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Hi y'all, DU players, NQ staff, visitors...


Did you ever think to cooperate with your worst rivals ?

A strange idea nah ?


What if there was something far more important

than grabbing a few kilo-tons of resources

or playing the one with the biggest (ship) ?

Something like, for example,

  • the construction of stellar gates to travel from galaxies to galaxies,
  • or the annihilation of a meteorite that would threaten to destroy Alioth,
  • or again, the development of a terraforming technology (not the tool every player can already enjoy) to create new planets ...


Of course, accomplishing these goals should be proportionately more difficult* and complex *

than what the game already offers or will offer when released, in single player gameplay, or within an organization ...

and should take several months or even years to be set up (which should give developers time to work calmly?).


* Difficult due to the amount of resources that it would require and the investment at all levels of its implementation
and complex due to the logistical resources to be implemented, the possibility of specific parts and elements to be produced, specific buildings to be constructed ...


... There could be so many reasons to create long- or medium-term accomplishments

and to stimulate massive cooperation between DU players...


I imagine that to ensure the sustainability of such MEGA objectives, 

it would have to consist of almost obligatory civilizational steps

and unlockers of new functionalities, in-game contents or even territories to explore ...

In addition, to avoid the multiplication of disparate initiatives,

it would have to be managed by the NQ team

or, at least an in-game representative, such as the Alephia organization.


Morover, to motivate the players all the more, they should be regularly rewarded for their investment

and offer them in-game services as far as possible and reasonable (protection for example?).


Finally, I think it's a very good idea because it would put the player at the heart of the game

by making him responsible for its sustainability and its posibilities.


It remains to be seen whether this is as interesting for other players and dev team as it sounds to me ;
Sufficient to make new players want or to motivate former players to continue playing ?

and therefore to pay a subscription and therefore to make this game live economically ...


Well, thanks for reading !
Whish you all to have fun on DU !



P.S. : If your r interested into the industry in DU, u coul be interested by my overall synthetic diagram of the inDUstry


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