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Schematic tracking


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It would be really nice to have a system in place that showed what schematics you have already purchashed. Like when im at the market if i hover over a schematic, it could say "purchased". Second idea it would be even better if we could see how many our player has of a schematic with out them being in our inventory(s). like at the market when i hover over a schem. i can see how many i already own. 

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Probably only limited usefulness. For example some refinery lines I have 18 or more machines on the same pure. Going to the market and being told I have 18 carbon pure schematics isn’t really going to help me know how many more I need. I suppose being told I have three not assigned could be of use though. 


Also gets a bit bit complex for full on factory guys. I manage three different factories. They have different requirements and needs, and belong to different orgs. It would be hard to be able to get useful information from the market about what I need with that in mind.


Usually when I am going and doing a schematic run (or any market run); I have already purchased all the items I want and I’m just Actually just going to do a pickup.


What would be useful would be to be bring up a virtual display of my factory and all the machines, how they are linked, what machines have what schematics etc. But the developers are very busy right now so let’s leave that to some crazy Lua programmer lol.

Edited by CoyoteNZ
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