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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Musclethorpe

  1. Except their description perfectly matches what would happen if their avatar gets parented to a ship that was in motion at the time the owner logged off. This more than likely being the case, means they didn't move anything; the ship was already in motion, set by the owner. Why would we need a video of the ungodly amount of time it would take for them to sit in a ship moving at 4km/h just to get to the pvp zone? These are not the same offenses, as one isn't an offense at all. The other, however, is a breaking of the rules to a tee described by the perpetrator themselves.
  2. These are not the same situations, but you know that, don't you? You logged off with your ship in motion. You set it on a course to PvP space, with the intended mechanics in place to make your ship move again the moment anyone was parented to it. This is in comparison to you maneuvering a parked ship on a planet surface to take into PvP space. I have a long history of piracy and being pro pvp, so I know when I smell a rat. You are arguing in bad faith, and playing dumb when you know exactly what you did. Now you suggest their ban when they turn the tables on you, even though what they did was lawful. If you didn't want your ship to move (very far) without you in it, an active ECU would have brought it to a stop in short order. As for NQ, they should revert the change back to that simply seeing a ship should place it into motion again. Take your L and gtfo.
  3. Na, that was different. By the sound of it, you logged off while in motion. This means that by the act of them landing on it, they became parented to it, and it began moving again as by design. They just rode it out until it hit PvP space. That was actually your fault for logging while in motion, without at least having an active ECU.
  4. Not for me. Just two weeks ago I swapped a bunch of voxels from gray to yellow and it worked just fune.
  5. Yes, I recently used the voxel swap tool to change a few voxels to ones of a different type. In build mode they are fine, outside of build mode they revert to the old voxels.
  6. Clean up the markets yes, add gameplay probably not so much. Not saying it's a bad idea, it's actually a good one, it's just that once implemented people wouldn't leave their ships laying around ever again. I would count this more of a deterrent than a feature.
  7. Has it been confirmed which part of this talent is bugged? It states a maximum 50% reduction of capacity in the description, but only gives 25% at Grade 5. Is it the talent or the text that is the problem?
  8. You may not have reason, but some of us abhor mining, or the upcoming opportunities to haul via the new mission system. That being said PvP space is fairly big, and while the chances of being found outside of the pipes are definitely real, it's not necessarily huge. Being a solo player myself I would welcome the chance to venture into a high risk environment, provided the reward is worth it. You aren't wrong when it comes to being caught. This suggestion is only one aspect of the game, and I can only hope that the future PvP updates add defensive options and/or true counter-play.
  9. Ain't that the truth? Actually as I understand, salvageable ships don't appear on radar anyway. Apparently they show up as "unclaimed" in the alt-V mark management system. Anyway they put something like 100ish or so ships out there, and I have no idea if they've all been found. Either way this needs to be a more common thing, to have it be a legitimate gameplay loop. Mainly I would like to see high value wrecks out in PvP space, to give us a reason to venture out there. Also this could ducktail into private market terminals selling "refurbished" modules at a discount, because they don't have all of their lives. I'd love run salvage yard.
  10. ...but this time take it a step further. You've already placed crashed ships on planets, let's see more of that. Perhaps keep them to the unclaimed tiles. Moreso, there is a lot of unused space out in the PvP zone, put the more valuable assets out there. Give us a reason to slow-boat and explore such a high risk area. Not only can the ships themselves have damaged parts that could be sold at a discount (2/3 lives etc.), but their cargo holds could contain any number of commodities or elements seen fit to be placed in there. Don't feel like designing a bunch of ships for the task? Ask the community to submit blueprints to use. The point is we need more to do, and I fear this new mission system, which by the sound of it will largely be either transport or source & return, won't be enough. Reintroducing ships to salvage on planets, and in space, have both already proven to be within your capabilities.
  11. The "legitimate" in legitimate piracy means that we are not in it to gank or grief. We want the chase, and to get the loot. Unfortunately as it currently stands, the only way to pirate is to kill your target. Preferably there would be a way to intimidate into relieving their cargo without having to destroy their ship. I did this for 6 years in Elite: Dangerous despite their very poor P2P infrastructure, and it was the most fun I've had in my 35 years of gaming.
  12. Some of us are legitimate pirates who hunt haulers to make a living. It's a perfectly acceptable playstyle.
  13. Trying to make heads or tails of what you are saying here, but you can't link containers or industry across cores. If you are doing this it is likely unintended.
  14. You didn't pay attention to my original post. This isn't about complaining or changing the system. This is about how the existing system will treat future players down the line, which can easily be tweeked. Regardless of what others have said about time to train to a reasonable level of skill, there is absolutely no catch-up method for new players. I'm an alpha backer and even I can't get behind having a leg up for the rest of this game just because I got here first.
  15. In-game chat is anything but immersive. That's fine though, the fun-factor of this feature is clearly lost upon you. No sweat.
  16. It would be in-game, immersive, and passersby could respond if they happen to be in range. This kind of thing has been happening in the sci-fi genre since the beginning.
  17. That's a bold assumption. As I stated in one of my replies, there are far easier ways to gank. Activating a beacon with the intent to grief, on the off chance some one comes along that is within range and wants to assist, is a bit of a long shot. The idea to have it not work on ships with weapons is at least a hurdle in the way. You will never stop a determined ganker. Do you honestly think I would take the time to make this suggestion, and reply in this thread, just to create a sub-par way to maybe kill a good samaritan? Now all this being said, the purpose of the beacon would be to have an immersive in-game tool that didn't require you to go to a chat channel, or a 3rd party site to get help.
  18. I can't say that I agree with anything you said here. Markets aren't always within a reasonable distance, nor do you always have the resources to mine/fabricate the fuel or scrap needed to get the job done. As far as the maneuver tool on a claimed territory, as I understand that exploit of stealing ships was done away with a couple months ago with the parenting change. In regards to ganks, there is a reason I suggested it only be useable on ships without weapons...though I suppose the dedicated could always store them then reattach upon arrival. Honestly even that is unlikely, as they would have to cruise around specifically without weapons on the off chance they find a distress signal. There are far better and easier ways to gank. There is always the chance some one could come to your aid and either exploit your misfortune, or out and out salvage your ship from under you if you don't have a core and are in the PvP zone (as of now you can't lose ownership planetside/safezone no matter what unless you actually abandon). This is simply the risk you run, but again the likelyhood of someone flying a weaponless ship cruising specifically for distress signals they may not even find just to be malicious is unlikely. As I said, there are easier ways to grief, and griefers typically follow the path of least resistance.
  19. A gameplay loop that is player driven, and open ended. To facilitate this endeavor, a distress signal transmitter/receiver would need to be introduced into the game. The range would need to be significant to be effective, something to the tune of 100 SU or more. To encourage use, and limit predatory ganks/traps, have said transmitter/receiver element(s) usable only on ships without weapons, like the Remote Controller. A nice touch could be to have a pre-determined message list such as, "Out of fuel" or "In need of repair". This has been submitted to the suggestions page pending approval. Discuss here, please.
  20. I'm new to time-based skill point games, so perhaps this type of thing has already been addressed elsewhere. What is to become of new players down the line and skill point accrual? Will those who got in early simply have tens of millions of points more than those who recently joined? Will new players be given a higher rate? Will a temporary hard cap be created to halt progress for a time at some point? This is a concern if I am to ever try to get friends to join post release.
  21. The real question is, why does it operate this way at all? It doesn't even make sense.
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