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Daphne Jones

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Daphne Jones

  1. I guess if there are shield elements, you could build a shield around a star gate and have an attendant lower the shield for ships that had paid the fee. But I was wondering if security was something inherent in the stargate.
  2. I wonder what games the OP's community approves... not WoW (game tokens)... not Star Citizen (cash purchase of game credits with a limit per time)... not Entropia (real cash economy - that one is certainly pay to win by any standard)... I was gonna say Runescape would quality - back when I was playing it they were stalwarts against pay to win... but gold farmers beat them and now they have a game token system (like WoW - a lot of their recent changes seem like WoW-light.). And of course, Second Life with game money on an open market - not that there's a clear way to win there. Maybe I just don't travel in the right game circles, but I can't think of anything that would meet the OP's standard.
  3. [Whoops. Accidental duplicate post. Please respond to the other one.] Mod, can you delete please?
  4. Some musing on stargates brings up some questions: Will the builder of a stargate be able to charge a toll for its use? If not, how would they amortize the cost? Will a stargate have a (digital) key, so only authorized users can use it? Will the owner have to have an armada patrolling to stop unauthorized use? If I send a probe from Earth to Mars (or other pair of planets in the same system) will I be able to build a stargate between them? This could be very profitable for fast, easy trade if a use fee can be charged. Or is there a one stargate per system limit?
  5. Well, a wheeled vehicle can be implemented by attaching non-physical wheels to a hover vehicle constrained to the height of the wheel. They'll have them if they want to and it won't lag anything.
  6. Someone posted a video explaining DU single shard tech on the Star Citizen (SC) forum. (This was posted because SC is moving to a single shard tech as well and the poster thought DU tech might be the same). That's how I became aware DU existed. Then a few days ago, Chris Roberts (CEO and producer of SC) posted a call for people to support the DU kickstarter (which I did).. and that led me here.
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