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Alpha Tester
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  1. image.thumb.jpeg.32371d78b41a39a20d67ab2839ca9d56.jpeg


    Very funny, how to park your ship in a busy airport...  I suspect this wasn't intentional 🤣


    What I don't like about flying to market 6 are all these high buildings.  Sometimes they just jump in your view, and if you don't fly high enough, well, I don't like to hit these things. I still need to fly my ship like an airplane you know. 


    Created my first large building static core, it took some while, but I managed it. You can really build a large construction with it. I leave it in my container for now, 😅









    Exlored a seafloor, there was really nothing to see or to find, it was more like the Dead Sea. But I found something interestingly, somebody dug a deep hole in the sea floor. Why, no idea 🤷‍♂️ You don't expect to find something like this... how much luck do I have to stumble on  this...






    The seas are empty and void, but at some places you find some interesting effects with plants and water. It looks better this way...


    Cya guys.


    1. Koruzarius


      In the olden days of beta, there was ore underground you could dig for. Some people when the game launched still thought there was and went digging for it. Probably found one of their holes!

    2. -=DWM=-


      🤔 Maybe for the best that they removed it. The whole planet would be turned into a digging field full of holes, death traps and caves where you can be lost. 

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