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Alpha Tester
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  1. This game is not Dual Universe its "Time Gate : Economy Destruction. Time to tax edition" The issues DU faces are the same issues from the beta. they wiped for no reason as we will soon be back to the same issue as the beta only worse. You released the game in a unfinished state, why because you needed more money? The economy was ruined in the beta and its ruined again. Don't learn from the beta lets just wipe it again and then do the same thing again with no changes and hope it changes. insanity? PVP is a joke. The economy is like fish, big orgs eat the little guys and the little guys have to join or die eventually leading to massive fall of of players and will lead to just the largest orgs fighting each other by market manipulation and just the market death when played too hard they will just use their own systems to self regulate inner trade. and any fresh blood will have no hope of playing solo or starting a new org ect. I gave the warning in discord that we would see the game die in 3 months after launch, its already showing signs, soon this game will be in the same boat as worlds adrift. I'm going to give you some ideas to take with a grain of salt. 1. Remove skill system, just trash it. if you want a skill system make it interactive with what you are doing at the time. 2. Systems need to be placed we need a bot economy that has a low buy order and high sell order for people to compete with to make their money 3. Systems should also be placed for basic needs such as ship insurance ship renting ect ect all the basic systems you want players to make make them bot run at a high ish cost that players can try to compete with. 4. Bring back life into the game. Drop the pay wall start bringing in cosmetics that cost money and use that as the main money generator. 5. Actually listen to your community.
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