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Hey Guys So far I thought that this would be the best game ever made and I told all my friends about it and they where all impressed. But recently I saw something which makes me really really sad. I've also planned to pay the 60Dollar Pac to support this Game but then i saw that you have to pay a monthly abonomment to play! So that only these people can play which have enough mony to spend each month (which I'm not because I'm in study) and just think about that. I personally think that the most potential players won't be older people with much money, instead younger players like me... I would be ready to pay once a big amount like 70Dollars because then it woudn't matter when I can't play one month because of study or vacation. And there was also a staff which said that you can buy this DAC's with ingame money. Don't you think it's sad that only the 24/7 players and the richer people are able to play this Game (yes there is a Free trial but don't count on that, because thats only a month or so) If you want to made money, then make premium stuff, there will be enough people which will spend big amount of money for better things. Also if it would be "pay for win" there would at least be more people which play the game instead that the most don't play the game because of the monthly abonomment. So then you have less people which pay a small amount of money instead more people which pay premium stuff which will ad up to more money. What do you think about that? i personally would be very very sad of that and please all the staffs in the community think about that!!! Kind Regards
Everyone has been saying that DACs can be turned into Quanta, so by chance does anyone know how many DACs equals 1 Quanta
So, I don't know if this has been something already discussed or not, but I haven't seen it anywhere or on other MMOs for the most part. So this is more or less a suggestion/idea from people who have really inconsistent schedules or important things to do on the fly. Whether they may be firefighters, military, essential police somewhere there are few, and etc. The idea is simple. Have game-time actually mean game-time. Or maybe the better term is play-time for some people. What I mean by this is that you only use your game-time while actually playing the game. To me it seems like a simple idea that would help a lot of people out who suddenly have something to do, or just a big change to their schedule for the week /month. So they don't lose what they actually paid for. Maybe that person is a soldier who just finds out that he is getting deployed in a few days, right after he/she has purchased/redeemed a DAC. (yes I've personally been in this situation with game time before). Or maybe it's just some Joe who buys 30 days but only plays for a week of actual time due to emergency calls. Why should their "game clocks" still be ticking if they aren't playing? I know it's not much of a technological stretch to keep track of the hours people play. I know that there are others who would like to support these essential personnel. I know that many knows that it's the big corporations that just want more people's money. What do you guys have to say? You guys think that it's absolutely impossible to pay monthly bills/expenses this way? To me it seems like a simple question of the amount of players, daily revenue, and average play time. I mean sure tons of people could suddenly stop playing and throw a basic matter of equations off, but couldn't that happen in any payment system?
So as some people may or may not know, EVE Online just announced some changes to its long held PLEX system, which the DU DAC system is heavily based off of. Based on the reactions of people, I thought it might be worth discussing that here and what people do and don't like about the changes they made. First off: what was the old system? The traditional system goes like this: Player A buys a PLEX from CCP for real money and then receives the PLEX in their character's inventory. Player A can then redeem the PLEX for one month of subscription time or sell that PLEX to Player B for ingame money/items. It's an elegant system that let's people play for free or gather more currency, depending on their circumstances without making the game be pay-to-win. DU's DAC system will function a lot like this. Today, they announced several changes: They split each PLEX into 500 pieces. They created a "PLEX Vault" which allows players to keep their PLEX safe. They merged PLEX with their other currency for buying cosmetic items. The idea behind this seems to be to make PLEX more accessible and easier to deal with, as well as reducing the need to have multiple ways to buy cosmetic items since they are all now going to be using the same currency. Not to mention trying to entice more people to buy it. However, there are some common criticisms I noticed. 500 is not a very good number to divide a month into; it would be much better to divide it into something like 720 so that each piece would be worth an hour. You still need to gather one month's worth of PLEX to actually redeem it, so cutting it down into smaller increments is rather pointless. The PLEX Vault is poorly explained so it may provide a way of eliminating the risk of transporting PLEX. Dividing it into more items might cause the overall price to rise. I do like the idea of having it in slightly smaller increments, like perhaps each DAC represents a week of game time, and could be redeemed as such. What does everyone else think?
2 DACs (value: 2 months of game time). Ok so from what i see on the pledge badges at this link : I those pledge choices it say you get given DACs (dependent on the pledge you chose), and DACs' short description is month/gametime... So is this game going to force people to pay every month to play this game? If so then how much is the initial cost of the game going to be??? Charge us a fortune to get the game and then charge us monthly to keep playing the game.....? What about the poor guys out there that manage to save up just enough money to buy your game and then not be able to play because of monthly fees.... What about the guys that can afford monthly fees but then have something happen to them that their income is not good enough to cover your monthly fees and wont be able to get the hefty refund of the game purchase price,(because we all know that there is going to be a massive purchase cost on this game).... How many people are not going to play your game, or play it and leave (#world of warcraft) .. I don't think it will be fair to players like myself if there are monthly subs to play this game. If you guys want to make money off people that have the luxury of being able to spend money on a game after original purchase then I think you guys need to make stuff for premium players or BOUGHT content that a normal player cannot get without using a credit card,( and trust me you guys will make plenty of money out of the people that can afford the luxury). So put in paid content but also don't restrict the poor players from getting anything. Let everyone get access to all content but just have to work harder at the game than those rich people who can afford said luxury's.... Please please please do not put in monthly subs, you will destroy many peoples hopes and excitement for this game!
- 34 replies
- DACs
- Monthly Fees?
- (and 3 more)
Sand, all up in my junk – Part 2 “RONALD” The world started to come back into focus around Stier, but the infirmary’s Interface was blaring an unfamiliar name at him. “MCNALDO?” Then it clicked. As far as the Arkship was concerned, that was his name. Before the ships left earth, occupants had to sign themselves into the new database after security checks. The UMF’s official records were on a much older system so the administrators were not able to import it automatically. During the sign-in process, some of the colonists changed their name and Stier wanted to see how far he could push it so he entered a phony one as a joke. He wasn’t able to change it of course, so he was teased mercilessly during the simulations. The infirmary’s interface was designed to look a bit like a smiley face. There is so much voice communication from the AI that having a face to go with the voice was supposed to be comforting. Waking from cryosleep or in the resurrection node was a traumatic affair, but this grim mask of death of an interface made it all worse during the simulations. In the flesh it was much more pleasant now that its entire surface is plastered in Greetz Puppy stickers. EDIT: Sticker now in user signature as reference. *Greetz Puppy was a pop-culture brand originating from the late 21st century. The brand went mega-corp prior to the establishment of the Emporium. As the UMF encountered funding issues with the construction of the ARK Ships, Greetz Puppy was one of the mega-corps that provided the rest of the funds needed for launch. These stickers or “cosmetics” were provided to the colonists as part of a marketing campaign. “WELCOME BACK TO THE ARK SHIP, YOU DIED!” stated the collage of stickers. A brief look around revealed that most of the medical bay was peppered in the things. Death wasn't nearly as painful as he thought it would be, turned out it was a lot like going AFK. A quick check revealed that Stier… Ronald actually, still had his starting balance of U2’s and all of his DAC’s. As predicted thieves only managed to steal some sand, and some now very sandy protein matter. Ronald topped up his personal energy and protein stores and headed down to the landing site. Town wasn’t what he was hoping it would be by now. There were only a couple of polished-looking permanent structures and the earth was littered with pits and scattered shapes matter-formed out of dirt and stone. The MODs (Maturity Office Directors) have been quick to remove the obviously phallic shapes, but the more abstract ones loom around the landing site like a lower-school Stonehenge. The most active Alphas have either already left the safe-zone or are still AFK (away from konsciousness) from the Beta. Shortwave chat data is mostly omegas trying to figure out how to use their Nanoformer, or Betas trying to rob each other. Ronald had an idea that it would end up like this. Transitioning from the Alpha simulations to the Beta revealed a critical design flaw of the Nanoformer. The Nanoformer taps directly into the nervous system for its input, which allows the user to collect, deposit, and form matter with only a little practice. That asset is also its flaw, since much like many of the body’s organic systems, it behaves erratically when that neural connection is violently severed. When you die your bowels tend to… evacuate, and so does your Nanoformer. U2’s and DAC’s were never matter to begin with, and were tied to DNA to prevent violent theft from becoming a problem, but this flaw in the Nanoformer made it possible. Beta was a bloodbath compared to Alpha, and the real deal is turning out to be quite a bit like simulation. Welcome to the Wild West. Previous update here
- Fan Fiction
- After Landing
- (and 8 more)
HELLO TO YOU ALL, i hope you had a great christmas time. NOW, i have another question about upgrades of the pledge. example: I got the pledge GOLD 120€, it contents 23 DACs. If i upgrade my pledge to SAPHIRE with 50 DACs, means that i get the DACs added to 73 DACs or it will then just 50 DACs like the latest step of the pledge? Sorry if i ask too much, lol ... but ... i am a newbie =) Thank you for now .. Floyd