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Posts posted by Schwankenbast

  1. I don't think that restoring resources will work in this game.  If that was the case, when we build rare mines, we will have an inexhaustible source of that rare material.  We just wait for it to regrow.  As they have said with a single shard universe is that actions have consequences.  That said, you are right about the need for at least basic reforming of the terrain after mining on a planet.  I am betting though that once we get into space, a lot more mining will be done on moons, asteroids and other airless places that we will not want to be vacationing.  I wonder if we can mine gas giants.  There are some amazing options that will not polute our planet.  I also like the idea of grass and vegitation regrowth after mining operations.

    I agree about the resources, and I also think that World regeneration in general should not be in the game. Whatever players create or ruin should remain in the landscape even out in the wilds beyond claimed land. For player activity to just fade away would rob the game of it's sense of mystery and history - and that for me would be a great shame.


    I don't want the social game to exist in fake bubbles of player claims dotted about, like in Landmark- it's just boring. And I don't think it really fits with DU

  2. I like the idea of a souless logout type system. Basically when in a safe zone or area that does not allow PvP logout is instant but when not in such a zone then logout takes a bit of time (or your body ragdolls). There should also be a system where if you are in combat (like PvE or someone breaking PvP rules in a town) within a safe area it will take x amount of time for you to actually log out similar to not being in a safe zone.

    I like that idea very much. I'm all for a bit of realism like that. It adds tension and excitement.

  3. I voted cryobed...seems more realistic I guess, though potentially more irritating if you're no where near one and need to log. It would be interesting if there was a way you could log out and just leave your character doing a set program of jobs...or guildies could give your toon commands and use you as a pet/helper/slave ...like thing,  say if you were on a big ship and were still needed, and your leaving was a big problem for your team mates wanting to play on, or whatever... yah, I know - earth to Schwankenbast.

  4. I too hope there will be some truly Alien - weird and wonderful, planets to explore with Strange animals and bizarre vegetation. I admit it would be just slightly disappointing if the game was a little like the Stargate TV show, were in most alien worlds looked suspiciously like Canada ;)

  5. How my Character looks will be very important for players like me, especially in a game like this - vast, social with thousands of players interacting. For RP gameplay even more so. I've often played or not played MMO's based on the strength of their character customisation...it means that much to me.


    When I look at the screenshots, everyone is walking around in helmets, which isn't going to be realistic or immersive unless you're on a planet with no oxygen. Most Players want to be able to look unique, not just be a faceless drone you can't tell apart from everyone else. I would hope that, it being a new game, DU will have at least something like Eve online's Caracter Customisation - manipulating Hair, eyes, face and body shapes, etc.


    I know the game is pre alpha and cc might not be a priority right now. But I just hope the Devs know how important it is to many players.

  6. Hey everyone, I can't believe I've only just heard about DU. It sounds like the game I've been waiting for most of my gaming life, I've tried numerous Sci-if MMO's, and although I've enjoyed a few of them, none have ever really had the scope, depth or freedom to keep me there - it's great when technology catches up with your dreams - sandbox, Space, exploration, building...can't wait. And made by a company that sounds like you can have a bit of faith in for once...I'm looking at you Sony/ Daybreak ;)


    Right, where can I bitch about the importance of having awesome Character Creation? ;) heh...

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