats that dictate how effective you and your skills are. Who knows how exactly combat will work in DU but JC said he wants a tactical element.
  15. I have no problems with an ingame VOIP system. BUT it has to be set to 'push to talk' by default. I'm tired of people breathing into the mic. Babies screaming in the background. People coughing, the random guy playing while talking or screaming to his friends oblivious to peoples request to mute himself. In my experience it becomes very tiring to always having to manually mute people. Sorry for the little rant but this topic brings up memories of many frustrating evenings.
  16. Yep the full interview video is set to private. Most surely that is a mistake right? Please set it to public. Thanks.
  17. Exactly. I think if such restrictions can be implemented the idea has merit. Of course it has to be technically possible and the devs need the resources to make it work. It would be a nice addition to the game but most likely not for the immediate future.
  18. Yes me too. But that doesnt mean there wont be mining elements later on. I'm quite sure that since this game is an mmo chances are that new tech will be introduced at some point. Who knows what is in the future for this game.
  19. I have a question, if people upload their logo's how would that work out? If I understand it correctly for me to see your logo my client has to download the logo. So for every logo that gets uploaded we need to download it from the patcher, right? Then again you can also solve it by adding an ingame tool where you can pixel art the logo. That leads me to wonder, wouldnt it be much easier and dev/cost effective to use the already implemented colour paint tool? Just some thoughts on the subject.
  20. I dont think there is a source for that. But since DAC can be traded on the market it is reasonable to assume that they are like everything else a physical item. Though I am sure that they dont have to be physical I think chances are they will be. If there is a source I'd like to see it because that means I havent read everything yet.
  21. Thats just life Muttley. Their time will come too. But I just wanted to say I'm happy we didnt loose you. That must be an awesome meditation cave.
  22. Yea galactic news broadcasts would be very cool. But, if you allow screens with youtube promotions one problem I can imagine is noise pollution. Just imagine 3 screens all with different audio playing. Now 5 screens then perhaps 10. Though if anyone has played Anarchy Online you remember the add bilboards. I always found them to be quite fun. So technically (in their engine) it was possible.
  23. It is. I think the main problem with Eve's skill system isnt the fact that it is timebased but the fact that the system is bloated. There is just too much of it. While you can argue that it is deep I would call it inflated. Lets not pretend that Eve's "decline" is only a result from the skill system. The biggest hurdle with Eve has always been an image problem. Combined with the ingame culture and the complete failure of the game to explain the most basic things to a new player. For older players its not so much a problem. They naturally grew with the game learning as the game expanded. But for most newcomers it is a frustrating experience. I am open to improvements on the system as long as it is flexible. An example I can think of is instead of adding more and more skills each year you could just introduce new elements and ways to interact with the world.
  24. Oh I see. You learn something new every day. I confess to never having played WoW.???? I was playing Anarchy Online in those days.
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