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Found 4 results

  1. Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen das es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne was es heisst ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: -Miner -Industriespezialisten -Static Designer -Dynamic Designer -Piloten -Trader -Terraformer ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx https://discord.gg/s58VjfeWq8
  2. Hello fellow Noveans, I am Captain Hilts, Call sign "Cooler King". I am designing, building and flying some amazing ships. If you want a ship built for you or you need a lift to somewhere. Just let me know. And if you are looking for an elite team of builders and explorers, and a way to escape the blob; come join me in the Fringe Exoplanet Cartel. Semper Fidelis, Captain Hilts
  3. Join the Bladesin Mercenary Corporation! Are you looking for an Organization that allows any play style? Then look no further! We are here! We want more members in our community, and if you are looking for a place that has zero tolerance for toxicity of any kind, BMC is the one! Currently we have open positions in these Divisions: - Crafting and Science - Mining and Gathering - Trading - Communications - Logistics - Military We are aiming to make a huge gaming community, with Dual Universe in the forefront! If you are interested go to our Community Page Or our Discord and send us a message!
  4. Good day fellow expectant entrepreneurs into this unknown universe. Been keeping track of the DU progress on various media and thought it time to put in my resumé. My name is Eike Sky, I'm a open-minded, flexible person able to accomplish a lot of tasks competently. Predominantly amongst these are my building skills (honed in games such as Space Engineers, Empyrion, and... other voxel-based games), and my piloting, with experience in flight sims from decades ago up until today, as well as a little dabble in Elite Dangerous, however of late, I've not had much time to be able to indulge in that particular fantasy due to this "real life" thing that keeps cropping up. My goal for my existence in Dual Universe is to create the best specialist vehicles at the lowest material cost, and fly them better than anyone else. I have no political alignments other than the belief in the strength of individuals, to make up a whole. I am neither a war monger, or a pacifist, more a nomad, generally. The kind of "work from home" person that deals well with being given some tools and an assignment and being left to it. My communications skills are excellent, though, so if assistance is needed, I am the first to admit a lack of knowledge/experience. If I were to pinpoint a weakness, it would be my lack of knowledge regarding the Lua scripting language, which I will be furthering my knowledge on in the meantime. The purpose of this post is, firstly to introduce myself, and to put forward my application to any Organisation who would make use of my unique skills and viewpoint on the world. I thank you for your time and eagerly await your questions. ~ES
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