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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by jrhod99

  1. Agreed I was thinking that too but couldn't come up with a good solution for that. I thought maybe you could keep finding better plants to grow ones that healed more, but I don't want after time plants becoming over powered such as you run crazy fast and one leaf heals you completely. Along the lines of your post I think that limiting their growth would really help, so would insane production costs. To solve this one option is to make them rare but not that rare, have them be a commodity that is bought and sold but make them hard to come by, through specially growing/processing requirements so that the market isn't flooded. Another option would be to make them common and treat those plants like all the others. So orgs can mass produce healing plants or boost plants and then sell them like you would food to populations of people.

  2. Agreed on the clothing, would much prefer to have awesome clothes to wear over this, just presenting a possible solution to solve the copyright issues, and yea I would much prefer to have the leader give an actual live speech then some butchered bulletin message. Assuming that people have the ability to locally turn them off I think that speeches or recorded audio messages should be fine as they would be created in game free of copyright probably using the regular voice talking system. The issue is if music is added because giving people the ability to add music means that either it has to be created in game, taking alot of dev time or NQ has to monitor everything that gets added for copyright which is feasibly impossible. So yea maybe in the far future music can be created in game so there isn't copyright issues but for now, I want my epic looking clothes.


    Thanks, Jared

  3. I love the idea of being able to grow food, especially good food. A simple genetics system with a few variables. How heathy, how liquidy?, how nourishing, how fast growing, how, much yield would add a ton of interest into the game. It would allow for differences in diets and preference while also creating jobs. Heath regen rate should be determined by both current heath how fed/hydrated are you in addition to long term heath, have you eaten nothing be cheap unhealthy stuff for the past weeks. Therefor finding/growing nutritious crops is a must for orgs. Also in addition to nutrition plants should also serve as buffs. Such as finding a plant with healing properties or plants that increase your running speed, Then you bring that plant home grow it somewhere and make what I guess would be drugs of them to help people do what they are doing. These plants though would be extremely rare and thus very valuable encouraging exploration. These special plants could be specifically added or just a percent chance when a new plant species is created on a plant along with all the other variables it would have attached to it.

  4. As far as terraforming a planet goes I see a way to simplify it down so that you can do so without massive drain, it would still require quite a bit of processing however if you had a few things listed below

    - Gases

    - Temperature

    - Access to resources

    First off terraforming a planet would be a massive undertaking one of which probably only a massive corporation could do, or a large number of people all doing it but not together. Gases would be critical if an atmosphere is mostly co2 people can't breath there. To fix that you need plants. But if just planting them were enough that would be unrealistic and boring people would just go around planting them randomly and would make it relatively easy. So what you do is have plants only able to live on planets with enough water present. This meaning forming oceans/bringing oceans to the planet. Melting icecaps of some feasible. Then when enough water is present small plants can grow. The water present means that the rain cycle with exist watering plants. Habitable worlds already have this. However to make it even more interesting plant should need a specific temperature to live. To increase a planets temperature you have to give it a thicker atmosphere. To do so you need plants, or other methods that I won't go into such as CO2 factories and such. So what you need are plants that can live in the low water/cold environment of barren worlds to improve the atmosphere so that you can bring in other normal plants. Final point is that since you are thickining the atmosphere with green house gasses, at some point it would become toxic. So you couldn't take a pluto like planet pump it full of gas and then live on it because the air would be toxic despite the temperatures being ok.


    To pull this off you need a few things.

     - You need to keep a count of the plants on the world. This could be done by doing random sampling of the worlds surface as server processing permits to determine the percentage vegetation. CO2 factories and such would have to be factored in after if they are added. This could determine the level of gases I suggest only 2 for simplicity, Oxygen, and CO2. Then players would die if the percentage of Oxygen was too low. Maybe they suffocate slower the higher it is, with there being a level at which living without extra oxygen would be possible aka a habitable planet. CO2 would be necessary for warming the planet the higher the CO2 the warmer the planet but too much would start killing people on the planet, meaning a pluto like planet can't be terraformed. Making the gases levels instead of ratios allows players on habitable worlds to still build freely since CO2 and Oxygen are independent you can have as many plants on the surface without worrying about the planet freezing.


    - Water would also be needed to terraform a planet, where it comes from does not matter to me but it would need to exist. For this you could also do random sampling to determined how much water was on the planet averaging multiple random samples to get the most accurate picture. Then once water exists life has to be brought to the barren planet in the form of a plant that can exist in the current conditions. This plant could then spread with the help of random placement generation starting with the original plant as the epicenter, then once enough is covered you can have a breathable atmosphere and so on.


    You would need separate unique species of plants, the ability to transport and replant them, the above mention scripts for monitoring planets, and a unique tag for each planet that set the starting conditions for each of those values to make terraforming possible, but I think it would be amazing and a very realistic system that could be implemented similarly to how I have described.


    Thanks for reading Jared(Yeager)

  5. Personally I love the idea of fountains, and my goal is to be able to create an actual stone castle. Also I really, really, really want to be able to do landscaping with vegetation such as potted plants. I assume I will be able to build artificial lakes and ponds, that combined with fountains a castle and perfectly groomed trees and bushes would be amazing. (Leaving feasibility aside)

  6. What I think should happen is there be a way to add music in or add audio but it be created on site. So it wouldn't be you upload and MP3 file but instead type out the message you want to send or pick the notes you want it to play all in game that way they don't have to worry about copyright because everything would be created right there. Kind of like making songs with minecraft note blocks but easier.

  7. I think that finding unique areas would be awesome. However I don't like quantifying it to a single thing, anomaly charge. So I feel finding an area where gravity is messed up yes, being able to know where it would show up or even worse create it I think no. Kind of like an asteroid belt, you can hide in an asteroid belt and use it. So yea an anomaly that takes out sensors or screws up communication static whatever would be cool, but I would leave them as a natural sort of thing that can be useful.

  8. Within the game war with no doubt exist, however I do like the idea of corporations having a more controlled environment in which to do battle. NQ probably won't regulate this but I can envision there being a tournament type of thing. Like every 10 solar years or whatever all the large corporations go to a specific sector free of civilian casualties and have a massive war, be it a capture the flag, king of the hill whatever, and by that determine a ranking of corporations. The reward of going and winning would be the respect you gain. Like if I were a raiding group selling black market goods. Would I ally myself with the 1st corporation the one who beat all the others or the 10th. So the incentive would be trading deals and stuff like that in addition to striking fear into others.

  9. I believe that whatever form it comes in communication with the masses is a must. Almost every real government around the globe takes time to create carefully constructed media pieces. These are created usually for a purposes, to rally people, to get something accomplished, to prepare for war. Imagine the impact of a president of a large corporation in this game, who is much to powerful for you to meet for now, and relaying a message about the greatest threat your corporation has yet to face. And asking his planets to rally together and prepare. So while I definitely agree to monitoring the messages, I feel like they are a necessary part of running a large scale government of any kind. Without them what you would probably get is a whole bunch of large militant groups where everyone was in the army, but you wouldn't have a civilian group because if you don't have a way to talk to all of them and get them to do something to support your army, then they lose their purpose.

  10. I think it would be a cool feature, so that if someone set up a base on a planet with an acidic atmosphere others wouldn't come there as often. Which would add an element of a hidden or backwater world base which could aid black market dealers and such, or if the acidic atmosphere is to complicated then you could have an oxygen level which dictated how easily survival on a world was. Such as a limit to how long you can have oxygen outside without tech assisting you.

  11. I like the thought of factions before the Exodus, such as Eurasian Alliance or the Indochina pact something along those lines that the character can choose to side with if they wanted to. A player could be completely neutral if they wanted to but having alliances before the Exodus would help players find new people especially in the beginning, those with like minded allegiances to the previous factions would band together creating their own new faction but the old ones would be very good for getting new groups together. This is probably not feasible but what if instead of factions you had mindsets, what I mean by that is that everyone takes a personality quiz at the beginning to see how they think and then they are categorized into a group. Of course should they choose to they can make it private or just completely ignore it but say someone is walking down the street and hey look over there is another person who thinks like me they will probably be a good asset to my group and then they two people start working together. I don't even know if it is legal to gather that much data on peoples personalities and I think the system would be exploited if a person say wants to seem better than they are they would just lie in the quiz to get a better result but if none of the personality types were negative I don't think people would have a reason to cheat the system. Also it would serve as a nice reference point say I see someone with a tag that shows that they are hardworking then I could understand there actions a bit better or if I saw someone with the leader tag I would know that they would be good at organizing people, plz tell me what you think of this idea I am really interested in getting some feedback on it, also if you think it is ridiculous don't hesitate to say so I don't mind some criticism and yes I do realize how overly complicated this would be but I think it would add a whole extra dimension of human interaction to the game

  12. Whoooo, Gundam I'm going to create the ultimate Gundam fleet I wonder though how you would be able to manipulate the joints it would take a lot of keybinding and I think it would act weird I hope you will be able to program a basic movement function so that you don't have to control each joint with the keyboard.

  13. Sorry I accidentally hit enter I will continue in this post


                                       Apothecary training

                 Herb Growing

                                       Poison Knowledge


                  Orchard Farming



                         Pole Fishing

    Spear fishing

                         Net Fishing



    I hope that gives you some idea of what it would be, my idea would allow for much customization by the players, the actually thing could have hundreds of base categories but really how many is up to the developer and what will work best with the game. I also feel that it shouldn't be you level up get a skill point and unlock one of these I think it would be better if you got a sort of skill experience as you continue in the game which can then be applied to one of these categories for benefits. After you put so much (Skill Experience) into the base skill then you can start upgrading the others giving more choice to the player. This could also include many other skills that you don't usually see in other skill trees such as flying or ship maintenance effecting how maneuverable or how fast you can repair your ship. And depending on how much Skill Experience you put into a category effects how many bonuses you get from it.

  14. Ok, so I previously posted about a game play idea I had and I thought I would start a topic to go more in depth. The idea was skill trees as you can see from the title. I'm thinking it would look something like this with more skills.





  15. I am assuming there will be a currency in this game, and I was wondering do you lose some of your currency as well when you die. I think if you made dying harsher than being moved else ware and losing some of your items it could further prevent people from using it as a teleport pad. Also if the RN doesn't have a charge you can't use it right? Will you be able to make RN that can store multiple charges?

  16. I think having an afterlife would destroy immersiveness but it also might help it. I kind of feel that it is out of place and people will think that this is ridiculous, on the other hand if made to seem realistic it could makes players feel better about how they can die and come back.

  17. I understand that having skill trees is the easiest form of deciding what skills to get but I personally prefer more of a skill list. What I mean by that is having many different skills you can work on them in any amount you want to. And you could have prerequisite set up such as you have to learn basic gun handling before you can start working on your sniper handling skill. So it is sort of a tree in the fact that you have prerequisites but at the same time it is a list of all the basic skills such as cooking crafting and whatnot. I feel the more skills you have the more you can customize your person. In addition to that you could gain experience throughout the game and you lose all of it when you die making you lose all your skill or at least a percentage of the skill experience you put into them. Also on another note I don't think you should have to get a skill to unlock a crafting recipe, I think it ruins immersion if you know what you are unlocking before you unlock it so what if there was a crafting skill and then it unlocked new possibilities for you as it level up. I think I will explain this concept better under a topic so if you are confused look for that topic in a couple of days if I remember to make it.

  18. This is a great way to ensure that people don't just cheat the system, Even if they spawn x miles away I feel that that wouldn't effect them very much I'm thinking that you could lose money or items every time you die making it actually useful to kill people. All I'm saying is that death should be more harmful. On a side note you could also use this system to hire an assassin to kill like the head of an organization.

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