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Sort Schematics by Industry Unit Type


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Now that schematics have been implemented with the last patch, I went to the nearest market and purchased a decent amount of schematics to use at my small industry. Upon returning to my base I began to load schematics into their respective industry units. I clicked the first industry unit, a smelter, and all of the schematics I had just purchased showed up as an option to put into the smelter.  I sorted through all my schematics and loaded the ones that went to the smelter but it got me thinking about a simple ease of use sorting feature. I propose that only the schematics that can be used in any given industry unit show up when loading schematics. As players acquire more and more schematics it is going to become a pain to have to sort through all of the schematics you own just to find the one you need. This can easily be remedied though with the simple addition of a sorting filter to show only useable schematics. 

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