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Alpha Tester
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  1. image.thumb.jpeg.0b522a1678c9ba23123f4ed2b64cda91.jpeg


    Building a ship with prefabs was a solution that I came up with.  It was so easy with Space Engineers; it was just made up of premade blocks. It was easy and fast. But with DU, that is not that simple. Since then, I've been building blocks I can use with copy-paste. 


    But one thing is that everything looks smaller than it is when working from the first-person perspective. As you can see from the screenshot, you will make things bigger than needed.  This corridor block can easily be used for a capital ship but not for smaller buildings. 


    Another fact is that the ships are not big. If you build cubes, then yes, they have a lot of space, but in length, they are small, laughable small. 

    Here are the numbers in length:

    XS = 15.75 meters 

    S = 31.75 meters

    M = 65.75 meters

    L = 127.75 meters

    and XL would probably be 255.75 meters


    The M version is a small Boeing 747, not even the biggest one.

    The XL (if it would be possible in  DU) would probably compare to an old carrier ship. The modern ones are longer. 


    Cya guys



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