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Hello, let me explain my problem. I started the game freshly bought yesterday, and during the landing phase, once i touched the ground, my ship continued to move and nothing happened. 

I could not leave my seat. I still waited for nothing.

So i decided to disconnect and reconnect.
So i was able to get off the ship but nothing was going. No Claim module, i cant use my construction tools, no tuturial that will help me well because i am new to the game, and my hoover ship as well as my ship with the one i landed on, have disappeared ... Can we help me Plz ? Thanx


You crashed as you were going to fast at landing (over about 50kph). So although you thought you reached the ground and landed you were really still moving and smashing the ship up. There are better huds in game than the bog standard one from NQ. You can get links and instructions to them here (https://discord.gg/AAQMMsM3) the DU open source initiative. Free ones like Arch hud or aviator1280  have autopilot and auto landing or if you prefer diy flight and landing albatross hud. You also have a saga autopilot which is for sale and you either get them to spawn the core & seat and build your ship around them or there are a few ships with it installed like Serula's silver arrow (discord id Serula#7335) with saga autopilot either as a token or a BP where you buy/craft your own parts.

The tutorial comes as instructions that pops up in the top left of screen and in the chat box under tutorial tab. It will lead you after a short tutorial section to the sections of tutorial done via the vr booth including basic piloting. The game has a steep learning curve and there are a lot of helpful organisations out there that will assist new players through it.

You can find your ships by opening the map and clicking constructs. If you click on the ship name you can set a waypoint to it. Sometimes you will end up far from your ship even on another planet depending on your respawn points and were the ship crashed in that case you can ask in the discord (https://discord.gg/dualuniverse) or general tab of chat if anyone can give you a lift to it. There are people and groups on discord that offer rescues for stranded pilots. Eyes & Ears Search and Rescue (I don't have discord invite permissions) and Spaceboys (discord ID Kormolos) and others that I can't think of until I have had more coffee circulating through my system.

You will need to repair the ship for it to work. The repair tool looks like a welding gun and if it is not on your hotkey bar you can drag it there from inventory.

You need scraps to repair the ship. These start with tier 1 that you can craft in the nanocrafter (press K) from the surface rocks on unclaimed territories ore your own rocks on most planets (you first refine the rocks to ores then to scraps) or you have to buy them from the market. Equip the repair tool and move it about your ship broken bits are shown in red colour and damaged bits in a yellow on the ship. Equip the scraps with the repair tool and click on the bust bits. Repairing is covered in the tutorial (what is not is always use t1 scraps on the red bits as they only need 1 scrap to change them to damaged and higher tiers repair more of the parts hp than lower tiers).

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Dratsan said:

Hello, let me explain my problem. I started the game freshly bought yesterday, and during the landing phase, once i touched the ground, my ship continued to move and nothing happened. 

I could not leave my seat. I still waited for nothing.

So i decided to disconnect and reconnect.
So i was able to get off the ship but nothing was going. No Claim module, i cant use my construction tools, no tuturial that will help me well because i am new to the game, and my hoover ship as well as my ship with the one i landed on, have disappeared ... Can we help me Plz ? Thanx

You may want to submit a ticket: https://support.dualthegame.com/


Sounds like you suffered from server issues/desync during the tutorial phase that may have caused issues with the tutorial. There is no way for you to restart it if that is the case, and you'll need to submit and wait for a ticket reply. Request for your game/account to be reset, may be the best bet if you had issues on the initial lander dropping over a planet- this will allow you to restart the tutorial. There is no other way to restart your character/intro.

IF it didn't break, you should be able to push "F4" on your keyboard to open up your map. You should, if the game didn't completely break, allow you to right click on a construct under the "Constructs" tab of the map list to the left, and select "Set as Destination" to put a waypoint to it. Likewise, should be able to sort through and find your territory, if the game registered one on entry. If you have at least a construct/territory in your map menu, then I'm going to assume you "died" on impact, and the game respawned you on a territory you don't own(If this happened, you will see "Last Known Death Position" listed on your map, you can right click that in the map menu, then "Set as Destination"... if that happened your territory/ships/items may be near that location.

Hope that helps,

NotReally ApheIia, formerly known as ApheIia.

Edited by NotReally ApheIia

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