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Posts posted by ShioriStein

  1. 13 minutes ago, MarrrV said:

    Which is why you break it down to a common unit that is comparable....

    Can you tell your enemy to play fair and fight 1:1 but not to put out everything they got when conflict with other ?

    13 minutes ago, MarrrV said:

    As a common unit it is not 1 hour as a person playing the game, but 1 hour spent in pursuit of that particular goal. You seem to be mixing the concept of a "man hour" with the literal time spent in front of a computer.

    I dont know what your 'man hour' mean, i only know it is the time i spend to do something is my hour worth of it, please englighten me with your meaning about 'man hour'. All i know is 2 job 2 diffrent way of gather resource/thing. If you wanna fast you loot it from other but it will illegal and of course risky, and other is slow like gather resource by mining/trading/thinking way .


    13 minutes ago, MarrrV said:

    Could just as easily be two ships fighting, or two people shooting at each other with guns, if you have a level playing field the sides should be balanced (if your both in the open with an m4 you both can kill each other) before you add tactics & player skill (however in m4 example one person is a marksman and knows how to blend in to the grass, thus has the advantage)

    Hmm people fight a battle if they know they got a chance to win. You should find another example, you are really not good in this, you should give a example about a weaponary ship which carry all best gun but it will be bad at def or evading and one is terrible good at def or have high def stats but dont have so much weapon on it. 2 side of the coin, give that  both will each have a same cpu and both have been used all their limit to def or attack so it will come one balance and everything will depend on player and their tatic. Dont give unreal example like both with a same type of ship or a same gun, it not possible.


    Oh and enemy will not say 'Hello, i'm here to attack you so be ready and put all your best, i will give you time to prepare'

  2. Well, PvP just a 2 side of a coin. One maybe use PvP to attack loot and grife other player, but also other will use it to DEF, to offer their power in combat for hire. Just like a gun, all depend on how you use it, not it should balance or not. They can use that way of PvP to attack but you also can use that PvP way to attack them too, everything is possible but it all depend on you.


    20 minutes ago, MarrrV said:

    If you spent 40 man hours building your fortress that can last x length of time but did not account for the attackers having a novel or inventive way to attack, then tough luck.
    If you spent 40 man hours building your fortress that can last x length of time, but the attacker attack you in a expected manner, can manage to overcome your fortress with only 20 man hours of investment, that is not ok.

    Well yeah it may worth but i also disagree. You know attacking manner just a factor right ? IT also depend on what weapon they use and how they use it. But also how you build your fortress. Give that you will worth 30  manhour build it but they worth 10 man hour go robbing/pirate/looting . Hmm it also man power as well but it different right ? One is Builder/miner/non Pvper and other is Pirate/Grifer/PvPer main. A fortress still a factor too, the most important thing is the player who def that fortress for you, you know automate def not good as a player right ?
    You say build a fortress to hold them off but it still depend on what tatic you use to defend your fortress. Dont tell me only attacker will be the side got tatic, defend got its art too. So as i say the worth 40 man hour and worth 40 man hour and you think it will all go as you think ? Like during the battle machine start to broken down sometime or your "weak spot" have been detected and spot by enemy so they will change tatic  how they attack you during the combat. And if it dont meet your exception you will say " Unbalance" ?

  3. 2 hours ago, Takao said:

    You made two arguments against mining elements for ships (which would also result in mining drones and therefore the automation of mining), which are definitiv not "evidence that automation is OP":

    Well yeah i do agree it maynot "evidence" but it still give we some big view about this then.

    2 hours ago, Takao said:

    1. New players need something to do and earn money after they start playing DU. Manual mining would this be.

    That's a nice way of saying "there is nothing to do for new players except mining", which wouldn't be a nice game loop at all.

    Also there is (see below) still scanning and trianguling, which should be more time consuming then the actual "hold LMB" progress of extracting the resources.

    Well ah yes mining still the main bone of the game isnt it ? It provide into the market/economic the resource which use for everything, without mining or mining be take over by something it will make a great impact on the game.
    I didnt say all they do is mining, like someone say, you can do everything if you are smart and lucky. And also i dont think scanning is a problem after all does it ? I can train my self to more about profession scaning ( we got skill tree) and if you smart or lucky we still can found the vein easily.


    2 hours ago, Takao said:

    2. New players would gain experience while mining.

    What experience are you talking about here? Experience in holding LMB? Even with mining drones / bases you still need to scan and triangular the resource deposits manually, which new players still can do and still earn money with it (sell the locations). THAT would be the part where new players get actual experience in how to effectivly scan resource deposits, because that would also include moving around in non-save areas.

    Well you know there are a lot meaning for experience ? Not experience in mining but other aspect as well. If you are newbie you can only see tutorial from youtube and from begin at Ark Ship. But with Mining/Building Operation it will give your tutorial about the game and also the situation in game as well. And there will also something you can learn only by do in real work in game but cant learn from youtube or tutorial on the ship. If i can learn about everything due Internet and tutorial in game i can player EvE properly now (sad i give up because i dont know what to do aside mining ).
    Also how they sell the place if the client decide to rather take it from a newbie or they dont even trust a newbie. A newbie come near you and say: "Hey hey, i got a location where got rare ore, you wanna it ? I will sell you for bla bla quanta" . And there will 3 type of client, first will dont care because it maybe a scam or even a trap or even this just another beggar, second will be either pirate or someone will take the risk and if they found out this real value location they will take it from the newbie, who will stop them, hmm nobody because it just a newbie, if he lucky a care bear org will help him; And the third will be "kind" and "follow the rule" client, if this location is value they will "pay" for it but of course let's barter, if they are kind they will buy it with somewhat good price because it will help the newbie. But you know there not a lot of them there.

    So in the end, i want to say that i dont think full automation is a bad idea or it iwll damage the game too much. But i think NQ want to take the majority of the game. Now maybe the game just 10k or 15k but in long term if they can keep 8 of 10 newbie stay and play the game they will choose to keep it. Automation is good but i dont think it is good for newbie, yes you can say they still do thing, vvv, vvv but in 10 newbie log in how many will stay ? Do you think more than half of newbie who join the game will think the same like you and can do thing you just say ? I just talk as i was a new member who didnt to something ( but i'm really in that situation :)) ). Not everyone is genius and a good player, so let's do hard work because people is Masochistic , love hard working and dont want easy working :)).

  4. 54 minutes ago, Shadow said:

    NQ stated publicly in interviews that ships and structures will not be limited.

    Actually struct on planet will be limit height because the planet will spin and so a struct will spin with the planet as well. And if that struct crash into with something it will boom and blow up the game calculate for collision.

  5. I dont really know how to say more now.

    I just argue with other guy who say automation is not unbalance and provide him with evidence that automation is OP and solo way too much.

    But then they only see my last reply without read my first reply and say like i'm protect for automation mechanism . 

    Well in the end we wont have full - big scale - automation so we should close the toppic and let it dieddddddddddddddddd.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Takao said:

    Good like trying to place so many turrets.

    They all will need power and the power generation will consume fuel which you have to bring to the base.

    Even if you build drones bringing the fuel to your base(s), you still need to protect them.


    If you build the turrets spread out, then they can't all cover themselves.

    If you cramp them together, they will block themselves and can be taken out with AoE weapons easily.

    Err what about shield Dome. And if drone cant bring a lot a same time, just store a lot of them.

  7. 1 hour ago, Takao said:

    Automated turrets are not as good as a player, so you will have a really hard time to protect every construct only with turrets.

    IF automate turret hit chance is 1%, you only have to build 50 - 100 turret. And how can we build so much turret ? Automation build unit. And how do we got resource for it. Automation mining will do it. And if automation mining cant got enough resource you need ? Just build more automation mining.

    Left aside the scaning because that job dont require a lot people.

  8. 7 hours ago, 0something0 said:

    As for the whole "dont want to he ctaftsmen", you people dont appreciate the art of making the whole thing work. Security is also a concern and its very difficult to program automated turrets. Besides, there can be limits so one person cant build large structures or machines in reasonable amounts of time, or so they emit large amounts of heat which require vulnerable facilities to get rid of. Besides, this kind of "factory" automation only requires that robots can craft and interact with inventory constructs. 

    It not difficult, it obvious very LIMIT no mater what how you good in programing . Oho i doubt about this "factory" , as now we know it only can build space ship but how big space ship can it make ? Also i didnt see it say anything about construct a building yet ... or already but i dont know ? 

    Ah anyway if one man can build an empire by automation why an Org cant build a star domination empire by only sleep and let automation do everything. Nah

    NQ had said : Solo player can do many thing but not everything . And Automation will help them do everything. Sad

  9. On 21/1/2018 at 12:47 AM, Takao said:

    The argument "new players need hand-mining to earn money" isn't that valid imo, because first, it assumes that you have a constant stream of new players (pyramid scheme?) who will mine for the coperation and also, why should they only be able to get money through mining?

    They can use the mined resources and build their own ship and earn money with that.

    this make me sure that you arent reading all of my reply. I didnt only say 'mining is need or only way for newbie ' . Just tutorial to get used with the game.


    I totally agree they can mine and get a ship out of there until someone blow them up the moment they are out of safe zone or just space. If they can make it to space ... but what to do next ? Mining again or go find some job to have the risk of scamming, robbing, pirate.

    On 21/1/2018 at 12:47 AM, Takao said:

    personally would prefere if you could build mining ships, stations and drones, because I don't think that this would be a simple money printer:

    You still need to scan the deposit per hand.

    Mining ships / drones need to be build and protected while mining.

    Mining equipment is (should be) expensive.

    And minig stations can't move.

    yes it is your thought and here also my thought. Expensive you say but how much is expensive for a mining device which mine the ore to make itself ? If it expensive we just have to build more and more mining drone, device until we can make it everyday. Mining is the gate for resource to get in used. If too few resource pass the gate all you need to do is a bigger gate. Scan is not a problem when you may only need one skilful player which also can be you.


    On 21/1/2018 at 12:47 AM, Takao said:

    However, we should first wait and see until mining is properly implemented in the game.

    Well if you go to wiki and dev diary you can properly see their mining idea now.

  10. 10 minutes ago, SirJohn85 said:

    If I can do that following drone, why is not there an alternative method to mine? Why is someone forcing me to use my hand?

    Of course, sure, the balance must be maintained. It should not be OP. 

    Oh yay we dont have to mining the same method forever also only use hand mining. NQ have said there will be more mining equipment ( which use on your hand) and building with mining equipment ( I guess we will got some kind digging machine ? ).

    But yeah all of it will be working with player control it. Also NQ have confirm many time, MINING SHIP will be not in game (forever) so dont hope about it.

  11. 1 hour ago, SirJohn85 said:

    What I write down here refers to the late game.


    We had a similar discussion on our discord and how we imagine mining on a larger scale. It's a paradox: We travel from Earth with spaceships to create a new home in the new world. However, mining is still to be done by hand, although everything around is much more developed.


    I don't want automation with a robot, but what speaks against mounting drill heads on the ships (inclusive transport pipes)?
    The drilling speed can be the same as dismantling by hand. Personally, I would not have a problem if it was slower than by hand. 

    The advantage would definitely be the inventory of the ship that is available. 



    - You have more than just the hand to mine something.
    - You can build ships that are specialized (As you can see in the tutorial videos, weight and additional elements can play a role)


    I have great hopes that Novaquark will introduce equivalent additions / elements to the Nanoformer, as an example a drill head for the spaceship. I would like to mention Space Engineers and Empyrion as reference, which have done a very good job in the core game mechanics. Here the player grows with his environment. And that's what I want for Dual Universe too.



    Oh ... and why not a Welder element too?

    Well NQ said that they will add more mining method after launch as the game update or expansion. They say also type Building mining like a Builldozer .

    But they confirm there will be no mining ship.


    53 minutes ago, Vinux37 said:

    You know, you can make newbies pass tests to know how trustworthy they are.

    Yes but still the risk of troll, grifer, betrayer ( send from other  Org to spy or strike you when your Org is in chaos) 


    56 minutes ago, Vinux37 said:

    it's like in real life. When you applie for a job, the company don't know you, if you are really qualified for this job, if they can trust you (have you lied on your CV ? ... ). So you pass tests, you have some documents to show how qualified you are, what are your motivations, etc.


    In the game, the work you have to do is a lot easier than in real life (hopefully), so you don't need certifications, you don't need years of work to know how to do some things. But yet, you have to show that you are a reliable person, your motivations. You will then know your job by some tips first, and the your own experience.

    Yes that is basically for you to enter a job, even in DU will be so. But as i say "Not many people like you" mean that they still prefer to employ Veteran player or 3-6 month player than a newbie. And of course there wont be many people will tired doing the CV to employ newbie and have to teach them play the game, they will move to choose old player anyway.

    Also the job you say, yes there will be people like you who employ newbie to join and take a job you assign for but sadly not many of you, so only a part of newbie can get a job / got help from old player. And the rest have to learn by themselves or doing themselves or even decide to make a org with other newbie and start to help other yes may good but also disband very fast because of troll, greed and other ( i have witness this many time in other game, i'm one of them too but not got so much damage when i'm only give aid to them to start, the other squad/clan/guild have disband because the troll / greed newbie and ruin them) . So in the end only a part of the rest of the newbie will can advanced and become a normal player but the rest will find the game boring because they dont see any way for them to go and then quit.

    So NQ idea that no automate force the player to work together is the best way to go, no? There will still be amount of newbie abandone the game but at least we can keep the 70-80% amount of newbie to stay and play the game ?

    In the end, your point is true i cant say anything but still one thing is i have said many time. The people like you not much in game. And NQ word is: "Solo player can do many thing but not everything" .

  12. 2 hours ago, CoreVamore said:

    I just re-read your comment, that whole paragraph seemed to imply there were large amounts of automation..... 

    hmm i just assume there will to understand his point, when if it is ... and then what. So dont pay too much about automation but what happen if we got full automation.


    8 hours ago, Whalekit said:

    Automated mining creates a feedback loop of "mine resources -> build miner robots (using factories, that will be in game) -> mine more resources -> build more miner bots -> mine more resources...", making someone/someorg (who start doing it first) super-reach and powerfull, or making resources dirt cheap and automated mining doesn't give you a lot of cool capabilities, other that just mining.

    At the same time automated building does not create a feedback loop, because you can't build more builders without the resources. And automated building of at least voxel structures (without putting the elements) controlled from Lua will allow you to do the following cool things: robot that build procedurally generated mazes (yeah, I already named it earlier in this topic), robot that automatically repairs hull of your ship/wall of your town, robot that lays voxels right in front of enemy ship's guns, robot that obstructs internals of enemy ship with walls and all sorts of crazy stuff someone will think of. And when talking about lost jobs for newbies, let's not forget about the fact, that there already will be factories in the game.

    I agree that there seem would be no loss when we got full automation mining. When all ore is cheap even a newbie can mining and sell it with cheap price but it will be consider normal that time. So newbie basically will live like normal and happy after all. Then what they do next, mining ? Who cant mine. Even in EVE i as new player can mine but that time... aside from mining i dont know what to do next. Lack of experience, dont got knowledge about situation and thing, still not used to EvE control aside from basic mining. That is where newbie need, real and working in game tutorial. I have told many time in my thread, mining not only because of money but the experience, instruction and knowledge from the mining operation, which their boss as veteran player may help them, help them to get used to game control and gameplay also give them basical knowledge. Dont tell me watch on youtube, youtube experience and real experience in game always different, if anyone can watch youtube and boom become normal - advanced player this reply wont be here. So in the end my thought that from mining operation will give the player deeper know about the game to make their way easy then.


    8 hours ago, Whalekit said:

    At the same time automated building does not create a feedback loop, because you can't build more builders without the resources. And automated building of at least voxel structures (without putting the elements) controlled from Lua will allow you to do the following cool things: robot that build procedurally generated mazes (yeah, I already named it earlier in this topic), robot that automatically repairs hull of your ship/wall of your town, robot that lays voxels right in front of enemy ship's guns, robot that obstructs internals of enemy ship with walls and all sorts of crazy stuff someone will think of. And when talking about lost jobs for newbies, let's not forget about the fact, that there already will be factories in the game

    Oky i agree with you like mining, there wont be any loss but just like mining, still tutorial. But isnt factory unit to create medium ship to small ship like fighter ? i doubt it cant make a mother ship or battle ship then... can they ?


    8 hours ago, Whalekit said:

    mining and building? Let's see: trucker and taxi driver (land and space versions), crew member on a big ship (gunner for example), infantryman, maintainer of a automated things (remember the fact that Lua-controlled things will only work around player?) who also guards (or at least pushes alarm button in case of danger) and probably operates them a bit, geological exploration (walk around in unexplored regions and look for deposits with scanning equipment).

    Okay you got your point here, you seem put a lot of trust to those newbie who not play the game for even 3-4 month ? Even so you still trust them to give them a ship and become taxi, a cargo ship to become trucker and a slot on your ship to operate it even they only know basical control and little knowledge about game ( like where is danger zone, war zone. I hope there will be none a taxi go to war zone or danger of pirate zone right ?) . Ah you even trust them to code for you even they just newbie. I respect your will and good intention. Despite the risk of troll, grifer, spy, betrayl you still trust them no mater what. Dont think wrong about my word, I dont say joke about it, I cant be a merci guy like you so I really think we should have more people like you so newbie and comunity will be a lot better.


    But sad it seem there are not many people like you in the game.

  13. 6 hours ago, CoreVamore said:

    Mining wont be automated. Individuals might be more experienced than a new bro with mining  but there wont be any mining automation.

    heh ? I didnt say automation is real, just wonder other guy point when he say there is other job for newbie even we got automation so i just ask him which job will newbie can do. I totally know that no automation mate lol, read my comment

  14. 4 hours ago, Vinux37 said:

    There will be many other things to do.

    I wonder what other thing you mean for new guy.


    I totally agree with most of your point but not this, as a new guy I really cant do thing without basic job as mining and building follow instruction, just like you have to learn how to walk before you can run, to learn more about the game.


    You may say we got tutorial from ark ship, video on youtube to learn so what, I can do fine without mining. Okay it fine if it is you right but not the other guy. After launch the situation in the game will change very much different from the begining and not like alpha, beta stage anymore. Just like eve, got tutorial on internet, video,... but still cant properly play the game because the situation change after a short time. You is fine but not other new bro who know nothing.


    Aside from building and mining I hardly to see any job that new bro new to game can do. You say they can code but who will hire a new guy who just log in the game and may ruin your org ?  I doubt after launch we will see some spy drama or even treason ? it only make new guy hard to do anything than because the fear of ruin. you may say they also can do that thing (ruin/troll/...)  to mining and building so I will say it hard to happen. As mining or building anything troll or ruin attempt will be easy to detect before it cause much damage, but with coding who say will know what you are doing ? If they know they dont have to hire you of course.


    So in the end new bro will have little ( or none ) game experience, money, resource, knowledge, skill, way to go( mean what to do), cant even mining to get better life because automation make ore so cheap to the point you can trash it without regret. Cant join building operation because automation is cheap labor than you, cant even get out of safe zone without being scam or rob.


    So please englighten me to know what other job you are meaning ?

  15. 5 minutes ago, Captain Jack said:

    I think the OP was suggesting sliders to adjust different elements of the provided engine noises, not custom imported sounds. Assuming the engine sounds have multiple elements, though not sure they do.

    Nah i'm again that idea, i will agree if slider will change the noise  also the efficient of that element as well. 

    Well we can have element like camo flag to adjust the sound to go stealth no ? Space ship not like a gun where you can put another part on it to modify it stats like sound and accuracy, it is engine .

    But from i hear element in game cant be modify isnt it ?


    3 minutes ago, Atlas5 said:

    you might be able to import sound through html coding, but not sure on that yet. But yes adjustments to already imported sounds was my main point.

    Hmm but it still bad, it will couse some stress to the server ? Remember a lot of guy play the game it we may consider 10000 player and 500 + ship as a same time. I dont want my sound become broken because 500 custom sound make the server stress and my internet cant download the sound at a same time.

  16. Nah, i think we shouldnt got custom sound. There will be some troublemaker use this to troll, annoy people and also sound maybe will be important factor for stealth or hide away. So i dont think custom sound is good, we should be having more engine type and each will do something different than the other and use for different situation, no?

  17. 2 hours ago, 0something0 said:

    Or, buy the automation-produced products with their starting funds(I don't like the idea of the Novark market - I think the starting funds is a better way to go since it keeps the GDP per capita of the entire playerbase at a even level). The players with the brains should succeed, not the players with the most RL money or the most game time(and therefore most trained skills).


    You can become a scammer to take their money, easy isnt it? You want the idea people with good head should be success, so i think notthing cant stop a 'smart' one doing what they want. IF someone got so much money but idiot ? Scam or rob them, lure them into some lonely space and rob all their money and ship ( i glad to see drama about someone has been scam stuff worth 5000$ rl ). And about the fund dont so worry too much, newbie after all is backbone of the entire economy also the game, they will be hunt to recuirt , or maybe no but i hope they will be valued like gold by advanced player.

    Also i'm side with them, the one have so much money IRL but dont have time to play, they should have that RIGHT.


    2 hours ago, 0something0 said:

    Automation will allow new players to compete with the veterans and give power to the individual and enable more freedom.

    No it isnt. Automation will make newbie harder to join the game. As i say the time they spend with mining or building operation which organize by other veteran will give them experience and also the tutorial for them to learn about the game. No npc give them quest but the player itself and it will be win - win for each side.

  18. 1 hour ago, 0something0 said:

    I don't like the argument of "Planets are really big". There will be areas of ore with useful deposits which will be limited. Assuming a density of 100 ppm as "viable ore concentrations", which is generous for copper according to University of Arizona 

    as they labeled areas with above 200 ppm copper as ore deposits.


    Since according to Wolfram Mathematica(attribution at bottom)

    the average copper concentration in Earth's crust is 0.0068%, or 68 ppm, and we will assume that the same applies for Alioth. Since they have stated that there will be a max dig limit, lets just say 5 km deep, since that is also Earth's crust thickness under the oceans. So, the volume of the crust will be around 245,571 km^3 and there would be approx. 16.7 km^3 of copper.  But here is the problem. We are only considering "viable ore concentrations" as useful for obvious reasons. Presumably, areas with lower ore concentrations will have areas of higher ppm in it, so lets just assume that the average viable ore deposite's concentration is 200 ppm, and half of the ore is in said viable deposits. Then, only around 8.5 km^3 of copper will be in economic access, but since the ore only has a concentration of 200 ppm, 0.02%, or 5000:1 dirt/rock to copper ratio. So, multiplying 8.5 km^3 by 5000, we get 42,500 km^3 of ore that will have to be dug through.


    The conclusion is that at realistic ore concentrations, don't even try. Why did I even waste my time on this? You can plug in different ore concentrations with this.

    You seem like seriously too much, it just a game, virtual world dude. I agree it it must be real as much as possible but in the end it still a game and NQ not the mother natural who have mighty and can apply logic + world law of real life into game. IT has it limited. Also there will be more new ore which not have in real life inside the game, which the game just fiction , virtual game. Dont be so serious.

    Also planet dont have lava, they will fill with full of dirt, resource and thing. So please dont put too much hope about "real" about this game, this is it limit or no? But it still in "PRE-ALPHA" stage after all, who know maybe there will be more mechanism in the game when full release.

  19. Automation is good too some point but too much will make thing so easy and unfun.


    I know someone only want to join big battle, massive war but tired of grinding or waiting your sla... i mean worker grinding the materrial enough and then keep waiting your ship slowly build. So automation will solve it, you dont have to think about anything and join the fun part only. But this is DU, MMORPG so you have to think about roleplay and war like real life. If you push war too much or long war it will make your resource run out very fast, and make you have to push your slave er i mean worker to work harder, and then they will breakout and stop working and leaving your org to death end by run out of resource, it is fun to see the fallen of a big Org because of that reason. So in the end automation will make you dont need to think about that problem because machine dont have ' morale ' . But that will decrease the tense, fun of the game, and NQ of course will not accept so do a lot of guy. Remember when you start something you have to caculate the cost and maintain for it or else you doom =)). It make us got sense of proud and know to value thing even the most common resource.


    Also it give the new guy job in building or mining operation. So the player base will keep increase, Org will seem have outpost near Ark ship to always recruit new slave ops is worker for them when new guy is log in. So the new guy not only player but become the back bone of the economy and also the game. Also the time they spend when in mining or building operation will give them some experience or even more information about the game, just like a tutorial but not npc give them quest but their boss, a player, will do it.  It will be win - win if we dont have automation ... too much. What is more fun than see your slave gather resource/ building construct for you ? Feel like a true boss.


    And we arent be friend with nano mining on our hand entire game, NQ confirm that there will be more mining device or building device but will be release after the game open  as expansion ( free ) .


    No automation it like rock age, so we need only enough automation to the point that newbie have job to do. this isnt real life so much, where player can join and leave if they want. Real life you cant left ( unless you go to heaven realm ) so automation dont have too much impact on economy, the people dont have job still suffer to live day by day and cant do a thing about it. So stop complaining why no automation when DU is high tech, because player base of course, real life dont need player base so much( I mean not everyone can leave your country easy right ? but of course the country still consider about their population but they can stop them with their force, but how DU do it when it just a game on internet ? ) 


    So i'm hoping that my thought will enough, if not please say it here too, I want to read everyone thought ( comment ) in free time to relax, yeb argument is good to improve each other.

  20. Just now, Quaideluz said:

    Dual Universe is not a space simulation game. It's a multiplayer game where the developers want to create an exchange between players.

    Nah not exchange, we still can be "Han Solo" but it will be very very very very very very x ??? difficult life and boring, no ?

  21. 21 minutes ago, Omfgreenhair said:

    That might be a little discouraging. It wouldn't make much sense in a SciFi esque game to do a lot of manual labor. Automation in the refining process would have a logical place in the order of things. It could be immersion breaking to not to.

    Yeah and new player join the game will dying too. They put limit not all because economy but because the new guy will join so they will have job to do. Not all thing manual labor where you create element with machine, it just mining and building and maintain a ship ( if it need ) . "Re:build the civilization together", they got intention when said that, you cant one man rebuild the civilization.

    In the end you see newbie (like me) will need a job to keep them stay at the game while they learrning about how to play game, so building and mining for hired will be best for them to get experience and some money to start :).

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