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Posts posted by OutlandishRep

  1. Because BOO is made up of Cybrex's alts and crazy people. I cant speak for the other organizations.

    The organizations are made up or people who have their own organizations. A mix. That might better explain why they weren't included.



    Well, there's not a game yet... not even an alpha yet. It may be premature to worry about the claims orgs are making.


    An org claiming to be the biggest corp in the universe will have to make that happen when the game starts or they'll look foolish. Same for an org that claims to be a planetary government. The org claiming to be the premier manufacturer will have to do some work to live up to that claim.


    My org is just the crew of my ship, which may just be me. And I may decided to be a different character and just build ships instead. Have to see how the game shakes out.

    Here's a benifit to the purposed solutions. If you're starting your own organization, it's beneficial to have it featured. Right now the only way is to get a sponsor or post a ton. The argument isn't that the game isn't out yet but instead that it's mutually benificial to do this.



    Calm down buddy. First of, the orgs that don't have much members, like for example private ones only because they are friends' orgs, won't destroy the economy by launching havoc all round, there will be the major orgs controlling minors, treaties, or alliances of small orgs (I don't doubt there will be an alliance of private orgs only).

    Then, who cares, in games you can make as many orgs as you want, without dissolving them automatically. I mean like guilds... Then if an org owes something to another and starts not being here why not pursue them and dissolve them but we haven't even started playing by far.

    I'm not saying they'll destroy the economy, I'm saying it's bad to make everything sound equal, like activity, even though it's not.

  2. How common are organizations? Well, there's over 700 of them now. That's a problem. It's not the fact that there are elite organizations filling the first three pages while all the others are insignificant. 


    It's much more of a problem than that. I'm OutlandishRep and we'll be taking a look at how Generalized everything in organizations are.


    What's the big deal?


    Really what would you expect? People like starting an organization that their friends can join. That's no problem in this common world filled with sociable people, right?


    That's wrong. The organizations that pander to their friends are fine. It's those that don't go in that area that are a problem. I'm talking about this: 




    Finding, making and researching the best tech we can for our buyers. If we can make it you can buy it. If you want to sell it we will buy it. If you want it made we will make it. So come and buy from us.

    Quote From Random organization


    Now this is borderline slander, right? Well it isn't. I never mentioned the organization name or it's founder. Infact it's founder last online status is this:


     Last Active Jul 29 2016


    He joined the forum site, created his organization and then left right away. That's no problem for me to address. 


    The problem here is how organizations are doing this. It's fine for people to create what they like, but they're filling up the community page with stuff no one wants to see. Ever!


    It's like having one hundred star wars orgs. None of them stand out and we all would want them gone if they had the same descriptions like "We're the Empire!" or "Stormtroopers unite!". We'd all want to grab out pitchforks and torches. It's pointless to have this but again, people like that so they can do it. Right?


    Wrong once again! This is actually against guidelines Novaquark has set in place! It's to prevent copyright infringement along with other problems. These types or organizations don't really exist because Novaquark filters them out. The problem is that 700 number. It's far too large and people aren't going to go through 700 orgs, over half only containing one member.


    What's the big deal though?


    Misrepresentation and Clutter


    Now we might think that having more organizations is better? Well what would happen if you build two hundred of anything in an area? The market there would become cluttered and everything as a whole will probably collapse. Everyone might dream of having two hundred of something but it doesn't help in this case.


    When we do this, we are misrepresenting how many active, healthy organizations we actually have. Let's take the top ten organizations(Excluding DUExplorers, Cinderfall, Raptor Squad, and BOO). We have them in this order as of 23/9/16:


    • Terran Union
    • FrogSwarm
    • SilverLight Industires
    • Empire
    • Alliance of Free Worlds
    • The Solar Empire
    • The Aether
    • Diverse Unified Alliance
    • Rooks and Kings
    • Swiss Starships

    We see all of these healthy organizations. Well mostly healthy.


    To go ahead and say we have 700 organizations is a disgrace to people who run organizations and put any effort in at all.


    Work and numbers are generalized in this case, because all work on an organization is treated the same and numbers just simply numbers.


    Things don't look good when we do this so we shouldn't. What could be done though?


    A Solution?


    We can go ahead and say we have 700 organizations, but we can also leave a * saying that it's actually 50 active ones. We can do this by implementing an extra mechanic for organizations. If all of an organization's legates go inactive for a period of over one-three months, the organization isn't displayed on the main page of the community site. They're still there but you have to either search for them or find them in a show all organizations page.


    Next up is this: If all organization legates go inactive for over 6-9 months, the organization can be claimed by a member of said organization. What happens if the member is abusive? Who cares. The organization legates obviously didn't care enough to elect a legate to come online for them. The organization is evidently dead.


    There is no finite and indefinite solution to the misrepresentation and clutter but this is an idea. We can't be showing all organization on equal grounds, because they aren't. People who put work into them need credit and should be displayed differently.


    That is all folks!

  3. You are free to keep your convictions.

    I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm just pointing out how delusional you are.

    Really know, if I was to be delusional, how many others would be as well. I'm not the only one who has shared these thoughts and will not be the only one as well. Delusions are falsifications. What would be the delusion in this case? My suspicions or me?

  4. 1: You're the one who started the attacks by posting fabricated, unreasonable, unwarranted and unjustified "suspicions".

    2: Garbage in; garbage out. You reap what you sow. Those are two of the morals of the story here.

    Now, now. You seem to be trying to prove something. Instead of doing the obvious matter and ignoring me, allowing the Moderators to decide under their own digression to what I have done, you've gone and raised this to an unprecedented level.


    This has been one of the largest forum posts of all time, and has gained a lot of attention because you won't stop here.


    As well, you commented that on the fact that you were attacking me, insulting me, and calling me, in no short terms, a psychopath. Does this mean that you do not care if people are outright called this? You've wanted to attack me rather than discuss things with me. So you go onto say that I reap the things I sow, but what have I sown other than questions. 


    There are more things here that you have stired up. If you had left this forum post be, I'm sure no one would have payed attention to it like you have. You rather tried defending by attacking. A strategy that leads all to conclude that you will not have a formal discussion with anyone who disagrees with you.

  5. You started a thread. You didn't start or stop the discussion. The discussion began when someone responded and will end when either 1) people stop responding or 2) the moderators close it. Welcome to the internet.


    I don't need to prove anything. Nothing in this thread has been proven, disproven, credited or discredited.


    You started a thread attempting to discredit Cybrex and BOO for using fake accounts USING A FAKE ACCOUNT! Aside from the duplicitous lack of accountability and blatant disregard for your own espoused morality, do you not see the utter and absolute irony of your thread being posted in such a manner?


    You're merely a buffoon attempting to seem or feel clever by ridiculous and exaggerated charade.

    Excuse me? Have I done anything other than state my own suspicions? I did not close the thread of course. I decided it simply wasn't worth anyone's effort, including yourself anymore. It is your decision but do you not get my literal and iliteral sense of the term "stop".


    To your standpoint it isn't. Do note though, that instead of trying to attack me, insult me, at one point call my psychotic, you could have just simply tried to go on using reasonable discussions to prove me wrong. You have actually shown me that you can't not insult me at every corner.


    Noted that Cybrex may be using fake accounts. I did say however with my "evidence" that if he isn't using a fake accounts, the players probably won't come online ever again. These are accounts that didn't join the forums. The ones I listed and the two I highlighted.


    And I am a buffoon but I have never personally insulted any of you during this. I've raised concerns about BOO but that's it. I've never tried to to act the exact way you are acting towards myself. Then really who is being quicker of us two to call and mock? If it is myself, I accept my correction. If it is you, then stop trying to attack me while you still can.



     I'd rather be in an organization of 25 members with 60% active, than a 100 member one, with 10% active.

     It wont matter how many members you say you have. What will matter is how many you can field at any given time.

    That is one of the morals of the story here.

  6. It shows you made the account the previous day, I never implied the account information was correct or worth discussing. I don't care to debate your age or your I as I'm sure they're comparable and neither of any consequence. Fault? Someone is at fault? For what?Logic... sure.


    This is just a poor attempt at defining an issue that doesn't even exist. Why don't you just crawl back in your hole. Hopefully NQ will appoint some moderators soon. There goes the neighborhood...

    I stopped this discussion a long time ago. I've already needed to get the information I wanted out there and initiate collection of some more for the future as well.


    If you wanted to prove that my issue wasn't right as well, you should've just given me a reason that I'm wrong. Not just saying that I am.


    Nyzaltar was on the forum for most if not all of this so I mustn't have done anything to upset him. If I did, I formally apologize. My intention was to point out something I viewed as needed to be addressed and I did it in a very harsh manor, using the top organization as an example. 

  7. Well, I guess we will find out for sure in a year and a half.....now where did I put my coffee.

    That's the true end of things. In a year this thread probably won't even be remembered. If they can pull it off, my accusations will be proven false.


    Well, I think that was a very.... interesting post. Ok now, let it die. Just sleep..... sleep.....


    Also, do one on the DUA.

    I agree. Good things do have to go :)

    The DUA and any other other problem orgs are already known by me. I'll get to all the organizations eventually even if they don't like criticism. 

  8. This is what happens when someone gets upset because players don't want to be in their org and makes an alt account...



    Member Since Yesterday, 04:09 AM   <<------------------------ Look at that... pot calling the kettle black... (we aren't who we say we are?) LMAO

    ONLINE Last Active Today, 01:20 AM


    It's okay we don't care either....

    Well done! You've looked at my profile. By that logic, I'm also 97 years old. I've been browsing the forums for many months now not making an account. 


    The time for my presence to be known was upon me.


    Don't think I'm going to bring up points about just BOO by the way. There are other orgs doing stuff that they shouldn't. Not one person is at falt.

  9. I have decided this thread is fit for forum consumption, and have linked in our recruitment thread to help spread the good word that is BOO.


    Thank you for your time gentle beings of the dual universe,


    Well Cybrex. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I've heard good things about you and want it to be false the claims that I have made. 


    And, may BOO not fall into the trap that I have predicted it will with the current claims you have made.

  10. so the TL;DR is you think boo is bad. Is there a point to be made? A result you're hoping to get? 


    if you ask me you're just an ALT of someone from another org that's butt hurt about BOO being bigger. 

    If I was an alt, I'd risk my status. No way that you I can prove I'm not either.


    As for my purpose here, I want to just shed a little light on the claims that BOO has made. Cybrex either needs to prove he can back them up, or stop advertising them.


    I said earlier that I would remove this forum topic if Cybrex could show me that BOO is going to be able to make these claims. BOO isn't bad, just needs to stop trying all this stuff that doesn't really prove anything. My accusations are my accusations. BOO can correct itself and remove my ground that I stand on, I'll back off.

  11. You are just plain paranoid and delusional. I'm sure you see dead people, too.


    1: The game hasn't even started yet and you're already paranoid about how an org will behave just because the use the word "pirate".

    2: Your obsession with the need to control a large group is all in your head. People obsessed with order and rules might be compelled to grief in order to control, but not everyone is obsessed with order, rules and laws.

    3: I think you spend more time fabricating your own warped reality than Cybrex spends holding interviews with prospective members.


    RELAX. It's just a game. And, really, it's not even a game, yet!

    I have not attacked you because you've put Pirate in your name. I have not attacked you because I feel the need to control a group. And making claims that I am Psychotic is just just immature.


    I have blatantly stated things here that are relating to the matter of BOO, not some assumptions. Infact I've already had this discussion with other BOO members in this topic. 


    Next time before you post something like this, read over the whole discussion. Don't be so defensive. And don't attack me. I attacked BOO because of the org itself, not what you have stated.

  12. For possibly my "closing comments" on this thread if you wanna hang out with some people pre launch on Discord/TS and discuss the game and future plans.


    If you enjoy the pirates life or even if you are a builder, an industrialist or a space pilot, come check us out here . We have some projects (wip like the game) in mind that you might enjoy and from my experience so far a pretty laid back group. If you want law, order and direction then perhaps we are not for you.

    Yep. Keep in mind what they truly offer though. Orgs false advertise in general and if they can't back up their claims, don't support them. That's my final statement as well. This forum post went pretty well! Now to save it... done! I know have everything save just in case :)

  13. So far things seemed rather civil - and it's good if it stays that way. That way you can put more emphasis on arguments and debates rather than emotions.

    You are right Warden. The points I'm discussion are basically points that every single organization will need to bring up, otherwise I'm not going to spare them any of my blabbering either. 



    There you go, I fixed it for you


  14. I think you missed the point of I Don't Care.  if that is how someone wants to try and recruit numbers, I Don't Care.  If there are members out there that want to join an outlaw organization, and can't come to the same understanding as you have, I don't care.  if there are players here now that only want to join the biggest perceived organization, I still don't care.  I only worry about my own Organization, and the ones I belong to.


    the game is way to out for me to care about petty things like this.


    Well other people like me care. So what?



    Also, straight up disrespecting peoples usernames and calling them out? Low blow man, Low blow

    See, these people don't have accounts on the forums. It's not such a low blow if it's evidence. You don't say it's a low blow when someone might have been doing something like creating fake accounts, do you?



    Regardless if the information is true or mere speculation, I think if you want to call someone out and do it "to their face" then it might hold a lot more weight if you wore your own face while doing it.  

    What face? I'm just a mouth shouting random nonesense.



    Hi I'm Cybrex's fake account BOO :ph34r:

    Congrats. I never mentioned you but congrats.



    No, don't take this post down. I need this for entertainment.

    Good. I'm entertained as well.

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