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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Chuckinator

  1. Salut à toi ! Penrose Laboratories est une organisation francophone , nous avons de tous les secteurs et plusieurs projets à l'intérieur de l'organisation. Nous sommes actuellement la 1ère organisation francophone et nous avons aussi plusieurs membres qui savent développer en LUA et qui sont dans le projet. Je t'invite sur le site : https://www.penrose-labs.org/ tu peux faire ta candidature dessus et pour rejoindre notre discord voici un lien d'invitation : https://discord.gg/7AW5uB8 Si tu veux passer on peut discuter quand tu veux si tu as des questions , à bientot.

  2. I think the idea is about the Novark so it won't be possible , the lore is talking about a single ship from many others so what's the interest of having many races if it's a human project about one ship , the lore is talking about it if you want


  3. Actually the in-game voice system is interesting and will be important , how people will do when for example they board a space ship ? from the chat ? it won't be interesting .

    So yeah it's interesting but not until the full release , they have many stuff to do instead of doing it now , and anyways , everyone use discord this days 

  4. Actually when you are in building mode you can fly , so you don't have difficulties to build in detail , so it's useless if it's already in the game

    But if you are talking about the ressources then i don't have any solution else than farming sorry .

    But a program isn't useful if the game isn't even release , it's a lost of time for NQ so think about it deeply 

  5. 1 minute ago, Shockeray said:

    That's actually pretty surprising, I had assumed that they weren't even going to mess with water being dynamic at all. Did the water actually fill in to lever or just "flow" like in Minecraft when you have a single water source?

    If i remember it does fill like minecraft 

  6. 22 hours ago, Megaddd said:

    Ooh, what happens when you tried walking into/under it?

    Couldn't try this because it was in god mode sorry , but when you dig you can find water sources , and if you dig near lakes / seas the water fill just like in minecraft

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