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Found 7 results

  1. Just wondering what you guys think. To get the ball rolling, I've decided to post something that I've posted on other forums (about movies and games): Of course there's not much of a story in Dual Universe, so perhaps the lore isn't compelling as an actual story in a movie or game. So the futuristic stuff is just a backdrop in this game. Perhaps the game isn't really an example of good sci-fi....
  2. This may go a little off-topic, but I still think it relates to Dual Universe. After watching the Summer Games fest today and thinking about what kinda games would appeal to me, I was able to get a better idea of what I want from a sci-fi/futuristic/space game. It would be about exploring (and I guess, perhaps building) cool futuristic buildings and structures such as corridors, space stations, cities and stuff like like that. You can also have the chance to have PvP if you want in those buildings and structures. Also, I'd also like a game that shows the wonders of future settings and space. A game that makes you think how cool this sci-fi stuff is and want you to go into space in real life. A game that triggers that...sense of wonder. I think that's why games like Dual Universe and Starbase appealed to me in particular.
  3. Apologies if this is a stupid question, but this is one of those games where it seems more fun to talk about ideas than actually play. We've talked about the various games that influenced DU, such as EVE, as well as games that it in turn influenced, such as Starbase. But what about movies, books, and other forms of sci-fi? JC frequently discussed the influence of "Ready Player One" on the game. Maybe DU could borrow more stuff from the Gene Roddenberry works for example (Star Trek, Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, and so on.) As for what, I don't know exactly (although I think people have already considered adding stuff from these IPs.)
  4. One of the most important aspects of a work of science fiction (game or otherwise) is the ability for it to convey a sense of wonder. Wonder...it's a feeling of awakening caused by the expansion of one's awareness of what's possible (paraphrased from Wikipedia.) Does or did Dual Universe ever give you a sense of wonder? To what degree? What could be done to improve the game's ability to convey this feeling? I admit I did get a sense of wonder about building my first ship which was able to just even fly. After being stuck running and/or hovering on the ground for perhaps a few hours or days, I felt awestruck even just being able to create something that could fly. Once I was able to reach space, I had even more of this fabled sense of wonder. I think the game does convey a lot of wonder but there could always be more things to add to the experience. As many people have said, the planets could look more interesting and have more varied environments - this would make exploring more fun. Space itself could also use more features to be able to convey this wonder.
  5. -(Expensive) and/or (Hard to Obtain) for more of a end-game item. Massive amounts of materials. Much higher than say the expanded gate xL. -Impulse drive would replace adjustors providing even full power to pitch,roll,yaw etc. -Impulse drive would replace the need for wings in atmospeheric planets and provide lift itself. - XS, S, M, L Impulse drive sizes for different various weight capacities. (Should not replace AGG infinte weight)(Smaller scale depending on impulse drive size). -Impulse drive would also provide some lower ground vertical boost without the need for the visualization of vert booster or needing one. -Would use the energy system soon to be implemented instead of current fuels. (Imagine the Energy system will need its own kind of fuel? So would use that?) -Impulse drives would work like a atmo/space engine so will need to be placed similarly. -Should have a core of some kind, of a secondary item it links to, to draw its power(instead of a fuel tank). Which would also power the lift, pitch, roll, yaw, vert boost of the ship. -Makes for a cleaner ship appearance potentially. -Would not replace current ships requiring adjustors, wings, vertical boosters. They are their own style people will still build those kind of ships. Also since it will be hard and expensive to make not everyone will have these impulse drives right away. -Benefits economy and ship makers who sell their designs. -Can't use AGG with an impulse drive. -Promotes people to take risks to obtain what is needed for it in PvP.
  6. Discuss in comments if you wish.
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