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Found 5 results

  1. I will be doing some giveaways on my twitch stream for Dual Universe and probably some other games in the future. I plan to stream Dual Universe when the NDA is lifted. I stream at random times and have a variety of games I am currently playing. If you guys can show some love and follow. https://www.twitch.tv/addictedsin
  2. As we promote ourselves as the City that never sleeps we are looking for Timezone City managers. For Perks and Conditions, just poke me. Working hours are related to your Time zone. As a City Manager you will get "A partial floor including a private dock within his/her appointed part of the city. In the restoration period of Tranquility the materials for building this room and parkingspot are partially the residents responsibility, but the materials will be returned in Salary ASAP". We will be needing anything between 4 and 16 Managers, Please sent your application in the "Joining" post. Joining can be done on this page: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/tranquility
  3. Just curious, From release, there is going to be an incredibly competitive market, which will inevitably create a huge demand for service providers. What types of job titles are people thinking of claiming in-game? What kinds of services are people thinking of providing? What would you call it for marketing purposes? Have you pre-established any rates of compensation for your work? Are they in relation to any other game/job outside Dual Universe? Do you have any marketing techniques planned to grow your business? Dual Universe seems to provide some cool opportunities for people with skills and education gained in real life. Do your chosen in-game professions relate to any skills/job titles you have outside the game? (3d modeling, logistics, architects, programmers, etc..) Do your skills outside DU give you a step up in-game? Do you think your expertise will play a part in your in-game status? Do you plan on profitting from your talents, or working on your own masterpiece? If you were going to make a list of in-game professional titles, based off of all available information, what would it contain?
  4. Even though I probably wont be able to get this game, I want to know Is Dual Universe going to be free? I know a lot of other people would be wondering this and if it does cost, how much will it cost? I would love to get this game and if I end up being able to get it I would want to know how much it would cost. This is going to be useful to a lot of other people too.
  5. Hello and good day fellow DU Pioneer With this topic i'd like to introduce the Society Observing Universal Life. A less complicated connection for people who want to focus more on gameplay and not administrating some corporation, organization, or any sort of order with rank and privileges. Instead of privileges and authority which many others have, you will be pleased by being free from such burdens. Soul will not be an anarchy, hierarchy, monrachy nor any capitalism, theocracy or anything like that. If you need anything to compare it could be called anarchy or more likely equalism. Yes there will be members who do some chores for SOUL but that is all voluntary and all are free to do so as well or never engage in chores. Only two easy rules: 1. Treat members as equals and remain neutral to the Universe, you are free to do what you do on your own responsibility. 2. Attend the meetings which are neither regular, nor are only announced by officials. Every member will have authority to call for meetings. (Will be further explained for members) There is no requirement for joining, but since some roleplayers tend to do funny things ill elaborate a few details: a.) In case you are part of a rival faction of another members faction, it is in your own interest to treat each other equally and not as enemys unless you are in a battlefield fighting for your faction. Meaning if you do fight eachother, it will not be as members of SOUL. So when you two are alone and not on orders by your other factions superior, its rational to treat eachother as SOUL members. b.) Should your intention for joining be the gathering of information (spying, eavesdropping, etc.) you are free to do so, as a neutral and free group it may also be possible that members will be trying to help or sabotage your activity. Meaning that we do not care about spys in our midst. Since DU is still in progress and undergoing changes, so is it possible that SOUL will change.
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