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  1. image.thumb.jpeg.efaeeb50908772cd3ada882c358c98ce.jpeg


    I slowly start to love my 'ugly' cargo ship. It's probably a case of over-enginering but it seems that it can handle a cargo  of 200t or more just fine. Top speed should have been around 1000 km/h but 900 km/h  is the highest that I can get out of it.  It has shield installed but I don't think I will take it to dangerous places. 

    I got my hands on complete gravity system, a 'small' generator and six repulsors. The shop that sell spaceships has also one with a gravity system but the price of 44 million, that's too much 😅. I don't plan to gather money for around 14 or more days to buy that ship. I just got the whole gravity system for 6 million. And I had to 'work' hours for it. 


    My next build project will be interesting. 


    Cya guys

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