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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hotwingz

  1. Maybe I'm naive (I think thats the word) to believe DU wont be the traditional FFA. But I really think DU will be less hostile. DU wont be a 1 trick pony and that will be reflected in player behaviour, I think. We are in for a fascinating ride.
  2. I think we could go on for hours on "what's wrong" with this or that. Lucky for us JC is a smart man and NQ happened. Not to drift too much but chat is a very interesting topic in DU. How would you define a region or a local chat within the DU server structure. The best I can come up with is a proximity based chat or some elements to broadcast channels...its fascinating.
  3. Honestly Twerk I think a lot of people are just "scared" having to interact with people to get things done. And I dont blame them, current MMO design has turned many people into anti social players. A lot of the 3rd generation MMO players just dont know anything beyond the modern skinner box. They also think that a game can be everything for everyone. But thats not how it works. Those are some of my observations.
  4. They are and thats a good thing.NQ and JC have a specific vision for this game and an "old skool" philosophy towards MMO design. But a lot of play styles are represented in DU. DU has a lot of different things for different people. Just copy/pasting other MMO's hasn't worked the past 15 years and it wont work tomorrow. I dont know about you but I am tired of playing the same games year after year where everything is the same but the scenery.
  5. Its not that easy.I'm sure I'm not the only one wishing we could go back to the old days where 15 a month was enough and gold sellers weren't such a problem. Among the reasons why PLEX/CREDD/DAC came into existence. But those days are gone and currently the DAC system seems to make the most sense.
  6. At some point JC said that high end today would probably translate to medium at release. Not sure which audio interview it was at the moment. Pretty sure I'll need to upgrade my I5/760 to play the alpha.
  7. Then you should be happy that a lot of people in the community have pledged.Or there might not have been an alpha, beta or DU at all. Because Kickstarter.... You are welcome.
  8. Concidering NQ spotlighting other games in the newsletter I think this thread should be alright. Its in Off topic and not spam. Somehow DU is my only KS to date and I havent seen anything before or since I want to fund/play.
  9. Greetings o7 I loved the master systems 2. It blew me away after my Atari 2600. Surely we would never get anything better... Good Luck with your org.
  10. Ooh fancy. Now which one to..put..on...phone....
  11. Ah but thats the trick right.You say you never want to replace the player and you compare it to a cell phone. That is an OK comparison but do realise that the evolution of the phone today has replaced human labour (switch boards etc.) by computers. And while a cell phone creates the illusion of being connected to the world in reality it has removed very real social interactions over time. The software you would write to automate your factory would replace a human. Once again a robot would displace a human task. Even more so in your R2D2 example. I admit that some menial, tedious tasks are perhaps better suited for robots but I would be careful about it. R2D2 is not just a service droid its Han's wingman in many events. Going from your post it does sound as if what you are asking for would replace humans.
  12. Ha I guess that must have been during my cool down period, lucky me!
  13. You know guys its just the way it is. We have the most powerful knowledge aggregator/collection tool in the world but are too lazy to use it? *grmbl* While nobody is looking forward to the "DU needs to be f2p or it will fail" threads and ones like them. We should either tolerate or ignore them, in my opinion. I just hope we wont drown in all the noise.
  14. To add; The Dual Universe game wont cost any money. After a to be determined trial period you will have to subscribe. Either with money or a DAC. Expansions will also be free.
  15. I understand what you are saying but in my opinion a payment system should follow the KISS rule. Keep It Simple Stupid. While I dont think breaking up a DAC into 7 week blocks is necessarily a bad idea I dont really understand the added value. Perhaps it has some financial benefits that I dont see right now.
  16. Space tourism wont be for everybody at first thats for sure.
  17. Wow thats a lot less founders on the forum than I expected. We still have some growing to do. But hopefully NQ can turn these members into subscribers.
  18. Needlessly complicated. I can see the point in breaking up a PLEX/DAC but I'm not quite sure what the real benefit is. Either way EVE is doing its own thing which is often the opposite of logic. *shrug*
  19. If semi autonomous robots ever make it into the game I wouldnt expect them to do player tasks. The lore is pretty clear on AI. The lore also says that most complex human labour previously done by AI couldnt be done by machines with limited intelligence. Beyond lore if you replace a human by a robot you diminish the game experience. As an example, many moons ago you couldnt get anything done in MMO's without other players. It made the games slower, more diffficult at times but it felt rewarding to finally find a group and progress. Sometimes you even made a friend. You developed an entire network of relations that would enrich your experience in the game. Today you barely, if any, make friends in MMO's. You can play most of these games completely solo from start to finish. If you bother to add friends to your list chances are they are guildies. Usually the world (if we can call it that) is just static scenery to feed the player menial tasks. All the while other players run around as silent npc's only interested in moving as fast as possible from A to B. There are many things we can sum up here but the point is that somewhere on the curve towards minimal player interaction the game looses all sense of purpose or meaning. Its important to remember what the root vision of the MMO (RPG) genre was. Connecting with people, living a virtual life in a virtual world. The less player interaction is required the more you drift away from that dream. I could go on forever on this topic but the essence is; A robot in DU should never replace a human.
  20. Hotwingz

    Sonic Booms.

    I see what you mean but I might be expressing myself poorly. I mean to say that I prefer the dynamic of having to think before you act. Like the RN system, if you misread the situation you will rezz a long distance from where you died. You cant just zerg/zip right back to keep bashing your head against the wall. I do understand everyone has their own prefered style. Me personally I like great risk/reward action. Though I am happy a safezone exists so you dont get pushed into the deep end within the first 5 minutes. You know that is a really good point. I've been thinking about stargates but I didnt concider the subspace angle. If it involves travel time it most certainly isnt teleportation. And I understand (I think) the RN lore its just a little weird to me. I dont think I could handle being aware of living in an alternate universe. Like that Rick and Morty episode, everyone you know looks and acts the same but they arent...its uncomfortable to think about. (For me)
  21. Ah OK.Thanks Yama, the way I read the comments I got the impression that there was some security isseu. Like I said, I am really clueless about those things.
  22. I believe it will be bound to your character. I also think I saw someone mention you will be able to wire money.
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