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Posts posted by norab7

  1. Admit it, you didn't want us to leave you out Nora.


    And yes, I agree with you I didn't mention anything about how you obtain the data, obviously there will be scanners and possibly soles involved. Upgrades can get data faster and further away, you'd have to fly to the planets orbit to get more data than its there and this mass.


    These methods are a fairly common thing in games, so I focused on the sale and trade of the data, what would make it a viable occupation. I would like to point out, even today we can get detailed surface scans of the planet from orbit. Spectrochromogrophy can get accurate readings of atmospheric compositions from viewing it. Sometimes with various sensors we can detect areas of denser ore pockets. So I wouldn't say they need to be there with a test tube and lab set saying it, but I would expect it to take unique and specialized equipment.


    Well of course, I have to have a post in 'every thread' otherwise what am i doing with my life and what has become of DU if not... :o...


    But for your points, I don't know about the scans from orbit giving you everything, this is where the line from real-life to game world could be different i think. I think we need some form of activities to get the information and not just fly by scans to give you everything you want.


    Maybe we could come to a 'dual' idea here. You could have your scans from orbit giving you information about the planet, such as ore deposits, wildlife ect ect, but it will be lacking 'accuracy' giving you a estimated values and location, so you know where to go and 'sample' the planet in order to get more details information. This 'scan from orbit' could be 'soulbound?' or restricted to yourself so you can't sell it, giving you the tools and locations to do your experiements but you still actively have to go and gather the information itself.


    Higher levels or upgraded equipment could give you more accurate information from orbit too, otherwise you could end up getting information of rare resources when it's actually a funny looking bush in a desert.


    I think there is a big market for explorers in this game and I've yet to find a game out there that is fun to explore and not just "Once you see one of it, it's all boring then"... exploring with a value of data attached to what you find could give for some interesting game play.


    However I would say that i think either the information displayed in the market should be automated or the value of the item should be automated, I don't want people being able to label their data as something like 'BEST PLANET EVER BUY NOW' ect ect, and it turns out its a scan of Alioth's Arksite. I think there would be a lot of lieing players if they were able to tag their own marketed data.



  2. Yeah, I'm with 'DD' on this one, your idea is very good but there are some circumstances that would cause issues, 'ramming' was an example, and we just don't have enough information to even consider if any of it was possible or not.


    If there is a autotag system, I would prefer a way to detect whether or not the player has some system active on their ship, rather than a 'fire upon fired' condition. So that you would be able to set up a defence system that warns the player at distance X to turn off their weapons or be fired upon and if they don't turn them off or reactivate them inside distance Y they are attacked by turrets.


    As for the market system I would imagine that you could choose a 'Everyone' tag to put on a station so that everyone can use it or restrict it to certain 'specific tags' to allow only people you want to access it. The thing I would like to know is one of the things you mentioned, can you have multiple market networks next to each other.


    If you can then that could lead to a 'internal' market system for player guilds and a external trading market for outsiders to purchase/sell to that guild specifically. There would also allow for a 'level of tag' market, where the higher your tag level the higher the market you can access, so you can trade the highest materials around safely or create a somewhat 'guild bank' system giving only guild member access.


    If you can't have multiple market networks then the above idea of 'market tag levels' just disappears, but another thing I thought about is the sphere of influence of a market system and pirate hackers. Would someone be able to hack into a market system to see the goods before attempting to rob it, or hack into a market system that's being used by a guild for a guild bank just by having a 'rouge market station' on their ship that they use as a 'market hacking station' something like that.


    It will be interesting to see more information about DU and the specifics and fine points of a lot of the systems to see what is actually possible or not. Just like Lua, we know there is lua coding but what are the limitations to the code, can we do anything or are we limited by dev made functions?


    I long for the day of knowing all of what DU offers.



  3. Ah ok, my bad. Well my way would work but I get you now.something similar to the solar panel concept posted. I misinterpreted your idea.


    MC did this too, when multiple monitors were tiled together in a rectangle they combined. There may be a limit DU would set as the max size though, could cause lag updating images on a 1km wide screen.


    Then I could pay you to display a big target on your billboard, then precede to use it while sighting my guns in.


    You could have very rough, stealth tech if you could have a camera and a big screen. That would be an interesting this to see.. you are just floating towards a giant mirror of your own ship and suddenly it changes to a motherload of different ships all bearing down on you.


    That would be both cool and terrifying, if not out of date for the time the game is set in, screen based stealth will be just a luxury to have when you have proper cloaking devices i guess.



  4. Yeah....engine technology is probably not quite there yet....but sure would add some immersion and cool game play.  It really boggles the mind to think what might be done in the next 20 years. 


    Next 20years you could be inside the game like the matrix, and doing all the destroying and flying around yourself.


    Think of 20years ago mobile phones were almost non-existent and now everyone has one, it's more likely that the people who don't have a mobile phone are non-existent now, and think of how much better they are now compared to then.


    I totally think it is possible within the next 20 years to have some form of matrix/SAO style game where you control the game with your mind and are inside virtual reality and such. IBM has started making a VRMMORPG based on SAO with forcefeedback and such so it feels like your touching the objects inside the game.


    But yeah, that was slightly off topic, but to think about the moons situation maybe they are not planet type constructs, when you think about it they are going to be smaller and in the high chance that they are not habitable, so they could be a asteroid type and movable and such. Although we don't know anything other than planets will not be movable but asteroids we still don't know yet.


    Would be nice to have though, imagine hollowing out a moon and moving it around like a death star, and people confusing it as a moon, mining through it to see if there are resources and eventually opening up into a very powerful fortress in the middle..


    Even if we can't do that, I've just got the whole nerd'shakes from thinking to much about DU.





  5. pixel art, sure you could make your billboard like that. It just isn't easily changed but some grouos wouldn't care. They may even want to hire someone to make it for them.

    And one of the Dev blogs at least mentioned changing the voxels to change colors like painting, but I recall it was a block change (ie with different properties) not just am appearance. I would expect to get some sort of paint tool though.


    I just suggested a computer screen so it's easily changeable and can be used for flashing images, more like modern billboards.


    No, no, no.. not pixel art, I mean you just draw the voxels down in a shape of a screen and it becomes a screen like what you want. Where you don't have the 'screen element' you just have 'screen voxels'... Giving you the option to create a screen as big as you like but still have the functionality of what a 'element screen' would have.



  6. I like the idea's here but I don't like how it's done.


    I don't think you should just 'go somewhere' and get the information, you should have to test the area, or take a sample or something. Do a action to get a result, like using a machine to get a core sample of the planet to give you information about it's materials and rarity. Or processing a air sample you've taken in a biome, different samples for different biomes. I don't mind the mapping data being just a fly over thing, but maybe a little bit more complex map data that just 'Here's the planet'.


    If maps are represented in a holographic globe (We don't know anything about maps yet i think) we could have a level of detail of the planet. The closer you fly to the ground or the better your 'scanning technologies' are the more detail of the planet surface you can get, otherwise it's more of a blur of mountains, or if you haven't entered the atmosphere it's just a colored sphere telling you nothing more than 'there is a planet there'.


    If you do manage to have a close look at the surface you could start to gain map data of trees, wildlife, crevasses, hills, lakes, oceans depending on where you travel to. And taking 'core samples' could give you information in a range around where you took the sample, so again the better equipment you have the wider the range you can get the information from.


    This would allow a hefty amount of data to be sold, Wild Life, Ore, Rarity, Maps, Water, Atmosphere. Gives the explorer the option to sell more than just 'maps'.


    Obviously this is probably what the other people meant but as I started typing my fingers just started to type by themselves. Hope it makes sense.



  7. Minecraft had that, at least in the FTB packages. There were computers that ran on LUA. You could even watch an 8bit starwars on it.


    Give it the ability to load in images and text, make a super sized screen and you have a billboard. Or maybe even a video billboard.


    What about voxels that just take on the purpose of a screen?.


    You could build your own screen as long as you used the correct voxels in a square shape, or it could just use as much of the voxel space as it can in a square shape so you can have any shape you want but the screen will always just use a square.


    That could be interesting, I'd like to know if voxels have properties or if there are just blocks. We don't really know anything about the voxels other than they are materials and you can build them, we know elements will have properties only because you can lua script them, but will voxels have any properties that we can tinker with, like colorchanging them or something ?



  8. Yeah. I was thinking the same, like computers in MC FTB, you could program them for various thing. Including display screens for external camera you use when maneuvering. Just stand there in front a wall of screens as you pilot


    I was thinking more of like what SE did with it's screens, where you can program them to show you all the different information that you want, that ran off a very basic language.. :)



  9. I hadn't considered this.


    Nyzaltar said there would be a difference between planetary atmospheres and empty space "atmosphere".


    Will every planet have a planetary atmosphere?

    Will they be identical?

    Will some be toxic?


    I don't see the difference between a toxic atmosphere and empty space "atmosphere"  - Both will kill you


    Aye, both will kill you, but one of them will slowly eat your suit away giving you a limited time to do your business and get back to safety before consuming you..... :)



  10. Maybe the devs could declare an uninhabited planet to a danger zone. Planet will explode soon. If you have the instruments to calculate the point of explosion (crafting experience) you will get a timer.

    During the phase of becoming instable the players can find the most/best/valuable recources. But don´t stay too long because you have to escape that giant explosion alive!


    Something like this would be a great "serverwide event" in my opinion. And you could keep the universe alive while creating supernovae and gamma-rays. And if a star dies, a new one will be born...


    Don't forget black holes, everyone likes a good black hole, especially one that sucks in things and destroys them or crushes them.. you could get locked in the gravity field of a black hole and have to try to power out of it and stuff, lure people into the gravity field of one by a sneaky star gate outside or something.. :)



  11. I wan't going to reply with something about making them out of voxels and then realised that if you had a specific element for displaying information you could have smaller and more precise information present on a billboard.


    I like this idea, you could have the billboards not be billboards but just standard displays, so you could have them do other functions like show ship fuel, energy levels, shield output, inventory states ect.. Possibilities i would imagine are endless when you think how open they are wanting to make lua


    I +1 this idea.. :)



  12. I hope it's not just 3-4 sizes. That may cover fighters to even battleships. But what about a 2km long capital ship. Sure I'll want small turrets to seat the flies. But I need something that can pack a punch to larger targets. Especially for my dreadnaught class.


    I think we should only get weapons like this if there is something to help smaller vessels against it, like a charging light or a notification or something, like when the death star shoots it prepares the green beams first before firing it's main cannon. Shooting something that can just wipe out smaller ships in one hit wouldn't be fun, if you can see it charging as a small ship you could avoid it, but as a larger capital ship or dreadnaught you wouldn't be able to move, but you could adjust shields to protect yourself more... 



  13. I don't know 100% but i'm sure Terraforming has been confirmed as a no, but might be available in a kickstarter goal (maybe, might be confusing myself here).


    As for the harsh environment, I don't think anything has been said about the different types of biomes and planet types yet. Can't think of anything that's been said at least. However there is a thread somewhere about planets and tentacle planets, or planets that would try to eat you and such.


    I like the idea that there could be planets that you would have to build 'differently' on if you wanted to build there, like a water planet that you need to build floating buildings on, or attach it to the sea bed to be able to build. Or lava planets where you need to build supports of <rare material> into the lava before you can build normally. Or oxygen less planets where you would have to build inside domes or airtight buildings to be able to breath/replenish oxygen ect.


    I hope there is something like them, I like having the extra challenge of where i'm going to build my base and ships. But I think a lot of this has been confirmed to be only if certain stretch goals for kickstarter are met. I think.



  14. I like this, I will +1 this and ask for a second helping of it.


    Not that I'm going to make use of this functionality but it sounds like a solid idea that could be benefital to a lot of people on the forums in the coming months


    I like how you Bumped your own thread here. But i'm still on the side of 'hoping' it happens.


    Also, your signature is MASSIVE... people will more then likely turn that off because of its size rather than be interested in your 'syndicate?'... just letting you know.



  15. Great idea. probably one for a future expansion. Not wanting to sound negative, but its the sort of thing devs put in after a few years to encourage players back into the game or attract new blood, which is not a bad thing.


    Maybe if you are involved in such an event you get a cool drop or something that allows you to enhance your ship. Might just be kudos or a medal awarded by some galactic higher order. Could be a huge monolith in space with a list of names of participants carved on it next to a giant alien ship wreck.


    Or you collect X number of medals for events and then you can trade them in for something special from some remote trader outpost. (ref pirate tags in eve to repair sec status damage)


    I disagree, I'd prefer the outcome of a large scale event to be something that everyone gets or affects everyone. 


    Like in a asteroid situation, if you manage to destroy it before it hits the planet then the planet gets small locations of rare resources around the place, you just have to find them (or watch them fall) but there would be that many small locations that everyone gets a chance at them.


    Or on the other side, if you don't manage to destroy it, then the planet gets some 'debuff' or is damaged in some way that affects all people on the planet, making it a event that everyone wants to join in on but only for the people on that planet or that sector of the universe. If it gave you something transferable you would get people looking around purely for these situations, like big organisations, and killing off other people so they can reap the rewards for themselves. Even if you are just a small fry, they could kill you to stop you getting any advancement.


    But global/sector scale rewards that's non-specific to a player would give everyone equal footing on getting the rewards and remove more of the 'killing everyone for greed' part of it.



  16. I'm just going to have to point out that the only 'safe area' we know about so far is the arkship protection range on Alioth, nothing else in the verse will have any protection other than what the players decide to create themselves.


    That being said, I'm sure there was another thread somewhere about shields, that has lots of ideas in it also, but I agree with what you are saying, and also want to reiterate what 'DD' says about it being in the lore, we just don't know the size, scale, protection, capacity ect of the shields. So its more of a question of how they will work other than if we will get them.



  17. My only concern is without ratting (pirate hunting for the non Eve guys) where will the money come from for players. Since there won't be missions and no player made currency. Even if combat guys can make money from hired guards there's no initial start money. There won't always be guard duties or an enemy to fight so what will strictly combat guys do.


    I know that's off topic but hopefully they post a blog on money taps and sinks soon so we can get an idea of what their thinking to open discussions.


    Sell them in the basic market on the first Arkship or something ?.. I'm sure there was something somewhere about there being a standard market for trade on the Arkship, but now typing about it i think it was me who suggested something like that somehwere.. I've read far to many posts to remember now.


    But if i'm correct then there will be some initial way to get money from the Arkship, and past that... well... where does any money come from when there is none on a fresh start?. Maybe we can make it, or it is actually a material, like if we wanted to sell gold IRL, we get a value from it.



  18. If they can get the sandbox off the ground. and then possibly some wildlife.. 


    Once they iron out the kinks and have a good revenue stream, I could see them adding a civilization in a corner of the universe for us to find.  :)



    I wouldn't say no to somekind of an active PvE presence within the game. ;o


    I think I'll only care about having some grand presence of AI/NPC in the game if there are not enough players to play the game and keep it feeling occupied. But then again i'm going to be playing with people hopefully after i join a alliance. So i won't be alone anyway :)


    But I do agree that i would prefer the core game and functions to be fleshed out and polished as much as possible before deviating to do NPC/AI unless they are already in the plans.



  19. I see no reason to destroy an entire planet, it's a complete waste of harvestable resources. I mean, biological resources are much more rare than metals, gas or liquids.


    That's only if you take into account what we know from reality and the planets we've found in our range of view. After 10,000 years FTL (in a game) there could be solar systems of just pure biological life and what not. 


    Not pointed at you, but there are a lot of people applying what we think we know about the universe from out single point of reality and seem to forget that this is a game that's 10,050 years in the future and that much distance away at FTL speeds. We could have anything, especially if the onboard AI has be researching all the time to give us stuff..



  20. I don't know about that logo... I think Nyz might have to put in a 'mature' button if it gets any worse.. I mean come on, she's only got half a head... ;).. Thought i was going somewhere else didn't you, naughty naughty... 


    This sounds like Cinderfalls plans, more or less simplified. What sets you apart from them and why should i consider joining you rather than another alliance ? 



  21. Hey!


    If you can stack 20 cannons on the front of your single seated fighter... More power to you..


    You'll need it. :)


    Never!.. I'll only need my hands (morpher) to take you down, you'll not even see me coming.


    It's about the immersion also, not just the power behind it. You will see ships that are just emitters and power if you have just a small emitter to place and you have full use of the cannon behind the emitter.


    I just think it's better to leave it to the devs for balancing and shaping. I have faith in the devs to not screw over people, but I don't share that same faith in many of the other people... We.... (notice i'm saying 'WE' here)... we will always look to cheat the system to get a leg up on the competition if we can... And no-one deny it, you know you would.. :)



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