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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DrFrigoPorco

  1. So....in final thoughts...it was JC who screwed this project up from the very beginning with his unrealistic 'vision' and zero game experience, and now, they are trying to put the immense nuclear fire out. Gotcha! So who's the next video game company to take lessons form this and make us a good voxel MMO with PvE????
  2. I sent a ticket in, and they recognized this is a problem and they said they will fix it.
  3. Empyrion: Galactic Survival (on Steam) is a game that every dev here should be playing and studying....they did all these things correctly...PvE, PvP, building, mining, auto miners....
  4. Lazy? Stupid? or broke? WHY won't they even begin working on Pve???
  5. lol....kinda ruins the boredom, yes. Who would want NPCs and monsters and other boring challenges like NPC ships to fight....how boooring! ! No no no....let the players do it, look at how well pvp turned out. LOL So back to Dual Miner everyone....BUILT BY PLAYERS.
  6. GET RID OF SCHEMATICS! For one. ADD fun gameplay. START working on PvE (an essential part of ANY MMO)
  7. Schematics....really have to go. PvE would be nice. Even a start! Anything! PvP needs structure. a reason to go kill other players. Will asteroids do it? No! Because if there's another way to get the materials, people will just do that. MMOs need PvE. This is a pretty simple concept. And they already said no. So see you all in SC soon.
  8. yes, that's because 'leaving it up to the players' DOESN'T WORK as a strategy to build a good game. It's lazy and short sighted. Want PvP? Then STRUCTURE IT. Want 'things to do' game content? STRUCTURE IT. Until then....Dual Miner will be just that, until that goes automated and they take the only thing to do in game away, then it will just be DUAL.
  9. So I went to place a L static cube and now I cannot place it. It seems the distance I can now place it has changed. If I go to the right of the cube, then I can place it, but I cannot place it where I want anymore. This seems to have changed after the patch, as I could easily place it before. Now, when I go to place it, it's red and it gave me an error about not having permission from the owner. It seems 3 of the 4 sides of the cube work as they should, only when I try to place another L cube north, it does not let me. South, west, and east ( so the other 3 sides of the cube) work fine.
  10. I picked up an SSD, and it improved performance a ton!
  11. So the 'fetch ship' feature that everyone was so excited about is broken. 4km range from planet surface only???? really? I mean, no one has ever got their ship stuck above 4k...right? Because otherwise, its impossible to get the ship. I get the exploit. I get how people would 'misuse' this. BUT.....the fact that its needed, and if you put a 1 per day limit on it, it will eliminate the exploit, it should really be changed to no km limit, from ship, air, or wherever...now I have to wait for antigrav to reach 12000 km to get my ship, which has made the 'fetch' feature completely useless for me. Yes, I had time to write this post, and probably a couple of newspapers articles as I stare at the antigrav altitude get slowly higher...
  12. ok, but if the players are left to their own means, this will be disorganized and messy. People will form small groups in their chat servers and that's it. If....the game had an in game chat system, it would organize players and help new players get the in game help they need from ALL the other players. When we were using the DU Discord, we had new players that were playing and fumbling for months before they FOUND the DU Discord. If this system was in game, as part of the game, they would have nothing to go 'find' One of the things that made Landmark fun and easy to use was their 'in chat' system with proximity chat. This encouraged people to have in game parties, get togethers (especially in these pandemic times, we need more socialization) and this even spawned in game talk shows and music videos. This could all be done here in DU and it would make the game a lot more fun.
  14. we still don't have IN GAME VOICE CHAT....in a social game! REALLY??? Discord is the worst service on the planet. Skype is better. And these people have not even begun creating an in game voice chat....IN A SOCIAL GAME! What does that tell ya.
  15. Because we need in game, proximity and ship to ship chat. Hail other ships! Would not that be fun?
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