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Posts posted by Bluestorm

  1. For 2D : make a frame out of vowel and then apply different colors to it to paint patterns and stuff

    For 3D : sculptures :3


    I'm sure people would buy art to decorate their constructs or territories.


    As for music I never heard of anything of the sort implemented but who knows if you push for it and get the support of the community it might happen later on!

    I would give you my support already!

  2. I think you will not be able to deconstruct as you say but you will be able to detroy an element and get back the resources you used to create it (if you're the owner or have the right to do so) kinda like perfect recycling.

  3. I think the comparison with real life breaks on the scale of time.


    In real life regions dont flip ownership as fast as potentially in the game.

    Well if there is a raging war between two organizations to control the planet and the control shifted frequently then I doubt they would care about changing the name of the planet each time but would concentrate on defense instead.


    Anyway, the proposal was that you needed to own 70% of a planet to be able to change it's name. Going from 30% (in the best case) to 70% doesn't seems so quickly feasible lol.


    Plus if the planet has an history of it's names across time you could always refer to it with an old name everyone knows and wait till the new planet's name is stable to use it.

  4. I think the same. Saturn is Saturn.

    Yes but saturn was never conquered by any organisation.


    In history when a territory was conquered the name of the city/region/country sometimes changed for example englishmen didn't knew how to pronounce french cities correctly and sometimes renamed them with a syntax error.


    Another example is when the roman empire conquered territories they named them, Gaul was never named this way by its inhabitant which were not referring it by anything since it was inhabited by numerous non allied tribes with each their own named territories.


    Another yet : the inter-continental city Constantinople was named by the roman empire and was renamed Istanbul when the Ottoman empire conquered it.


    Wikipedia on the subject : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_renaming


    So in the context of spatial conquest it makes sense to be able to rename a planet you conquered.

  5. I thought about long time sending, and faster using relays but also adding a fee that would be accounting how many relays are used, the length of the message (if it's not only cash sent), and the distance. That is. This point of wireless exchange should be well considered it would bring another economy interesting element. Of course sending out of nowhere in space should cost somthing, it's worth it, no gas spending and less time consuming.

    And far less risky : no pirates

  6. In response to Danger's comment; I dont disagree with you on any one point. However, you seem to be missing both the tone of this thread and the purposes of a forum like this one.


    I did not start this thread to whine about the game and make everyone think it was doomed. I started it to make sure that there is a record of a very legitimate concern that many in the community share. That is the whole purpose of alpha forums after all; to make sure the community shares how it feels about current development plans.


    I think you're making a huge mistake by taking the position that skepticism is somehow wrong, or that we should keep our mouths shut about what we consider to be potential problems. That doesn't actually help anyone.


    The main reproach one could do to your topic is it only poses the problem and doesn't provide any answer to it.

    The tone is alarmist but then there is nothing to counter-balance that.

  7. If they are using an algorithm to build the planets in the first place, an algorithm could also name them. You might get some bizarre names out of an algorithm, but then players would have meaningful names right from the start to work with. Plus I would be willing to bet it is within reason for a system to be set up that no two planets have the same name (that would lead to some great confusion).

     Well it would be easy to implement a system that check if a planet name already exists before saving it if the players are the one to nickname them.


    As for the name the game gives from the algorithm it should be random like "HS4-RD" unless the dev prepare a list of potential names in advance and chose a name randomly in the list but I prefer having name emerging from the players.

  8. The obvious scam:

    1 you apply to an organization having bounty on it.

    2 we meet next to a rez unit.

    3 I kill you 3506 times.

    4 I claim the reward.

    5 We split the profit.

    Only possible if the contract is for more than 3505 deaths.

    And the reward could be a bundle like for 10 deaths you get this much.


    If the contract says max X deaths then it is secure, but only wealthy organization would put bounties for many deaths.


    Otherwise the bounty hunter is free to negotiate with the target, it was the same in real life when you asked for a man to be captured alive (he could bring him to get the reward and then help him out of prison, typical scam)

  9. I prefer this :D

    But a better way is that only Players who live on the planet / star system can suggest a name. Or maybe after the first player build a house on a planet a "Event: Poll" starts where people can suggest a name or can vote for a name. After 2 weeks the Poll is over and the name with the most votes is the new name of the planet :D

    This way large organization might get to name all the planets altogether since they will have the numbers :/


    Plus it means there is no recognition for explorers discovering planets...

  10. Yes, it's rather unrealistic to have instant transactions but since it is a game it is a necessity. No one wants to wait around a week for a transaction to be completed, the same with communications. All this would do would make people use out of game means in order to communicate and coordinate. 


    The problem is people will use contracts to instantaneously transfer assets half across the universe apart : no need for transportation then.


    The more realistic way is you will have to meet again the contractor to physically get your rewards or go to "reward stations" where rewards would be provisioned until the contract is fulfilled or delivery through transportation services (with the risk of loosing your rewards)

  11. In my opinion, to be the fairer, you will have to first pinpoint what it does costs you to run the market and expand on that.

    Everything else would just be selling a false service and you would be had by fairer concurrents after a while (unless you thoroughly destroy them but that is another level of unfairness :P).


    Transparency should be the best way to get the the trust of your users and stay in the long run.

  12. All i know is that i would hate to see that gravity effects are like Minecraft. For example of i build a tall pillar on a planet and remove the base and it stays afloat. That would be terrible. If you remove the base the whole thing should fall and not magically float


    As far as mining is concerned it will be like this : if you carve the bottom of a mountain it will float.


    As far as player and constructs, gravity should be applied.


    For buildings I'm not too sure.

  13. But does that mean that every time a planet gets renamed the map needs to be updated?

    What do you mean by that?

    There will not be a re-render of the planet, only the planet information would be updated, maybe the name of the planet would float above it when you get close to it or something.

  14. First, how does a player prove they actually killed a member of the other organization?

    Bring the head! Oh wait ... sci-fi? ... just bring the ID. Wait ... computer game? ... the game can detect death of target : done.



    Next, how many times is the bounty good for? Once? Twice? No limit?

    It should be precised on the contract.



    Lastly, assuming you could prove you killed them, even if it is only good once, that would take a pretty hefty sum on the part of the contracting organization to pay all the bounties

    Depends if the bounty is left for a long time or with multiple deaths ordered.

  15. I seriously doubt they are not adding CvsC to the game. The question, I hope, is when. Hit the stretch goal, maybe alpha. Miss it, probably later, sometime in Beta.

    Nope, CvC will not be on alpha even if the stretch goal is reached.


    The thing is if you want CvC as part of the initial release without the stretch goal then what other feature would you trade it with?

    Because the devs said they are on tight budget so they have to compromise. What would you compromise and what would the community would compromise to have it on launch?


    Here is the list of the feature for the game at launch : https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/013/611/288/90a436807de5113e51b2f82001c2f6d5_original.jpg?w=680&fit=max&v=1473110122&auto=format&q=92&s=d224c045105c46368808a6e91ac93a5d


    - Massively Multiplayer Single-Shard server : Core of the game impossible to trade and already developed

    - Editable Planet : Already developed

    - Biomes : Some already developed but more would be important to have different material to make different constructs

    - Exploring : Can't be eliminated because it uses the constructs

    - Scanning and mining : Without mining you don't craft constructs. Scanning will be important to find the material you need for your ship

    - Voxel building : Already developed and needed to build a construct

    - Crafting : Constructs depend on crafting

    - Alien life : Might be dispensable for the launch

    - Trading : You need trading to buy resources to repair your construct

    - Territory control : Without territories why would you fight in the first place?

    - AvA : Primordial

    - Organizations : Without organizations no CvC because you won't know if you fight a friend or a foe and it would not be organized.

    - Skill-Tree : CvC without progression? Forget it.

    - Character customization : Cool but not so important if we can get it later

    - Social tools : Do you fight communication?


    So only two features can be exchanged for CvC and I doubt they weight enough to rivaled CvC.


    So as far as I am concern it is not possible to get it early.


    Although I believe that even if the goal is not reached, NQ will do their utmost to make it possible anyway with other means (like alpha/beta backing)

  16. Interesting thing on the personal side although this can also be done outside the game.

    Sure but if it was in the game, more people would use it, it would be easier to manage and information would be more accurate, thus pushing the players to engage more in the "ask around" reputation system.


    Also it shouldn't be too costly in development time to implement.

  17. Regardless who owns the planet, it should be named once and not renamed afterwards. But I see the problem of names, they can't just be random or weird. What if a member of NQ keeps validating the names regarding its relevance (it has to have a link with its appearance or what happened when it was discovered, or how...), then I know there will be loads of them planets, but while the NQ team validate or not the name, the planet just goes by some letters and numbers chosen by the colon (if available) and that's it (of course the colon could just name it 'NQ-4785' and there won't be a point validating it as its a name that only serves as PIN (all planets should have one once discovered AND claimed). A player should have the right to come into a planet and not claim its installation...


    It would take the fun out of it though and while a "PIN" name should be used to name discovered planets, settlers and later main organizations should be able to re-name it or at least nickname it because they have ground to do so :


    Imagine yourself as a settler in a new world called "HS4-RD", wouldn't it be natural for you to give a warm nickname to your new home instead of that cold computer generated name?


    Same thing, imagine yourself as part of an empire that conquered most of a planet, wouldn't it make sense to assume the planet is under your control and thus you would nickname it for strategy in your worlds' domination?

  18. I believe markets will follow the mines and production zones.


    If there is a big research center with hundreds of builders/scripter somewhere on the system you will be sure to have a BluePrint market just next door.

    Same thing with mined zones and planets because the less people will travel the less risk they take and so the providers will want to minimize their risks by selling to a closer market and well... buyers will go where they can find the things they want to buy.

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