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Posts posted by MasteredRed

  1. Dear Novaquark,


    haven't read through all the DevBlogs yet, but the idea your transporting sounds very enticing. You yourself often take EVE Online as a comparison and want to expand on the sandbox made available there. Instead of CCP providing "Citadels" to the players, in a sandbox it should be other players constructing and selling "Citadels" and many other things a creative community will come up with.


    It will be interesting to see, how this added freedom and sandbox will play out.


    Getting to the point of this post, again you often refer to EVE Online and the community, the market, economy, PvP to be had there.

    One aspect that has helped EVE a lot is the introduction of an API, that allow to read/export game data and create applications out of game that help with the individual gameplay. The variety of such 3rd party applications has grown to a huge amount and many players use such applications/sites on a regular basis.


    However since this API wasn't on the plan during the creation of the game, there are certain restrictions to the data available and the possibilities.


    Thus the question, if a API/automated data export functionality is planned from the get-go, thus being available in a rudimentary form in the alpha or beta already?

    And of course if you are interested in and allowing 3rd party applications to expand on the sandbox, you are creating?


    Thanks and very interested in seeing how DU will evolve,


    An API release does sound interested and exciting! I would love to mess around and create some automated applications to do stuff that's, well, I can't reveal that here. However, this needs to have some context. Let me add some of my ideas.


    For instance, in the LUA scripting, it would be nice to have an automated export of data to an external application or website. Then, you could link that data and process it into something new. For instance, you could link the data of a ship to an external application to see how long you were flying it. It's just an idea but it sounds interesting.


    As far as getting the actual API goes, it would need to be balanced. The problem is though that it can't be balanced...


    Think of the possibilities that this one element adds. However, it gives unfair advantages to those who can actually program. I can myself but it doesn't take away from the fact that people can gain even more advantages that others do not have. Well, there is a chance applications will start to be trades for the API management itself, but still. There is so much here that I don't think anyone can see the outcome.


    In sort, I so love the idea of managing data and exporting it. However, I so disagree with the power one can gain by having 80 different applications running at the same time telling them every last thing that is happening on the server.

  2. Well, there are only a limited amount of options. I've seen this as one though. Perhaps a simple idea would be a warning mechanism. If you forgot or stop paying your subscription, you have one day remaining. At that point, you can play the game as normal, but once that day is up, you have to pay the subscription to play again. It's a simple workaround(even if not the best) to the idea you proposed and also keeps things going well for the devs. As well, let's say for every month you pay your subscription on time(ie. 5 months or so), you get an extra warning day. It's a simple concept that might offer a workaround, but at the same time, I don't think it's going to make a work around.

  3. Introducing myself, 


    I typically follow the name Badger, or Badg3r when I cannot get the name.  but IRL, Steve works.



    I am really looking forward to the prospect of this game.  I just encountered it on a your tube E3 Vid, so I had to check it out.  I am really excited at the potential of this game.


    I consider myself more of a builder, so I am very excited at the building opportunity's this game is presenting.  I for sure will be following along to hopefully be manufacturing soon.


    for now, I will sit back and scour the site for more interesting information, and glad to meet you all.




    We welcome you Badger to the forums. Feel free to do all sorts of browsing and suggestion around here. Also, might I add that a good way to get started is to read the dev blog.


    Welcome again.

  4. So I always am thinking up stupid ideas, Here is my 1st.



    So all ships in space would need an airlock, so us humans can get in and out...  Instead of blowing up this enemy ship, what if you wanted to board this ship, kill it's crew and claim the ship for your own...


    Now, I would not make this an easy task, as I am sure the building of ships will not be cheap.  You would to need to neutralize the ship, connect to it, break the airlock, and pvp the crew.


    Pirates do this to increase their ships, I see no reason this type of   behavior would had not continued into space.


    I am glad their is an idea forum, I like this type of stuff.  B)



    Well, you kind of late. Really late. Boarding has been a topic widely discussed and you can search around the forum for it easily.

  5. No, it takes place in a future where Sam Harris won.












    ...But we do know there's communication, so you can talk about you and/or your character's beliefs, and the organization/faction system is general enough that it should be able to support an organized religion as easily as it could a corporation or a democratic city state (Devblog here), and also from the little we know of the lore, we know that multiverse theory has being proven and is the basis for their Resurrection technology, which could easily inspire some very interesting spiritual philosophies. 

    Not to mention RP in this game is encouraged. When talking about one self, you could mention you are a part of a religion and such. As well, it might be possible to join a religious organization like a cult or such. 

  6. Welcome to the Forums Dominar. Might I say as well, nice avatar. Down to business though.


    A Space Engineers refuge then. Well, we have a couple of those, myself included, around these regions. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. As for your launch day suggestion, it's probably a good idea to post it in the idea's and sections forum. However, I liked the idea and it gives us a way to get the feel of the game before beginning. As we already know, players will be spawning on Arkships, crafts that carry a number of refugees to a distant planet in order to rebuild civilization. 


    You can read more about the game on the Dev Blog here and once again, welcome.

  7. its possible that the ark field that we as players (maybe) able to create that use a special item will be found at the crash sites of other ark ships

    I thought of that as well. The Arkfield would likely have something to due with Arkships. For instance, Arkships being produced by a number of companies were being launched. These Arkships had flaws and changes between each model that might affect the outcome in the end. This could mean that some Arkships actually crashed and have some remaining supplies in them. As well, what if you didn't have a guaranteed chance to find a item for the Arkfield in the ship? That would mean players can find all sorts of loot in them, with the Arkfield being just one type.

  8. I imagine that this won't be problem and at the same time, will be a problem. Let me explain:


    So in the dev blog for Lua Scripting, it was stated that constructs by a player and that have functionality will have a Distributed Processing Unit and scripts. We can imagine that you would need to script in a type of AI module in so that turrets could fire. I would then imagine that the turret would either auto detect player constructs with the same owner or organization. If that isn't the case, then the Ai would probably take a couple parameters that define its target radius and targets. This is my idea of what it might be though, so it's up for correction when necessary. 

  9. Well, that's a biography. Very nice and to the point too. Welcome to the forums Trajan.


    Here you will find all sorts of things relating to dual universe as well as stuff like factions, ideas, mechanics and other stuff. Feel free to browse around


    And again, Welcome.

  10. Well, welcome to the forums Icarus. You yourself are interested in pistons, joins, compartments and building mode, so let me answer them in that order.


    Note, my references are the dev blog and various other sources that we have received over time. As well, anything I can not directly answer, I will make assumptions as to what may be the case.


    Pistons and Joints: Currently we have no confirmation of such things. I imagine though that with the implementation of such things such as large scale ships, we will see some sort of constructs with similar mechanics to these. As such, in some trailers and footage we have seen from the game, there are massive ships that would possibly hold fighters or some other stuff inside it. When we imagine this as the case, we can guess that pistons, joints and/or similar objects would be added into the game.


    Compartments would come along with pistons and joins I imagine as well. If there were to be compartments, it would have to be added in by the players I imagine. Probably also controlled via a lua script as well. It is concluded that this has a very good likelihood of being in the game.


    Building Mode: There is no confirmed "building mode", however, we have seen some indication of building mechanics. During the E3 trailer, we saw how building would possibly work. As well, in a dev posted video here on the forums(I won't link to it but you can probably find it), we saw some mechanics of how building would be achieved, which would work similar to your "normal building mode" idea. I imagine as well, that with the building mechanics we have so far seen, building mode will be pretty easy to use. You should be able to change blocks quickly and there should be no real problem. As well, if you want to go into some more building mechanics, you have the dev blog for building here.


    Hope this answers your question and not, all things I say are subject to be proven wrong unless stated by the devs themselves.

  11. I have to ask... Why?


    This isn't doing research, it's waiting for research to be done. Yes, there is an advantage in different players having the capacity to do different things, but the rpg elements take care of this anyway, and tech tree "research" is the most passive way to go about it.


    Experimenting with LUA code, trying out in-game mechanical parts, exploring for new materials to try out or ruins to salvage, that has a lot more in common with the activity of doing actual research. From the described demands of exploration, this alone can be an undertaking just as demanding and cooperative if not more. And the level of experimentation would alone provide us with completely different skillsets as builders and completely different technologies as factions. Look at the SE workshop: The death lotus, torpedo designs, robots, various ship automation, drones, in-game Tetris, a plethora of mining techniques and armor designs and plenty more, each of those demanding hundreds of hours and going through dozens of failed experiments (if you are lucky).


    So what's the benefit of adding a layer of waiting for research to be done over that? Why does it add to the game?

    To be honest, waiting for research to be done doesn't add anything to the game, but it does cause you to think of priorities. I mean, we're talking about a basic barebones research system, but I'm sure that there will be more to it. Although, if the idea of waiting for research doesn't sound good, then replace time with x. With this, x thing must be achieved before research could be done. In total though, x just means that you have to think about your priorities. In each game, you must think about what accomplishes what and plan out what you need to do first. That way, you don't end up wasting time or other resources.

  12. Welcome Vicomt. Yep. EVE Players are flocking to these forums recently since the new expansion. As to be expected, if one ship fails, move to the next best one.


    As well, be sure to check out the community and browse around. There are a lot of ideas to be had, factions to join and just general good things around here.


    Once again, welcome to the forums.

  13. Welcome to the forum ODINxKANE. As far as throwing your money at the devs, there will be a community Kickstarter page for the game created near the end of this year.


    I have to agree Tnecniw as well when stating not to overhype the game. While it does look promising, it could still have problems that might be overlooked with it's hype. While I'm saying that though, the game still seems to be taking steps into the right direction.

  14. DUA has been Updated!


    Why indeed. The DUA now features multiple ways for members to communicate to one another and a Teamspeak 3 server to allow for voice communication.


    As well, I'd like to welcome two new members. Gingerdeadman6 and SkilledStealth. 


    Anyone else who is looking to join, we will be happy to have you.

  15. i would like to see this implemented into the game somehow.



    i was going to suggest that the more people who choose to research into a single research item on the organization level the quicker it goes, but i realized as i had the thought that it would make it unfair to smaller groups.


    Yes that would be the case. It also means my idea of researching parts would make larger groups have an easier time. So it might need to be researched individually for some things but massive collaborations for research on others, which wouldn't be a bad idea at all!


    I still would like to see some way to trade research.

  16. Welcome to DU, skylord!


    Glad to see another interested party joining the game (no pun intended). Might I suggest first starting with the various Devblogs - they offer a wealth of information and should help you get fairly acquainted with the general concepts and mechanics present in DU.


    I'm afraid your wait for the perfect space MMO isn't quite over yet - there's still a while to go before alpha :) but in the meantime, make yourself at home here in the forums.


    As for organizations, there is a whole multitude of them to explore...oh wait! What's that down there? Oh my, one organization already conveniently linked below! What an excellent starting point! In all seriousness, however, there are many many organizations to explore here. Peruse them at your leisure!


    Happy foruming - it's all you'll be doing for the next week.



    Hey! I know I am a subsidiary of you but you're already trying to steal my victim-uh I mean recruit. You should be ashamed of yourself :)

  17. or shared amongst an organization, OR! research that can only be done on an organization level. things that would only be useful inside an organization but not to an indivual.

    Your right! Massive cities would only be useful for an organization to research. Maybe it should only be allowed by a bigger group. You know, this would also allow R&D members specifically doing this very thing!

  18. It would be interesting to see how this could play out.


    Would the tech progression occur on an individual player level, or on a universal level?


    For instance, would I have to level up the Propulsion skill to a certain level before I could begin to level up Super Fast Propulsion? Or would we instead look back on xx/xx/xx as the date when MasteredRed discovered the trick to FTL?

    Or, what if research could be shared between individuals. Not only that, parts of it could be shared and sold for a price! That would mean each person has to gather a part of the research in order to unlock something. Meaning maybe for large city structure, it would require a number of parts that could be researched individually, or you could gather up a bunch of people and research a specific part. Not only that, you might be able to buy parts to complete your research.

  19. i would like to see the item not be able to be sold on the open market. maybe given through direct contact but i think it being on the open market could cause issues. big corps and organizations would buy them all up just cause they would have the cash flow to do so. 


    an interesting workaround would be that you can set each token/artifact to cover a certain area based on the power you feed it or by linking multiple ones together. but the bigger the field the weaker it is to attacks. so a small personal ark field would be 100% indestructible while a city size one would be able to be brought down with enough fire power.

    That's actually a good idea. NovaQuark wants to appeal to builders so one of the best ways would be to make a more personal area that's less destructible and a large area that factions and alliances are more likely to reside. Each having it's own use would be a very good decision in the right direction.


    With the way that arkfields could be set up, a token might have a limited amount of power and would need to distribute it evenly among a area. That would mean you could choose an area, but the energy could only reach so far. At least, it's an idea.

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