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Posts posted by 3lonwatt5

  1. I think it -should- be possible.



    Now now, hear me out: Big projects require massive amounts of resources and high tech research & development. From this alone we can conclude that it's not a one person job, it's highly time consuming and will require a huge amount of currency/resources that also require a massive amount of time to collect. 


    Lets say you have a beam-weapon. Just the beam-weapon alone will do base amounts of damage. Implementing an enhancement module will draw extra power. Extra power requires extra power generation, which means more fuel, which-you know I can go on. Point is, you will have to do a hell of a lot of work for a giant boomstick. I don't know about you, but regardless of how big this game is, you're not gonna hide a Death Star. 


    Now, take in account that the secrecy of said project is pretty thin, a counter project could be started by rivalling parties not wanting the enemy to have such a weapon


    All in all I just find it quite sad and disappointing that the community is not trusted to solve this issue internally. Your city block destroyed because a doomsday device? Yes please! Murder my base so I have reason to build good defences or join a good faction. Destroy my ship so I can learn when to leave harbour and when to stay home. Beat me down so I can get up stronger. 




    Besides these things, consider the following the thing though: why would anyone want to undertake a massive project with the risks mentioned above and the investment "just to blow up the world for lolzies". They won't. If they do it's because they want to be the dominant force in the galaxy, which is simply not sustainable in a GAME (see EvE territorial time lapses via youtube). It would hurt their own user base in the same way as the current modern Western society benefits from NOT going to war with one an other. 


    Again, trust the community to solve this issue. 

    Alot of great points made, I agree with about 98% of it

  2. As Lethys said, i would too rather prefer lower destruction power for single weapons so you actually have to fight people versus people more.

    I agree, but I wasn't thinking of a weapon that could destroy a whole city or fleet, just something with a high radius and power that would be used tactically, and I think it should be balanced in the sense of it's use is limited (and single-use imo) and its inefficient for its cost:destruction ratio compared to other weapons


    just my opinion 

  3. Which brings me back to my first point. It would be annoying if your city just blew up for a reason or not.

    You would have little chance to defend your self.


    Not to mention after awhile org will have gotten so big that they could make as many nukes as they like.


    Also what do you mean by this "for the sake of logistics of the server"

    for they server thing, if it was re-useable, some people could just make a fleet of them and kill the server


    and I can agree that that would be annoying, but orgs could sign documents that ban them in warfare, or if you don't like the risk, don't live in a major city


    and I think the DU could probably find a way to balance how effective they are and how hard they'd be to build

  4. Well how much could it destroy?

    just my opinion, but i think like 1 city block is too small, but about a radius of like 5 city blocks might be too big, idk how big the cities will be, so idk for sure

  5. I am assuming that it is not a one time use in which case. They would just go destroy all of there enemy's city's.


    If it is a one time use why bother when a fleet would be cheaper and reusable.

    I was assuming it'd be one-time use, for the sake of logistics of the server and gameplay, and it might be cheaper to make a small fleet, but it's supposed to be used tactically, for example if a city is heavily fortified/protected from air attacks and land attacks, the best tactical solution might be send a small vehicle that looks neutral to them, but is actually carrying a nuke 

  6. I would like to add they did not say no "super weapons" they said no planet destroying weapons.

    I agree on this, I think you're referring to the death star talk? when I say super weapon, I don't mean something that could destroy moons 

  7. All assets are a military target. And why not just blow up city's for fun? I would.

    Because you'd either have to 1.mine for hours on hours, research all the skills you need, and not get raided the whole time 2. steal one (which would also be hard) 3. own an Org that is making one to have one stockpiled, and then just use it because you can, or 4. (most unlikely) have the org build it just so you can "troll" one city


    Also that is true that all assets are military targets, in a sense, but if I spent that much time on acquiring this weapon, I wouldn't just fire it randomly into a city and hope the best

  8. By super weapon I assume you mean something that dose a shit tone of damage.


    It has been stated that there will not be super weapons. Imagine how annoying it would be if you logged on to find that the city you where living in is just gone.

    I get that, but the logistics of just blowing up cities for fun wouldn't be in the favor of the person using it, 1st of all the people in the city should know if they're at war, and secondly, unless they live next to a military or industrial target, they shouldn't have to worry. 

  9. I don't think super weapons should be in the launch version of DU, but in a later expansion, for many reasons.


    First of all, I think it should be very difficult to create these weapons if they existed, (possibly a research of some kind?) but for sure the materials to create it should be very rare. For example if uranium was available in the game and was already decently rare, but used for energy production, there could be a special "isotope" of the uranium that could be used as explosives, but is even more rare than the usual uranium. This way not everyone is running around with weapons of mass destruction just grieving. It would take a well-established organization to organize the project/resources to create it.


    It could be other weapons than bombs, just using that as an example.


    Second thing is, since it's hard to create and probably won't have too much of practical use in the "beginning days" of the official launch of DU, I see no reason that they should work on it before launch and push back the launch further, rather they should wait and add it to a expansion soon after. (in my opinion)  


    Also, since they'd be very rare, if it did cause server issues, it would only happen during large or intense wars and when it did happen they could just slow down the time for a few moments and then go back to normal.


    (Also this is the first time I've really use a forum for anything, so don't bully me lol)

  10. First of all welcome to the forums and the community :) I hope to see you interact more on discord servers and forums, also best of luck with your organisation ^_^



    Welcome to the community and gl with that org of yours.


    Perhaps you can flesh out that goverment structure a bit more


    Thanks for the luck :)

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