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  1. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, I hope we don't bring the worst aspects of EvE's forums here. I get that this is supposed to be funny and satirical, but I hope and pray that Alex doesn't find this game and its forums don't become filled with the garbage that goon forums everywhere are famous - read infamous - for. I truly enjoy Eve, but I made a reply post on a different thread talking about the toxicity of forums, those can be some of the worst. -Garimon
  2. Evening ladies and gentleman, first post here! I have been lurking the forums for a little while now and have been thinking rather the same thing. - that people are becoming 'bittervets' and the game isn't even in release yet..quite something when you think about it. As a whole, I genuinely enjoy the sense of community here and don't notice the "toxicity" of posts except by a scant few people who seemingly have nothing better to do than snark attack at newcomers for being just that - newcomers. To the people who are "sick and tired of the same questions", I say teach a man to fish, rather than giving him some fish. To the people who are freshly coming in from their various corners to join the Dual Universe community, welcome. I hope we forumwarriors can live up to the premise of the game itself, become a community to learn and grow and expand with - together. -Garimon
  3. Currency in and of itself is still bartering, if its looked at objectively. We all agree with a piece of paper or metal that looks a specific way and is comprised of certain materials has a specific value. Bartering in its truest form. Go to the grocery store for a gallon (yes I know, Imperal..yuck) of milk and you pay with three small sheets of paper with a certain picture on them - three one dollar bills - or you might pay with one small sheet of paper with a different person's picture on it - a five dollar bill - and get two sheets back with the first guy's head, and your gallon of milk...because the second sheet is deemed of more value than the first. And before someone with a financial background like myself says 'that is FAR too simplistic!!!', this is very true...but its a minor argument for a minor point...bartering is bartering, currency or not.
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