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Everything posted by iNFiDeL

  1. Or just maybe... BOO spams phrases like this near endlessly. Boo should just rename to Band of Salt Spam even comes with a cooler acronym. Your welcome.
  2. I could sell at least 50k sq ft real estate in the empty space between your ears, nice lame salt joke, like everyone hasn’t heard it 9000 times before.
  3. Couldn’t say it better myself, since it’s a video game they seem to forget that decency they are supposed to have as human beings. I may talk a lot of shit but I haven’t done anything with the express purpose to ruin the experience of others gameplay only tried to make it better. Cant say the same for these goons.
  4. XD no ones ever going to throw another stupid rp event guy enjoy trolling empty space. So take your emergent gameplay message spam and shove it, I didn’t complain about anything I just pointed out that you clowns love to talk crap and call people names like care bear and snow flake but then cry ban when someone throws it back. Stfu no one asked you for your opinion. Go back and jerk off to salt meme spam like the rest of your goons.
  5. Funny coming from the guys calling everyone care bears and snow flakes
  6. Pirates don't needlessly slaughter, they fight for loot so please continue with your nonsense.
  7. Love how you guys are blaming star wars for being pieces of shit.
  8. Trolling confirmed. There was a group there for that purpose. None the less, doesn't make the offending party any less shitty.
  9. Please tell me who I have bullied guy? I haven't said anything to anyone that didn't say something snarky or hurtful first. And be specific cause most of these guys were the ones ganging up on me with meme spam all night yesterday.
  10. 1. You can't throw and open event when no one knows where to go, expecting dozens of gamers, almost none of which are in the same org, to get on at the same time and meet at the same place while doing it secretly is wishful thinking at best. 2. They did it, already happened. I'm just making sure everyone see's it for what it is, a group trolls who cry about the state of pvp in this game while assisting its player base in never having any future interest in the matter. 3. I didn't die, we just didn't participate, a ship of like 18 people just said deuces, cause we didn't sign up for BOO trolls it was a ROLE PLAY EVENT if you don't understand that, I am wasting my time even replying to you.
  11. I said acting like and autistic kid, thats not the same as calling you such, I know nothing about you or anyone else in your org besides how you treat others. I'm a vet who suffers from ptsd, depression and anxiety, did that stop your guys from spamming salt memes and hurtful talk for 4 hours yesterday because I got upset that you ruined mine and others evening plans? No. You online bully types are all the same, and that is what BOO has become, your leader literally said you guys farm salt. Group bullies dumping on people all while having no clue the implications of the stupid stuff you pull. If you just played and didn't say anything about it cool, but instead you spend your times spamming excuses for just being a jerk.
  12. Soon to be correct when this game flops. I just call it like I see it and I don't like bully's dumping on people just to turn around and tell everyone its ok they got poop on them.
  13. What a joke XD dude must of been violated by a toy lightsaber I swear.
  14. Just cause people like star wars and you don't doesn't make a star wars themed event regression. This game has done nothing but back track since .23 and now orgs are participating in its demise. Pretty sure its BOO's toxicity regressing shit in this instance, not NQ and definitely not a group of players getting together to have fun. You just hate star wars which is your purgative. No one cares.
  15. Oh also incase my words aren't enough to emphasize how much you picked the wrong game for pvp, notice how there are virtually no streamers/youtubers focusing on this part of the game.
  16. Single shard is great, an org thinking everything is about them, not so much.
  17. Theres nothing to defer away from guy, everyone here knows BOO was clearly allowed to do what they did I don't think its a god damn secret this game is an OPEN WORLD PARTIALLY PVP GAME, that aside most people complaining are complaining towards the integrity of the org who seems to think its cooler to crash the party then to be a part of it which is counter productive to the community. Sorry I called you trolls out for being just that. No one watched and said "hey I wanna pvp now because of what BOO did" all you did was turn more people off in the community to the thought of trying it because people like you make it a toxic experience, I'll stick to my warp drive till Starbase comes around thanks. To those of you in the comments bringing up EVE, no one cares that you pvp'd in EVE. Being good at pvp in this game or EVE is like being the fastest guy in fat camp. No ones impressed enjoy your sh*tty trophy and stfu.
  18. I'm pretty sure your still on a fake account but I'll bite. 1. Can't have rp pvp in non pvp zone. 2. Your account was made in August and you haven't said anything till now, hella sus. 3. Not even in the discord. You are probably just a alt account BOO needed for a propaganda poll or something before. Could be wrong but doubt it.
  19. XD BOO using fake alt account to bump the Propaganda thread.
  20. I'm pretty sure I grasp it fine guy, I experienced it first hand. It doesn't make them less of a jerk for doing it. Also no one else showed up to screw over the event just BOO, so no a third party didn't have to show up, they chose to.
  21. You ruined the event period. Devari may give it a shot but I'll be mind blown if anything near as many as we had show up for second round of BOO trolls.
  22. Here's one for your thick skull. 2 teams doing a war reenactment with strict rules and an unannounced 3rd team comes in with real weapons and kills everyone. Keep playing dumb guy its a space game I know your not this dense.
  23. Just cause the concepts go over your head, doesn't mean they aren't real.
  24. Curious, the post you shared happens to have been made by someone on BOO's side... Definitely no bias there. Get out of here guy. I'm showing the other side that your little propaganda machine doesn't want people to hear. The event wasn't a pirate event, BOO didn't like that so they made it one.
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