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Elements with adjustable sizes


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I think it would add a great deal of flexibility if certain elements had adjustable lengths and widths 

For instances tables that you can make longer or benches you can add or remove seats,  windows are another that could benefit from this. 

It would essentially remove the need to have several different sizes of things.


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6 hours ago, Staples said:

I think it would add a great deal of flexibility if certain elements had adjustable lengths and widths 

For instances tables that you can make longer or benches you can add or remove seats,  windows are another that could benefit from this. 

It would essentially remove the need to have several different sizes of things.


Though problem is some elements may need to be size related, like engines for example. A bigger engine should make more thrust, all things being equal, than a smaller engine. Conversely if you shrunk a huge engine down to the size of a pencil may make it harder to hit/be damaged in battle. So there are game play reasons why for certain elements this would be a bad idea.


Also just from a texture issue perspective, scaling up an object may simply make it look bad due to the texture covering it being magnified and pixellated. Food for thought.

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