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Alpha Tester
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  • Alpha

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  1. Great news to see that LUA stuff still receives love. Limit increases are very welcome. What I wait the most for LUA is emitter/receiver fixes. Declared range of them should be granted reliably for LUA uses. Unfortunately elements get unloaded really fast right now, you basically need to stand nearby for them to work. This, in my opinion, kills whole idea. If element is connected to link network where receiver exists, it should be loaded when traffic within relevant channels is happening. If that element is PB, this PB needs to be able to run even if it is at max distance emitter/receiver can work. General note. If you really still bet on user generated content, you need to make sure that it is in fact doable. VPT (one of the best tools in DU) alone is not going to cut it. For static shapes based content the largest issue is that people can't unseat their ships without restarting the game in more developed areas like D6 neighborhood (if you can fly in and land there without issue, if you can walk there while stuff is being streamed in without issue, there is no real excuse why people can't unseat without downloading the whole world first). If you want player created campaigns, missions, mini worlds, games, services, you need to provide ways to run relevant scripts without requirement to stand nearby and stare into involved PBs for them to attempt to do their work. 🤷‍♂️
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