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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Jeronimo

  1. I guess something like that is already implemented, in the pre-alpha videos we saw them walking and landing on spacestations. The easiest solution would be a gravity generator if this isnt automatically set when you start a building.


    pre alpha video doesnt have any functional elements, not even an activable door in the big space station i think, they just rotated it in the space in a way they could land on it properly

  2. Hi, welcome to the Arkship Pub. 


    Pub : A place serving distilled beverages that people drink at and get to socialise with others.


    Organisation : A formation of individuals, followed by a structure of command and an assortment of rules and regulations.


    Arkship Pub : A place where people socialise by sharing threads in regards - but not limited - to their Organisation (see Community).


    Community : Social congregation of like-minded individuals.


    Guild-Hopper : (WoW Term) A person of anti-social behavior that moves from one Guild (see Community) to another, due to not understanding how society works. Guild-Hoppers also apply on multiple Communities (see also Organisation), due to inability of forming a solid social backing of their own.






    You forgot fake alts abusers

  3. Just thought about a gravity element to rule the UP and DOWN in space.


    This element could be scripted and given a force vector to setup gravity within a spaceship

    Gravity could be then canceled, turned up or down at will


    When first deployed in a construction it would give the default gravity force vector, so what ever you build around you would be sure which voxels compose the ceiling and the floor of your construct in space gravitation.


    Turning up or down the gravity would allow spaceship interior configuration for the diferent gravity forces

    And canceling the gravity force might be usefull during an enemy assault, and disabling the enemies ships landing possibility

  4. Future is ruled by those who wake up early!



    The Rising Suns is a non governemental organisation which only goal is to regroup Asian time zone Explorers, from Deli to Sidney (GT+6 to GT+10) in order to know who we might encounter during our gaming times.


    Everyone is encourage to join any other organisation.


    Only if in the future its is more convenient and asked by a majority of The Rising Suns members, a concil from the more active players and a more complexe political organization will eventually be setup.



    If you are worried who will be online at the same time and concerned by asian time zone please join at:



    indicating your place of living.

  5. Ähm since I didn't bother to read everything to this point sry if this is already mentioned.


    This is based on my assumptions and educated guesses.


    As I understand each object in DU uses a local grid and depending on mass and distance objects get absorbed into the bigger/heavier grid.

    This is an octree like structure and allows for fairly cheap calculations. So a rotating planet rotating around a sun should be no problem at all.


    well its not about planets orbits around suns, since planets arent physic


    its more about ships/satelites orbits around planets

  6. Orbits are trajectory rings around planets and as for game mechanics it could be considered as so.


    Not using any physic but considering invisble rotating parking lots, where ships could attach themselves to it and start an orbit around planets

    there could be multiple slots on each ring, and multiple layers of rings


    An automatic orbit could be just done by parking on any of the closest free slots

    Once parked the ship property turns to non physical and be just transported by the parking lot faking an orbit without any physical calculation 



    for more tech info about orbits:



  7. what use would have all those new matters ingame?


    texture pupose?

    unlocking new textures for voxels painting?


    property purpose?

    making lighter but weaker steels compositions, allowing speed increased on flying ships affected by planets gravity?

  8. i think repairing physical voxel damage by hand is ridiculous because that precision is non-achievable...

    what should exist is a repair dock to repair damage according to the cores blueprint, and will replace defective components, and possibly send the damaged ones to some bay where you can recycle/repair them.

    yup thats a good idea


    but i never meant repairing by hand. in that way u arent sure repairing same as blueprint


    an automatic repair, with a special tool, a garage... sucking your material from inventory, if u have enough, is more appropriate

  9. i Think the blueprint of any construction is the solution.


    since blueprint saved the construction as its factory status. any dammages caused on a ship could be compared to the blueprint to evaluate the dammages status %.


    i m not sure about atmospheric dammages, but for sure would work very well for physical dammages.


    if you got shot, bump into an asteroid, do a bad landing... some voxels could be removed from the construction to simulate the dammages. and using an element, comparing the original state from the blueprint with the actual dammaged state, allowing some maintnance and fixing.

  10. we have our own farmers and org-pusher-to-be-top-member-wise from india, but tyvm

    lets not wait and try to compete, and start making a super slave market together. i prepare the contracts. how much you Think we should rent a miner per day to make him profitable enough?


    btw we will put some shares on the stock market and start planning our own curency, the slave dollar

  11. I don't mean to interrupt you guys' interesting discussion on algorithms, but I think an equally important discussion to have isn't can we build on moving ships, but should we be able to build on moving ships?


    Just off the top of my head I can think of several balance issues with this, specifically when it comes to combat. What's to stop people from running around on extra-large ships and replacing/adding weapons mid fight? Or adding armor, shields, thrusters, etc? Even if you disable building while engaged in combat, there's the ability to quickly re-design your ship as soon as you anticipate a fight, which I suppose would depend on the range you can see people, but still. Then you have to worry about transport ships re-tooling for combat right before the pirates show up and start killing them. On the one hand, that could be very interesting gameplay... but how on earth do you manage to balance something like that?


    Additionally, imagine the economic impact of being able to edit fully functional ships. Why would you ever buy more than 1 ship (or why would there be more than one type of ship on the market) if you can just re-tool them to your specific situation? Without knowing any of the specifics on how ships will work exactly, if you could edit ships at any time, why not just carry around a ton of parts and replace them when you need them? I'd just fly around in my combat ship until I found some nice resources worth mining, and then I'd replace the guns with mining equipment or whatever. Same goes for any specialized ship equipment. If people can do such things, then there stops being a need for ship types that have specific capabilities. Everyone would just buy the most efficiently customizable ship possible and swap things around as needed.


    Needless to say, I don't like the idea of being able to do this, as it sacrifices a lot in terms of game depth.

    well dont expect the death star be built in 1 day. it will be a traveling scafold for a while.


    thats not an option to be able to edit, customize,repair a ship. thats already how the game is



    last post were more about ability of crew members to build their own stuff while traveling on a spaceship. and this quite a game mechanic issue.

  12. nope, enclosed spaces cannot be detected without relative position, but you can detect some cases easily by doing the sum of all faces facing towards the center of mass, if it is zero, it is a simple hollow volume., more complex ones need the position to be able to detect those, as it is the reverse principle from detecting detached volumes


    i would add too, free octree leaves can be interpreted as void or air, but making fluid dynamics for those gases is ludicrously complicated, but not impossible. i think it won't come before the final release.


    but you still agree that air data within spaceship, by any mean should be calculated and associated to the ship, and diferenciated from the void?

  13. I think you can build on a moving ship, the grid is relative to the ship, not like space engineers. In the video where jc builds a ship, it's pretty clear to me.


    the grid applies to built voxels, air have a grid too, but need to make difference between air and void within a ship otherwise if void also have a grid, means the whole DU universe is a grid of data point separated by 25cm


    i dont think fusioning all computers in the world could store that much data, even if it is 0, since even 0 still takes space on a drive

  14. OMG, i got the best idea for an algorithm to detect if there are floating blocks with minimum power:


    take all triangles and make the dot product to the forward unit vector and multiply by the area and add that, it will always be 0.

    ∑(dot(forward vec, normal) * area)

    if not, the mesh has a hole.

    why? because every real volume ever has a derivative topology of a sphere that has a 0 normal sum. 

    then to detect if there is a separate chunk you do something similar:

    do the same but:

    a = ∑max(dot(forward vec, normal) * area, 0)

    b = ∑max(dot(left vec, normal) * area, 0)

    c = ∑max(dot(up vec, normal) * area, 0)

    d = min(a, b, c);

    if ((a > d && a % d == 0) || (b > d && b % d == 0) || (c > d && c % d == 0))

    it has a separated volume guaranteed , but doesn't account for every case...


    i shall think more about it. for now without taking in account relative position there is no way to know for sure.


    well well well!

    when you mention a mesh could have a hole, reminds me of HL1 first world creator that couldnt compile the world you create if your map had a hole, means if it is connected to the void


    it could be a similar principal, if you completly seal your ship, with double door airlock entries, all air inside could be considered as a data point based on the voxel grid but with data 0.

    So whenever you build within the ship, it replaces the data 0 (air) by a new data (the one you are creating through the build menu)


    so if you are building a hoovercraft within a moving space ship, its physical properties could be only activated if the spaceship stops and enters a kind of non physical state allowing created blocks withing the ship to be unlinked


    Unlinking voxels by creators, but hopefully the spaceship isnt a collective creation before

    So might need to add some creation date data to each created voxels, to know which are new and which have been created after last physical state (begining of travel) of the ship

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