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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by borzol

  1. This really make me angry. if you cant afford pay 14€ you propably cant afford electircity that your PC is using while you play. You want  players that supported game on Kickstarter with large amouts of money to also pay for server maintenance  and game development? Btw there is a way to play for free ... in short you can buy monthly subsciption with in game money 

  2. So far i didnt read or hear about how they want to handle construction of blueprints. My suggestion is that blueprints will be build by construction vehicles (ships and hovercrafts). My idea is that you would have to put construction module (there could be several types of it depending on size of the blueprint). Besides that construction ship would need a lot of cargo space for resources for construction and finally you will need construction drones. More you have faster you build. For example if you would want to build a large space station from blueprint you will need ship with lots of cargo space to put all resouces needed for construction and lots of contrsruction drones. What do you think?

  3. There could be a system in multiple steps :


    1) Random generation like HS4-RD

    2) First pioneer to put a TU on the planet can rename it once.

    3) When an organization get 70% of the planet's TU they can rename it again.


    All name of a planet should be saved somewhere so the "history" of a planet should be accessible for lore purposes.

    i like Bluestorm idea

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