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Fringe Exoplanet Cartel [FEC] Motto - "Where few venture, we prosper" An organization focused on pushing all limits and boundaries...for gain. Challenge yourself, and the universe around you. If it hasn't been charted, chart it. If it hasn't been done, do it. Here, there is only one place for living life - on the edge. Do you explore the depth of the universe? Learn its secrets? Take what you find? Develop things pushing the boundries of what's possible? Do you want to gain and prosper from it all? Then join FEC, and lets FEC the system - Explorers(Scaling rewards per resource/discoveries found, partners & engineers will be directed to resources) - Scientists (Scaling rewards per innovation/new invention, 15% of all future sales said innovation brings, remainder goes to securing platform and your intellectual property) - Engineers (Per construct contract, efficiently building ship and base bodies ready for equipment, elements, and combat) - Mercenaries (By contract, or by hour jobs to provide security to FEC and partner bases, including "The Spot") We will have little requirements. You can join loosely as a casual FECer or a hard core FECer, its up to you. Though higher and more critical positions/ranks will logically require more activity, work, and/or contribution. You will be expected to protect organization property and interests when needed. We will also have plans to utilize some form of voicechat (likely Discord) unless such a system is implemented ingame. We will have casual RP (not mandatory). We will operate and work to maintain a organized but fun ANTI or REBEL- system/authority. We will attack/raid/defend and FEC things up of course, but that doesn't mean will tolerate a self destructive toxic environment, cheating/ooc hacking. Expected numbers and size?- Many may have questions about expected goal size of the org, and how large we plan to get. Right now, we're looking to fill 100 slots and no more, however this is dependent on if we implement activity policies, and if we plan to have ships with requiring a larger amount of crew members. It is far too early to say for certain how these systems will effect a desired atmosphere of final desired member count as the game is still in development. However, we can say for certain, we will aim for quality over quantity, a close-nit community, but one with enough to still get the job done. Join our Discord - Want to become a FECer ? Come and lets FEC the system -CLICK TO BECOME A FECer-
- 27 replies
Hello, Welcome to the Outpost Obsidian or o.O for short. This is a place for the DU misfits, outcast, trolls, nomads, lone wolfs and unwanted alike to socialize and make business relations. The in game o.O will have aim to bring social events & activities to experience in due time. Please take the time to read the Obsidian Creed as this is not a place for the weak or careless, and you do not want to get caught going against its members. I the creator of the outpost am a neutral handler that works to bolster the DU experience for my members, I act as a business partner to internal/outside parties to bring business and opportunity through the discord & in-game location. This o.O is a platform for the DU underworld to socialize, rest their feet, conduct business and bolster the resistance of the "Boy Scout" orgs and their linear ways of life. o.O has a public saloon for guests and visitors to enjoy, however only members of the o.O get access to the underground operations. Membership is granted only after proving yourself useful to the o.O as this is a place of covert operations and our members are protected for their efforts! o.O will have internal and external services and activities to be accepted by members for compensation (compensation will vary from materials, cash, information, BP's, etc…). Members get exclusive access to some of o.O perks (black market, gambling, private members saloon, most importantly access to expert Saloons). Members will also get access to in game benefits of the outpost (crates for inventory management, private rooms to rest and craft, outpost events to participate in, etc…). Please message me for details and for exclusive access before we go live. Enjoy and Happy Trolling! Org Expert Role Structure: Board of Bandits-(Trusted members holding Operational Director positions) Creator/Chairman ISO, the founder (head of the Board of Bandits) Director of Engineering TBD-(Manager of Engineer operations) Director of Architecture TBD-(Manager of Architect operations) Director of Assassins TBD-(Manager of Bounty operations) Director of Piracy TBD-(Manager of Piracy operations) Director of Espionage TBD-(Manager of Espionage operations) Director of Mercenary TBD-(Manager of Mercenary operations) Director of Gladiators TBD-(Manager of Gladiator operations) Personnel Roles Member Members are outpost regulars with access to in game perks of o.O as well as private access to the Gambling & Black Market channels Members have no specific duties and can be someone of any skill level or background Members can contribute/apply for specific roles within o.O but only proven members get to carry the roles below. Incognito Invisible role who's contributions are not known outside the Board members. All activities from Incognito roles are proxied thru board member for identity protection This role has no specific duties and can be someone of any skill level or background Typically someone looking to hire/access o.O operations without other members being knowledgeable of involvement (outside org management position preferred) Engineer Active spaceship engineers & designers for contract and inter-organizational functions Engineers are compensated for their expertise in dynamic core production & design Engineers can be builders, designers, project managers or all of the above. (preferably all in one, so they can manage the whole project/contract and work with Director of Engineering for resources) Architect Active architects & designers for contract and inter-organizational functions Architects are compensated for their expertise in static core production & design architects can be builders, designers, project managers or all of the above. (preferably all in one, so they can manage the whole project/contract and work with Director of Architecture for resources) Assassin Active Assassins for contract and inter-organizational functions Assassins are compensated for their expertise in Assassination & head hunting Assassins are hired hitmen to perform contract killings of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably nomad/ lone-wolf players with not outside org affiliation) Pirate Active Pirates for contract and inter-organizational functions Pirates are compensated for their expertise in Smuggling & Thievery Pirates are hired to perform contract smuggling & thievery of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably players/orgs willing to engage in PVP aspects to protect the precious cargo, however a good pirate will fly "under the radar") Spy Active Spies for contract and inter-organizational functions Spies are compensated for their expertise in Sabotage & Reconnaissance Spies are hired to perform contract sabotage & reconnaissance of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably nomad/ lone-wolf players with not outside org affiliation who can penetrate other orgs trust) Mercenary Active Mercenaries for contract and inter-organizational functions Mercenaries are compensated for their expertise in military/organized combat Mercenaries are hired to perform contract group PVP of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably players/orgs willing to engage in large scale PVP aspects, these are hired muscle for protection, forceful PVP operations/military combat or extra PVP combat support) Gladiator Active Gladiators for contract and inter-organizational functions Gladiators are compensated for their expertise in organized PVP battles Gladiators are hired to perform contract battles/showdowns Gladiators are some of the galaxies most feared 1v1 players (preferably players looking to showcase their fierce combat natures in organized events and battles) discord---------
BOO IS ACTIVELY RECRUITING PLAYERS AND ORGANIZATIONS BOO WEBSITE LINK BAND OF OUTLAWS COMMUNITY PORTAL LINK A WORD FROM OUR FANS (LINK) Discord: ________________________________________________________________________ WHO ARE WE? Band of Outlaws is a growing community of gamer's within Dual Universe. Our goal when the game launches is to provide a community environment for all play styles. While our theme and preference leans towards the renegades and outlaws, we are also happy to accept traders, builders, and anything else in between. We want to encourage everyone in Dual Universe who has a heart for a sense of community and gaming to join us, whether as individuals or with your own group. Either way, we have a growing support network that anyone can benefit from. We understand games can be hard to commit to, and acknowledge the fact that people have lives outside of the internet. We won't force you to do anything, the only thing we want you to do is to have fun and play the game your way, hopefully with us among friends. ________________________________________________________________________ THE PLAN: Band of Outlaws wants to create a community for those who wish to play out their inner rebel, whether that be through pirating, smuggling, being a mercenary, a bounty hunter, and everything else in between. That is just a small portion of what our community is going to accomplish, as we have been steadily growing in several other games such as Battlefield 1, Conan Exiles, and several more. We want members to join a family of fellow, like minded internet nerds than just some faction in a singular game. That said, we certainly plan to have Dual Universe as our focus when the game launches, and we have several projects in our development pipeline for our community to participate in when the time comes. I'll list an example of such below. • Project Tortuga: Band of Outlaws plans to accomplish many tasks within Dual Universe with the help of volunteers within our community. We want to create a safe haven for outlaws like you and I, and are planning to construct a free port away from prying organizations who seek to control everything. Dubbed "Project Tortuga", our free port will be available for anyone to use, not just the Band of Outlaws. This project has also been extended to the greater Dual Universe community, and with the help of the Band of Outlaws, we can all have a place to call home. _________________________________________________________ THE OVERVIEW: • Primary language: English primarily. • Time zone: We accept anyone from around the globe. • Goal: To create a support network for players in DU, providing benefits for mercenaries, bounty hunters, you name it. We plan to have several internal services established to let you play out your character in DU. Also, blow things up and make money. _________________________________________________________ WHAT CAN BAND OF OUTLAWS PROVIDE FOR YOU? • Security in numbers: Our safety network will you keep you and your assets safe. • Community: We have a vast network of players with a wide array of goals in the game, we all support each other in and outside of the game world. • Trade: We plan to have a vast trade network, where you can get the best deals by being in Band of Outlaws. • PVP: BOO will need to protect its assets, and we plan to be very aggressive. We will teach you how to fight, and provide you with the ships to do so. • PVE: We're not sure how PVE will be in the game, but we certainly plan to be apart of it as we know many players may not want to do PVP. • Exploring: There is a big galaxy out there, so of course we're going to explore it! _________________________________________________________ WHAT OTHER SERVICES DO BAND OF OUTLAWS PROVIDE? • A discord server that is managed 24/7 with hundreds of members playing various games. • Website/Forums to hang out with other BOO members. (WIP) • An actual gaming community of internet nerds, with the number one focus being fun. This family is open to all. • A chance to help create something unique and inspiring. Come make history with us! _________________________________________________________ HOW DO WE OPERATE? Band of Outlaws is not out to be the next mega corporation with an umbrella controlling every sub-organization within our community. We operate under a general community management system with our Managers and Moderators doing all of the admin work so everyone else can enjoy whatever game we are playing. Within the context of Dual Universe, right now our management for this game is open ended until the game launches and we can see where we need certain positions filled. _________________________________________________________ DBAD CLAUSE - RULE: Band of Outlaws will not drag you down with rule after rule. To sum up how we expect members to behave - don’t be a dick. We’re all here to have fun, and there is no reason to be rude to each other. This includes flaming, hate speech, starting drama etc. Let’s act like grown men and women. This also extends to how members are expected to act towards other organizations/communities. Be respectful, regardless of affiliations. _________________________________________________________ INTERESTED? We are always looking to recruit new players, or organizations within the Band of Outlaws. If living the outlaw life is for you, then this is the best alliance to be apart of. We encourage you to apply immediately, and be apart of the greatest organization made for rebels and outlaws like you. Below will list minor details to help you when you apply to Band of Outlaws. • Applying by yourself as a player? Simply head on over to our community portal and submit an application. Your application will be reviewed, and a voice interview with yourself before we finalize your enrollment. This is simply to make sure we can maintain some sense of security within Band of Outlaws, and that we can both get to know each other and be sure that not only you would be a good fit for us, but that we would be a good fit for you. If you are interested, just apply on our community portal - Band of Outlaws Portal Link • Applying as an organization? We are always looking for other player organizations to join the Band of Outlaws alliance. Being a member of our alliance has benefits that are listed in this post above. Among those, you will benefit mainly from a wide market audience and support network. Band of Outlaws members and organizations are forbidden from openly attacking each other. We are all allies here with the same idea, and we want you to be apart of that. Simply send a private message to Cybrex, and negotiations will be made. If you have any questions regarding Band of Outlaws, please contact Cybrex. BAND OF OUTLAWS COMMUNITY PORTAL LINK
I REWROTE THIS FACTION a lot has changed The Unified Systems of the outer Belt [uSOB]: REVISED WHO are we? We are a pirate group with a little twist: Unlike most pirate groups that have a hidden base and operate locally, we are speed thinly across the universe and operate entirely ship based. This allows us to be highly mobile and operate with most effectiveness as trade routes may change or trade hubs may rise and fall, we are always sure to be near the money flow. Further we involve in a few more delicate activities that require medium or higher ranks inside our faction (view below for ranks and security clearance). Furthermore we are part of BAND OF OUTLAWS WHAT do we do? While pirates may be accused as griefers and mindless destroyers, we are far from that. Our goal is much simpler and yet (arguably) better, we are after money. Lots of money. “I want to have enough money to allow me to just buy some random dude a deathstar and not feel it” –Aison Bold (actual quote from the community discord) How we acquire that money is unlimited in forms, ways or grade of illegality. WHY do we do what we do? It’s simple, in Dual Universe you do not “Do what you want” you “Are who you want”. I want to be rich. That’s it, it’s really that simple. HOW do we do what we do? Well a good pirate wouldn’t tell his prey how he strikes now would he? We raid and steal. And may or may not indulge in other secret activities. Organization: Our organization relies on cell like structures. This diagram explains it better: Explanation: Bottom -> middle -> Top; lowest -> medium -> highest The red lines represents the security clearance: Any one below them only knows about the rank above. Example: An employee/brute knows only (ONLY) about his supervisor, he/she does NOT know who the other supervisors are, what their orders are and where they operate. Example 2: Supervisors know the orders of their “twin” (the other supervisor under the SAME manager) and of their manager NOT of the other supervisors/managers. This is done to make sure that information stays in the faction. How an order is issued: 1. The Executioner tells one (or both) of his speakers that there is a certain (main-) task that needs to be done and assigns it to one (or both) (tasks may stack/one manager may have multiple tasks). 2. The speakers assign one (or both) of their managers an (sub-) task to either fulfill or help fulfilling the main task the executioner assigned. 3. The Manager briefs his supervisors, who then brief their respective employees and brutes who then get respective orders to fulfill the sub task, thus also helping to fulfill/fulfilling the main task. Specialists: Specialists are people who have focused themselves singularly on one task and are mediocre too horrible at any other (due to their skills) They assist the executioner who may assign them to somebody or directly supervise them. Gameplay: we focus on money and player freedom thus these laws apply: 1. Anything we do is in some form responsible for a profit gain, this may be direct or indirect. 2. Players won’t be limited to doing something they don’t want to do, if somebody doesn’t want to fulfill a task he is free to say so without fearing penalties. 3. Supervisors (and above) are free to go on raids or other activities with their sub ordinaries. 4. Dont be an asshole Community Portal: See you in the game