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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Peregrin

  1. Feeling a bit down tonight, I must say. DUSleepers, Lexikon, DUHS... I did it so that I could write it all down and share it with everyone. Soon there won't be an "all" nor an "everyone" anymore. Heh. Just hoping DU will find salvation finally going the "Space Engineers" way.
  2. Did you know that the Dual Universe Historical Society is still going ? We record events, both community and NQ-related. You may PM me for a discord link.
  3. Today marks my little forumversary: one year with the org section all to myself. Nothing much has changed, Lexikon is still open for visits and the Dual Universe Historical Society is still active somehow. ... There was a time when we dreamt about this game.
  4. New book: "The Occurrence", by Dracostan, can be found in the "Etherean" (red) section. It is a work of fiction. ... or is it ?
  5. New book everyone ! "Return of the Astrophage: Forgotten Bits" Come visit the Lexikon (VR Pod "Lexikon") !
  6. Birthday Bash Tour showed up at Lexikon ! Thanks for the visit guys ! Hope you liked it.
  7. I took Lexikon back to its small shipyard on Haven, awaiting the arrival of DU's Long Sleep. I only subscribe through DAC now, but I am still listening daily to the community, taking notes, and the library can still be visited. Whatever happens, I'll remain on the lectern until the end.
  8. Lexikon is still sitting at the Starlantis public docks. Although there's nothing new to show these days, people still visit. Welcome, everyone.
  9. Thank you, good Sir... ... although I feel more and more that my work will eventually consist into penning the last page and closing the book for good someday. Everything we've done will remain, somehow, somewhere.
  10. Still here, parked at Starlantis. As the world slowly grows colder and the stars dimmer, 1.4 is coming around. Will it bring solace ? Sometimes, I'm reminded of Rover's last words on Mars. "My battery is low and it's getting darker". Still, some beacons burn bright out there.
  11. ... and another one: The Bright Side: Infinity Corporation - By Peregrin & Geo, with participation from Deadrank Whatever happens, we shall remember.
  12. New book ! "The Story of Band of Outlaws - by Peregrin, Sylva and Demlock" It acts partly as a counterpoint to Anderson William's interview. Interesting read, if I say so myself.
  13. New book, 3 parts no less: "A Quiet Professional", a casual talk with Anderson Williams. Come read ! Sidenote: I'm so happy, I had been waiting for ages to write a piece about New Genesis, Ascendancy and Legion (relax guys, no secrets, just public stuff)
  14. Just a regular gazebo. You may bring food anytime (NOT in the library, though, please, but we have guest rooms upstairs).
  15. I have achieved a lifelong dream. I've built a gazebo. Mandatory awe (not really) in the Exchange's blue section, thank you.
  16. You're actually correct: this gift from Damasio (who is indeed something of a big shot in the french sci-fi litterature scene) was part of the "JC Legend", of that "vision" that was both Novaquark's strongest driving force and their most crippling factor back in the day, from 2014 to 2021. It all dissipated away when JC was kicked from his own project by a cabal of his investors, people with a more... pragmatic and money-centered mind. I won't say that was entirely a bad thing, but I'd like to see the likes of Granatino or Abboud try to bring Damasio back in for free, see how that works out for them... I remember a video of a french sci-fi/ gaming conference from the pre-KS time, when JC showmanned conventions to promote NQ and DU; at the end of his speech came questions and someone in the audience noted that having Alain Damasio on board was quite amazing and asked JC how he did it, and JC casually answered: "Well I just asked him, and he said 'yes'". We, as a community, and NQ, as creators of a universe, lost... something along the way. But I'm still confident we can somehow find it back. And the lore is part of it.
  17. Actually, Alain Damasio gave his 5-part story to JC, for free, as a personal token of appreciation and to help kickstart the public interest into the game. However, since Damasio kinda overdid himself, NQ had to retcon some parts of his work.
  18. DU's lore biggest issue IMO is that it is secondary to the necessities of development. NQ has been ever tightening the belt since alpha ended and every cheap & fast solution they had to find to keep their game alive and going could not be bothered with such trivialities. The lore started kinda all right but then, game mechanics took priority over the sci-fi flair and consistency, and "Aphelia"'s so very convenient hold grew stronger over trade, land owning, warfare... We thought we had real events going on (artifacts, Lamarr...) because Beta was "the real deal" until it was not anymore and all of it was scrapped as another simulated dream. We were supposed to build civilization from the ground up but FTUE said no so we got markets and institutes on planets and moons on day one. One can only hope NQ will devote some time and money to collect and glue the pieces together and not leave us with "It works better that way" as our only comfort, looking at you NQ-Ripley...
  19. Lexikon managed to take off last month and is currently parked on Aegis Space Market. Nice view out there and I don't get to hear the bloody toads all the time anymore. VR Pod is still open to the public. Check the workspace for an insight on a rather startling archeological discovery... Now for some finishing touches.
  20. I would suggest you first post your texts in this very forum and share with the community. Then wait for NQ Ripley to actually set things in place, as no-one for now will officially approve anything. On a sidenote, the Lexikon library is always on the lookout for texts about DU, be they fictions, tales or essays of any kind.
  21. Aliens ? Beta actually started to paint an interesting portrait about "aliens": the Wrecks, the Artifact Puzzle, the Gold Star lost fleet, the Alien Cores... That was back in a time where we knew - or thought we knew - that things were "for real", the "real deal"... Wipe put a silver bullet into this poor beast's skull. However, wipe could also be the chance for a great renewal of lore, a chance to forget tricky questions ("If Alpha was simulation and Beta was reality, how come Aphelia knew about the existence of the Artifacts and their meaning ?") and smooth up l'histoire du jeu. True, the game's science is a narrative landmine and I suspect NQ's management has zero.dot.zero interest in this but with NQ-Ripley at the quill, lore may become a game pillar again.
  22. I understand what you mean and I agree. I'm just willing to roll with it, just to see where this will lead us to. Maybe a bang, maybe a flop, maybe a refreshing morning breeze over frost covered fields... Maybe they'll pull the ol' "This is still a simulation, multilayered and imposed on millions of sleepers because *insert reason here*"; I believe the game is called "Dual Universe" for a reason. Let's suspend our disbelief on the same nail we hung our hopes for a brilliant game to dry on for now and brush some dust off the tomes.
  23. Aphelia being insane is actually a valid lore angle. I understand mending lore will not be easy, NQ painted themselves in the corner on this one, but I feel we may just save something here... DUHS has a discord server that saves news into archives; general discussion there may attract lore-minded noveans: https://discord.gg/ecErPae Lexikon is a library ship, visitable ingame (VR Pod "Lexikon"); it offers texts and expos to read and see; still work in progress, currently rebuilding after the Beta Wipe
  24. VR Pod "Lexikon" is now open and texts/ expos are coming back one at a time. The building is done and flight-capable... somewhat, as it'll need antigrav.
  25. NQ's gameplay decisions, notoriously brutal, were made on the go for gameplay's sake, the lore's consistency long forgotten in the face of the game's very survival against its own growing pains. However, now that the game is "released", maybe we can start to mend things. If NQ is really willing to pump life into lore again, I believe Shamsie and some of the community's writers can do some good.
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