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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Warden

  1. If you know (or were / are into) roleplaying, perhaps you know the idea behind or popularity of "character themes".


    For some it is a measure of giving their characters ... well, more character. Or to underline a certain mood, as music (often) makes mood and evokes certain emotions. Or, some like certain underlying messages or lyrics within songs or music. But it is also relative. Here is an attempt at a "theme" with the lyrics rather than the music hinting at a potential backstory. I personally consider the music to be powerful regardless, but perhaps some dislike the genre or presentation.


    So to help us or in this case more specifically me assess whether we should proceed with themes in general and then perhaps the choice of music, let us know what you think. Your input helps.


    And perhaps this post encourages or motivates other users and organizations to come up with character or organization themes. Most organizations find a visual definition (via logos for example) - but do they find an audio one, too? Not so much.



    You be the judge.






  2. The devs could add a "heal" function in the algorithm for areas not claimed by players for the ground to heal slowly with time, but that would cause problems if players were to be connecting two areas with underground pipelines, using one site as a mega power plant that powers an entire planet worth of settlements.


    For these precise reasons I'm against this. There's an easy fix that won't net you the materials that were once there, however: players have to fix it up themselves or at least make it look nice on the surface if they dislike it.


    But this in turn provides gameplay and concept opportunities for player groups. Think of "Greenpeace in Space" or just some state or private restoration project. I saw the same in Minecraft once already.


    In the particular server community, there was only one safe space: the city all new players spawned in. Beyond the walls you were either in no man's land or faction territory. The immediate area around the city looked like a mess so we had a private restoration project to make it a bit more green and look less like a (used up) minefield.

  3. The effect would be less noticeable (and "prolonged") the bigger the planets and playable universe are.


    If you look at Minecraft and the Civilization Server (Civcraft), I bet the same map or build I briefly played on many years ago is still in use and it doesn't look ugly. Then again that had a map size of about 15 x 15 km I think. In MC terms that is quite large and you have to resort to public transportation to get across the regions in a timely manner. 


    Of course in DU there may be more "void" than usable or transformable hard material, but if the numbers above are correct for planets, it could become a non-issue.


    You can still think of something if this turns bad after years. An option would be "recycling" or ways to obtain certain materials in a more "green fashion" so you do not have to dig up the ground as much. Another option would be randomly generated asteroids that fly around space so you could resort to utilizing space rocks rather than planetary materials.

  4. The lore or setting itself already hints at relative freedom. Earth with existing structures is no more or generally out of touch.


    You have various ark ships that start anew with various (player) factions and they all more or less start again at the same time.


    This means they all have to develop on their own. The rest is natural selection and luck.


    So unless the devs make one, it's all player dictated more or less.

  5. You cannot expect to deploy these weapons like candy just for "trolling"; as loner anyway. Or it would be rare.


    So you require a group. But then it would mean war or other nasty retaliation. I like to think that deploying these weapons against others shouldn't be taken lightly.

  6. My bad, in fact. I did not clarify.


    I wasn't referring to ingame mechanics or occurrences with my last post and rather thinking about assets that exist beyond the game. And while gameplay matters, these out of game assets are usually both substantial for an organization(forums, voice comms, etc) and yet often out of touch for potential "ursurpers".


    Like a hard barrier you often cannot (easily) overcome. Meaning that you have do branch out there at the latest.


    Better example: you suffer internal org struggles. Someone or some faction tries to "coup". While you can take over assets or sabotage them ingame, how can you fully do the same on a forum, etc, if someone can shut down access or close the money sink keeping the sites afloat?


    To summarize, my point is that these scenarios usually require some sort of asset replacement beyond the game if you want to "take over". Usually someone holds a tight grip on out of game assets so you may as well branch out and do you own thing.

  7. I do not get the whole "coup" or "trying to obtain leadership with force" thing however. RP completely aside. How will one do that proper or effectively if someone has all the technical rights, runs the virtual assets, etc.? Most of the time I can't see a proper effective way to do this unless that "ursurper" has sufficient rights already or intends to fill any potential holes with their own version.


    What is more likely is that there will be some splinter factions that become their own separate entities. In short, full power grabs including all assets are rather unlikely.

  8. It's a bit like asking: "How long can I lift these weights? How can I prevent eventual exhaustion?"


    And the answer is: That depends. On you. And in the context of the topic many other things.


    In the end, it is natural selection and causality at work. You could also consider physics. What goes up eventually goes or comes down again. Larger player groups , depending on their structure and 'quality control' are often more fragile, but certain small groups could be just as well.

  9. In principal the idea is good, in practice in game voip tends to be so poorly implemented most people don't even try to see if it works they just use whatever they've been using for every other game. 


    I don't dislike the idea, but i don't think it will be widely used even if implemented.


    I suppose that is the key aspect: quality. If the quality and not just quality but "usefulness" is good enough, people will use this. This is especially useful for those who do not have any voice server or similar. Regardless of prices or free versions, the could start right away instead of somehow finding a place first.


    Just mentioning this as potential positive side effect for some.


    Time will tell.

  10. That's the thing: You don't have to. The in-game option may feature this (if the devs want to add it). Perhaps you can turn it off or customize it further ingame. Even if it was standard ingame, simply use TS or something else then.


    Everyone profits.


    As for the global aspect, I guess I'd consider that "immersive" (regardless of whether it can be annoying in specific situations): Many ark ships, different cultural imprints, many languages. *Shrug*

  11. Armed Assault provides good examples how these things can be incorporated into the game, even in an immersive fashion. Besides, if implemented like that you do not have to fiddle around or alt-tab as you change channels, potentially often.


    Then again I do not expect something like in Arma for starters, but it is a good example nevertheless. It even adds certain sound effects. I'm generally a fan of ingame comms if they are a thing, as you can then also incorporate local chatter which is always useful when interacting with strangers or others in your vicinity. Your average external voice software cannot offer this (without plugins and modification tailored to the game). Is it redundant or does it have no more uses? Of course not, external voice comms are still useful as you do not have to be in a game to communicate or to be "reachable" - but any in-game solution may have advantages.

  12. We have some multimedia additions planned for the near future. They will be added here once they are done.


    With this said, we also look for those interested in multimedia creation. You know how to craft logos or edit something into something greater, for example? You have experience with video editing? There is enough work to be done and very good results may net reasonable monetary rewards - but it shouldn't be the main motivation if we consider membership.


    Apart from this, those with some roleplaying experience are also more ideal candidates as we'd like to craft a more detailed background that fits into this particular setting.


    And last but not least we look for those interested in creating a news-style group that will cover various occurrences later on.


    Let us work together and create something that will last.

  13. With the new site in place and use, I still think it may be a good idea to have a dedicated forum section for player groups. After all, they continue to use the forum.


    This would "untangle" player and org introductions a bit. Of course you could do it the other way around, too, and create a new section for player introductions. Whatever results in less work.

  14. when ever DU gets a full release i wouldn't be surprised if it takes several months before a proper fully fledged government-like body would appear (with any real power). What we as the players would see at the start would be the formation of numerous corporations that only really have influence within themselves.

    But when a government body does appear and depending on what type of government it is the regular player would have to abide by that governments laws, taxes and regulations in government controlled areas. And if you were a citizen of said Nation the laws/taxes would extend to you even if you were out of government controlled areas. But being a citizen for a said nation would also have its benefits, such as unobstructed travel within governments lands, rights to own land under your name, Trade discounts, Citizen safety backed by army, the list goes on.

    I wouldn't really be a guy that would like to start up one but if one comes around and that their benefits fit my needs i would like to apply for citizenship no matter what government type it is. 


    Oh look its a Feudal Kingdom on this here Moon. they said they have cake. lets join :3


    In some scenarios, I'd compare Corporations to nations in terms of laws and whatnot.


    If they have some turf out in space they can set the same rules or enforce them, depending on what forces they have. Quasi nations or governments basically. But it depends.

  15. When being forced to decide what rough 'type' organization (nation, clan, cult, company etc.) to create I considered the same aspects. And honestly, unless you are or plan to become bigger I wouldn't automatically aim for a nation or government type of org because you have more to cover on paper.


    While it seems lucrative to have that, I'm quite happy to have picked a Corporation or private entity on purpose because interaction with other groups becomes way easier (to me anyway). And if need be you can still "upgrade" to a nation.


    I like to point out that the Helghan from the Killzone universe actually were a corp wit the same name and became a nation or empire so to speak. I don't see the same flexibility the other way around (gov to corp) while keeping it consistent.


    Regardless of my preferences I wish all (or most, not you space terrorists) luck in their endeavors.

  16. It is also tied to certsin requirements, however, meaning that you have to get to that point or have such an industry first.


    I can relate as someone from a particular European nation that ships goods here and there and to some extend outfits other armies with nation specific designs.


    I suppose if they ever add weapon creation and customization it may be easier to do, but still. I think one can compare to ships, roughly.

  17. Generally in favor for this if this is tied to some other factor, for example you can only do it if someone steps into a special scanner for this purpose, it's on your faction turf (pat down) or if it's possible anywhere but with some obvious reasonable time (like a meter) that shows you the inventory if it's succesful. Aka if the subject does not move for like a dozen or two dozen seconds.


    Or if someone is unconscious, if that will be a thing.

  18. I'm still generally in favor. If I look at Minecraft (correct me but I think it wasn't specifically advertised as 'survival game' but it had a survival mode nonetheless with food consumption) that is a good example where the whole "You have to eat once in a while" played a not so small factor in gameplay. It was more fun and challenging.


    Especially on some civilization-like servers you had to find food first or go to major cities that had public farming areas or food boxes to get by. You had to consider this as you built your hideout or organization base. If we consider this but notable slow down food consumption, I really see no hassle for DU if you indeed have to eat once in a while where "once in a while" would be every few real life hours or a bit less.


    For me that seems perfectly acceptable and it all makes sense if food items are playing a role beyond just body health but medicine etc, as Cadavus mentioned.


    Of course others are against it for whatever reason, but in the end you can argue back and forth or repeat yourself. What is a relative fact is that you can find arguments in favor and against survival mechanics (not just food). Over time and after many discussion threads, these pros and cons should be relatively known.


    If there is no clear obvious community trend, I say let the developers decide in what direction they want to take their game. The rest is a question of prolonged feedback and tweaking.

  19. At best you could hope to be early or hope that (late) beta chars don't get wiped completely. Then again if we're talking about a full name, first and last name or similar then chances are you should be fine. In theory. I don't think there will be any reservations before you are able to create chars in the game.

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