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Posts posted by Malicious

  1. So lets say there is a random bunch of civilians in the street and your law enforcement and they have done something wrong. You could either take the time to Type to them. Or Invite them it a discord server or whatever else. Or just press a button on your keyboard. Using Discord, Skype Curse or anything else is way to hard to run in these situations. You would run into too many people and getting contact information is inconvenient.

    Too hard? Lmao... What? No one has ever said that while playing EVE online or WOW... What's so hard about holding a key while you talk? You'd have to do the same thing if it were integrated into the game. And what contact info would you need? All people would have to do is use their in game name in discord and log in. If anyone thinks that's hard then that's just a characteristic of laziness.

  2. No one should be able to just build a ship within the first 1 hour of playing unless the grind like hell. Everything should take time. This isn't Minecraft thank God and it would be ashame if everything was easy. Ores should need processing in order to craft a steal beam for example.

  3. You can just use external programs that run in the background like discord. And there are highly legitimate reasons as to not have this. Trolls who won't shut up, load mouths, people interrupting while you're talking and uses more space on the servers. Granted there would most likely be a mute feature but still it would be just a easy and probably more convenient to use external chat programs.

  4. For anyone who's not aware, you can download a free 3D sketch program called Google Sketchup so that you can start designing your constructs. It's free and easy to use with a very small learning curve. Check it out and show everyone your designing skills. There It's also a 3D warehouse that you can download as upload other peoples work. So Check that out as Well to get some inspiration. I'll post both links below.


    Sketchup Program: http://www.sketchup.com


    3D Warehouse: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/?hl=en

  5. OP, are you using Google sketchup for your drawing? Of so there is an awesome rendering program that you can use to give then a tall life look. It's called Thea Render. You can download for free but you have to buy a subscription to unlock the advanced features. However if you're lucky you can find a key generator to gain free access. Not that I condone the use of such progs.

  6. All i know is that i would hate to see that gravity effects are like Minecraft. For example of i build a tall pillar on a planet and remove the base and it stays afloat. That would be terrible. If you remove the base the whole thing should fall and not magically float

  7. Only he wants to make it planet based. And from what I've read, it would be completely chaotic and a war zone with no absolute direction. This is aimed towards betterment whereas his idea is for people to do whatever they want "without the prying eyes of organizations." even though there is nothing to stop orgs from spying. This cooperative isn't a broadsided idea rather a very specific vision of sovereignty, peace and advancement as a whole and with rules so that we can create a community that will help build the best universe we can.

  8. This is tripe... The Devs are busy as it is making the game. They don't have the time to bend over backwards for one persons contemplation on backing. If you don't want to be a backer based on what you and everyone else has seen (which is amazing) then don't. There are plenty of others who would be happy to back this revolutionary game. And They aren't selfish to ask the devs to delay the game to please them. Back or don't back. Either way you'll have to wait for the game to release like the rest of us.

  9. So I was thinking that eventually, regardless of Org versus Org (OvO) or PvP, we as a community should come together and set aside difference for the betterment of the Universe and create the largest space station as a 100% neutral and conflict free zone the Universe has ever seen. This would be the largest cooperative and would require hundreds of designers, builders and scripters. This of course would be far into the future after game launch and originations are well established but I believe this would be very doable and highly beneficial to everyone. Within the Universal Space Station (USS) there would be everything you could imagine including but not limited to:


    1. Markets. Both standard and black markets.


    2. Banks for item and currency storage.


    3. Libraries for people to share designs, scripts and blueprints.


    4.Think Tanks where players can share and bounce Ideas off one another to help the betterment of all mankind.


    5. Negotiation areas where conflicting Orgs can discuss treaties in a safe and neutral area without worrying of ambushes.


    Just to name a few. If you like this idea and would like to participate or just have some ideas please comment and share your thoughts.

  10. Rev, it's simple. If you don't want to P2P then go find a F2P game. You act like they don't have yup make a living, pay their employees, pay themselves or maintain servers. It's idiotic to think their hard work, time and the expensive equipment doesn't cost anything. You're being highly selfish and inconsiderate to expect the developers to have be 100% out of pocket just so you can play a game for free. Then again I'm positive you aren't even a backer of DU... Smfh

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