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Found 4 results

  1. If NQ made decorative items non-destructible ship builders would be more likely to use them to decorate their ships and make them look great. Builders and players avoid decorations because they do not like having to repair dozens (or more) of items all over the ship. Removing destruction from decorative items would negate the need for dynamic properties to be stored on many of the elements considered decorative. I am proposing this because of the overwhelming support I have received from everyone I've talked to about this.
  2. The dismounting constructs and ships (current and upcoming) leads to serious issues in trading and manufacturing. Could you please add a mechanic to destroying elements in the constructs (both static and dynamic) owned by other players? Also I would like to have mechanic for capturing tiles of active players. I'm not talking about pvp on the planets. It seems impossible at this stage. However, it should be a way how to attack and defend the constracts and tiles. Attack with destruction of the elements and voxels. Possibly, NPC can help with something. You promised the territory wors
  3. I am curious if there is or will be total ship/construct destruction? Or are elements infinitely repairable? If they are infinitely repairable, then it would be pointless to be a shipyard org or ship builder. Those types of orgs/jobs would not be economically sustainable. I have been searching for any current data/post stating as much. More information would be much appreciated.
  4. will there be a way to damage terrain from space? and if so will it be fully withing the rules to completely destroy planets? although it would take a long time to create and would take a lot of power to function but will there ever be any weird way that you can completely destroy planets? and if so how much trouble if any would you get in? if there are no traditional guns that will fire that far could you have a ship fly into it and damage terrain and if it was going faster would it make a bigger hole? on top of all that how would the servers handle such a large amount of destruction?
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