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  1. The Help chat came up with a good suggestion, but as a 'new' poster, can not place it in 'New Ideas'. How many posts?, reads?, game time? must happen before I can post ideas?
  2. The title line draws me to this thread, Had a moment yesterday, the scenery overall could be improved more trees and foliage maybe even wildlife, but that will come with future patches. But, walking over a hilltop and viewing a valley with a major market on the opposite hill. a few personalized structures were dotting the landscape. What will this look like in a few years as we continue to build and populate? The potential!
  3. I am standing in the middle of a high desert looking tile on Haven. I recovered from a 'network error' and found myself free falling from 1,000 meters altitude who knows where the ship I was flying went. I survive the landing, now what? Let's use the FETCH command. Oh wait, I had just used that command to retrieve my vehicle because it had taken off after landing and was at an altitude the maneuver tool could not reach. Another feature of DU? In help chat. there were a number of players talking about these two issues This limitation, -- once every 24 hours -- on FETCH might need to be reviewed since I basically can do nothing for 24 hours.
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