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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Archonious

  1. Hi, Would be very nice to have an ability to upload the logo of the organisation. So Every organisation can mark their ships with Organisation Logo. Make this option for organisations only (founder). So all responsibility will be on leader/founder. If the logo is offensive - leader/founder get warning with the possible temporary ban in future. Also, Logos can be checked before usage by Moderators. It is much longer way, but it is much more controllable. P.S: Of course, logos could be created with voxels help, but this could be very hard process for some organisations (colours, hard texture, a lot of time to make and other). Thanks, Archonious
  2. Thanks =) I can't say anything now. We don't rush anywhere, we don't want to fly in dreams without ground under our legs. So we waiting Alpha to start our development, to understand possibilities and opportunities of the game. So even when other organisations offer alliances, we delay discussion until Alpha (at least). Maybe we will be aggressive organisation Maybe we will be peaceful organisation Maybe we will be neutral organisation Maybe we will join to some alliances Maybe we will be lone wolf organisation I don't know, but I can tell for sure, strength and honour will be main drive for us. P.S: Much more information and updates will be displayed later. When it would be more actual.
  3. Update: Added https://vk.com/robotechcorp as inside usage page (mainly russian language, but if could be fully translated if needed). To join organisation and VK page, contact me for more info.
  4. Thanks for an interview to JC Baillie and to DU Explorers. Didn't watch it yet, but will do for sure =) Thanks, Archonious
  5. I've said: "So calling this kind of moan as constructive opinion is wrong.". Later I fully explained why it is not constructive at all. Later I said, "If somebody can not deal with counter-arguments, that mean his/her position is wrong or weak.". The solid position must have "ground under the feet". Once again, what wrong I said? Sorry, I find continue of this dialog as way aside and substitution of meaning. P.S: Opinion which differs from my could be wrong. And if I think it is wrong and if I write it is wrong, this mean "My opinion, this is wrong!". It is not "My opinion, this is different", it is exactly wrong. Same about anyone else. If you think, I am wrong, then "I am wrong in your opinion". We are explaining our opinions on forums, nothing more. Otherwise, this thread (as many others) could be blocked by "you are too quick to label wrong". Thanks, Archonious
  6. So as soon anybody of NQ said their word, I can not say my opinion and analyse topic? Was topic closed, NO! Forum for discussions, arguing, debates and other. If somebody fears open discussion, go in PM. Even if the whole team of NQ will put their word, it means absolutely nothing to stop any other people opinions to be said. Sorry, but position "You must not say!" is real bullshit. Thanks, Archonious
  7. Did I say something wrong? Didn't I explain this "problem" of vision (similar ways of "P2W", as it was called by OP)? Didn't I explained ways how to solve it? If somebody can not deal with counter-arguments, that mean his/her position is wrong or weak. Is this topic constructive? No, it is not. It does not display any problem (real problem), it does not suggest any kind of improvement, it does not solve anything. I find this thread more as threat and extortion (as was stated by NQ-Nyzaltar). Thanks, Archonious
  8. So how to sort this problem out? Remove ALL kind of TRADE! No trade at all! No ways to get resources easy, everything must be fully destructable. No any kind of communication and other. Because of trade and communication - P2W (everyone can buy for real money without the official system. Everyone can buy help for real money). If you don't block it, you support it. And even removing these 2 MAIN features won't guarantee anything. So calling this kind of moan as constructive opinion is wrong. Thanks, Archonious
  9. Don't understand this kind of complaint. Ok. Let's imagine, NQ remove DACs. Game released. We play few months. Players already can find black market offers (with fakes as well) for "Want to buy/sell 1 month subscribe for in-game cash/money". And you already get a similar situation. Next few months. There come some websites with offers to sell/buy in-game money. So NQ creates a bit more expensive, but the safer system only. With it or without, your "trouble" won't disappear. Thanks, Archonious
  10. The rest part is the hardest one. I hope there would be more days like yesterday (with 30'000€ raise). About 9'000€ a day is current target and it look not that hard to achieve. Hope I'm not wrong.
  11. People (overall) so stupid, that they very like to dig in the dirty underwear. Nothing new. If they would use (both sides) their power (they waste here) for good (for game designing), this game would be greater on releases
  12. Yeah, I understood that. But my message is more overall. There are so many posts about nothing, people try-hard to get attention to their organisations. Somebody create fake accounts (possibly listed above, I don't judge). Personally I prefer to spend my time and power to think about holes in game mechanic and think about possible improvements.
  13. Why do people care about organisations so much? It not even a year before open tests. Many of players will not even start play, nearly sure... What will be changed if there would be 1000 members? Nothing... Maybe that is a way to get alpha access, but... NQ must see IP or some other info about this...
  14. Greetings everyone, Strength and Honour - two important characteristics of the warrior. RoboTechCorp (RTC) is military organisation and we are warriors. This world will be full of dishonoured pirates and rats, who will try to break other lives, who will try to take more than can carry. Don't want to be one of them? Want to take another way? Join us, become a warrior, bring strength and honour to this world. We do not disallow any kind of action, we are not police. We do not serve anyone, we are not mercenaries. We are warriors, our path is strength and honour. We are on beginning of our way, we do not create rules and plans for the organisation, it is too early for that. All of that will be created on basis of the reality, not dreams. We are welcome everyone who shares this point of view. Plans for Alpha: If you are member of Alpha test, you are very welcome here -Our first target - looking for the ways to improve game -Looking for any kind of abuses and possible solutions -Learning the ways of progress, to make Organisation progress easier in future. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Приветсвую всех, Сила и Честь - две важных черты воина. RoboTechCorp (RTC) - это военизированная организация и мы воины. Этот мир будет наполнен бесчестными пиратами, которые будут пытаться ломать жизни других, которые будут пытаться взять больше чем могут унести. Не хотите быть одним из них? Хотите быть выбрать другой путь? Присоединяйтесь к нам, становитесь воином, несите в этот мир Силу и Честь. Мы не запрещаем никакой вид деятельности, мы не полиция. Мы никому не служим, мы не наёмники. Мы Воины и наш путь Сила и Честь. Мы на начальной стадии своего становления, мы не создаём правил и планов для организации, слишком рано для этого. Всё что будет создаваться, будет основано на реальности, а не на мечтах. Мы приветствуем всех, кто разделяет эту позицию Планы на альфу: Если вы участник альфа тестирования, то мы будем Вам очень рады -Наша первая задача - поиск путей для улучшения игры -Поиск любых возможностей злоупотребления и возможное их исправление -Изучение процесса развития, что бы сделать развитие организации в будущем намного проще _______________________________________________________________________________________ Link: Ссылка: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/robotechcorp https://vk.com/robotechcorp If you need more information, you can always contact Archonious (Rus, Eng). _______________________________________________________________________________________ We need now: -Alpha test members -Active members to become officers (Eng) Сейчас нам нужны: -Участники альфа теста -Активные участники для офицерского состава (Ру) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Other languages players We are planing to create international organisation, not just Eng/Rus. So we would welcome members with other language skills. Currently we need officers, who will lead their language departments. To make communication possible with other departments, we need: -Basic or higher English language skill -Adult mind (responsibilities and duties in your department and organisation) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Join Our Discord: We welcome everyone in our discord. If you want to discuss, share or just say hello or ask some questions, we will be happy to help you =) Update: Information updated and translated into English and Russian. Additional information about language departments and requirement. Discord server added. Thanks, Archonious
  15. I would repeat, playing Space Engineers on similar size planet (with spawn on different parts of planets) with ~20 players it takes 2-3 days (if you lucky enough). to get spotted and attacked (mainly digging under without any chance to defense). Now we have a game with hundreds or thousands of players starting on similar size planet and on the same position.
  16. I hope, they didn't realise how much negative is that for players. And hope, they gonna change their mind in future. At least that would be shown in Alpha-Tests.
  17. Don't want waste time on trolls, so would tell you) No matter what density in the UK or in the lowest population region of the world. No matter what is the size of the UK or any other country. The main difference between game and reality - people do not try to take your property. Law stops them. The game does not have any kind of Law to protect players from players. As soon any player in range of vision, he becomes a target, his property becomes a target for others. If the game does not protect players but designed another way, it will push away LOTS of players in future. No any safety zones (which is actual to be in prison) will help that. This is about the game, not about silly comparisons. Thanks, Archonious
  18. Now imagine, lots of players near ArkShip. They try to get closest resources. Few days, no resources in few kilometres range. Then think, few hundreds (only) players start to build in few km range from ArkShip). It already make the mess. Then add few trolls. Let's have a look on numbers now. Kickstarter is nearly 3000 now, so many of them will play in beta (let take half). 1500 players will rush to play from the first days. 1500 players (and it is only now, nearly 4 weeks if KS to go) located on so small surface. As it was stated, no ships and anything else, so all of these 1500+ will be very close to each other. I hope you understand average mentality of player. It can make game first steps really not enjoyable (IMO). *numbers will be higher, I'm 100% sure Bigger size of planet + some teleports could be very helpful. Teleports created by Ark system drones or something. So player can travel to other side of planet as example. So it will reduce density of players much faster. Thanks, Archonious
  19. I don't take speed or any mechanic as side of analyse. It is unknown parameter. I compare with closest project (IMO). I don't know what kind of PvP mechanic will be created, how good will be defence, how easy will be to avoid/abuse defence. I just tell, that starting planet is very small for hundreeds of players (or thousands in first months after release). Resources is secondary problem, hard to speak about it, because need to know mechanic. Thanks, Archonious
  20. Hi, Watched last video yesterday, but didn't have time to leave message/feedback. Since we all know that all players will start on same planet and same place, this starting planet looks very small. This opinion is based on "Space Engineers" experience, where players start on same planet (ofc it depend of server). And it is very big risk to build base even for few days (played on planets with similar size). But the biggest difference, there are 10-20 players on SE servers, but you want allow hundreeds or thousands of players start close to each other. Players will not be in safe at all, many of them will try to kill, steal or even troll (especially with 1 month trial). Bases of players will be everywhere, because size of the planet is small. Ofc there could be some Teritory Defence Units or any other defences. Then we get another problem - resources. This is long term problem. Since everyone start at the same point, closest resources will gone very fast. Regrowing on maintenances? But what will happens with bases under the ground? In my opinion, starting planet size need to be much bigger. Yes it won't solve everything, but it will reduce size of the problems. And yes, I'm speaking about starting planet only. Any other planet could be as standard size on video, because population on them would be smaller. Thanks, Archonious
  21. I do. Check it few times a day. Really hope for great success for this project. Starting on Kickstarter.
  22. Simple voxel own system separation. Player voxels (buildings, ships, vehicles) destructable, surrounded voxels (ground, rocks) indestructable (for no selected part of players). If to leave holes in game, players will easy find and start abuse them. I hope there would be st least few alpha testers who will test, so we can try as more as possible.
  23. Oh, really? That cool, I didn't read massive DevBlogs, not that easy translate everything. But it won't change anything then... there would be same problem with digging under bases... Abuse is abuse, and it must be prevented...
  24. Hi, As many of you know, Developers started Kickstarter program to get some investment to their project. There are lots of information about game features, but I would like to speak about "Territory Control". It could be very interesting aspect of the game. Information about this part of the game is very small: "Territory Control is about securing land on planet grounds, for strategic, economic or safety reasons. Owning a territory is done via the deployment of a Territory Unit, which will grant you or your organization rights to control who can do what in the 1 km wide hexagonal tile associated to it. With territory comes battles, and the need to protect, federate resources and defenses. We will introduce Safe Zones, in particular around the arkship, for more peaceful territory ownership and role play." Territory unit is the great idea of NQ. no doubt. But just because information is very small, let's speak about addition secure it can bring. I played 1000+ hours in the game called Space Engineers. An idea of the game is very similar, so I very often make a projection on this game. There is a big problem for planetary building - digging under the base. So there is no any defense (except using bugs, which is not a solution). Players simply can not protect base well from that, so base become an easy target for any player (especially if the base owner is offline). As result of that, building on planets is very unpopular. How to solve it (IMO). I'm sure if Territory Unit will protect the territory from any terraformation (for enemies) in it range, it will prevent any kind of digging abuse. So enemies will need attack base/city with traditional ways (in other words, play game as it should be). In the end, both sides will have a chance to fail attack or defense. It can look unreal, but we speaking about the game, we speak about example, which already broke a lot of fun in other game. P.S: It is not Safe Zone, this is way, how to protect ground buildings from "No Risk" destruction. Players will have options to attack with vehicles, ships or with a weapon in their hands. Thanks, Archonious
  25. This fully removes goal/target of different qualities, which is EXPLORE as more as possible. Highest Quality Materials - very very rare. So the price for 1 HQM may be hundreds of times higher than basic. Shortage: -If you want HQM - you need to explore a lot -If you want HQM - you need to have high technology of detect -If you want HQM - you need to have high technology to drill/dig -If you want HQM - you need to have high technology to refine How often "very very rare" mean? If we would take basic (lowest level) as 100% and take 20 qualities as in example. Also I will add number as average amount of resource of planet (nothing with real situation): Q1 = 100% (10M tonn) Q2 = 90% (9M tonn) Q3 = 80% (8M tonn) Q4 = 70% (7M tonn) Q5 = 60% (6M tonn) Q6 = 50% (5M tonn) Q7 = 40% (4M tonn) Q8 = 30% (3M tonn) Q9 = 20% (2M tonn) Q10 = 10% (1M tonn) Total Q1-Q10 = 55M Q11 = 7,5% (750K tonn) Q12 = 5% (500K tonn) Q13 = 4% (400K tonn) Q14 = 2% (200K tonn) Q15 = 1% (100K tonn) Q16 = 0.75% (75K tonn) Q17 = 0.5% (50K tonn) Q18 = 0.25% (25K tonn) Q19 = 0.15% (15K tonn) Q20 = 0.05% (5K tonn) Total Q11 - Q20 = 2,12M So to understand, we have the planet (in average), there are 57'120'000 tonnes of Iron ore, Majority of this ore is very basic/average quality (Q1-Q10) and equal 55'000'000 tonnes or 96,28%. Just because of high requests and rarity, bonus for items must be not minor. So if organisation or player spend lots of resources on research and scouting, their reward will be equal in the end. As I said, the prices for these "Super Good Quality" items or materials will be much higher than basic. So this will be part of end game, which very hard to get (to build HQM ship/station). As it shown on Kickstarter pictures, explorer is one of the directions of gameplay. So this HQM make exploration is very important. One correction I would do about this, exploration is very important for mining, so it must be connected at least. P/S: All you see above is very raw numbers without any research. Just to show the overall picture of my view. Thanks, Archonious
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