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  1. Wipe of the game in its current state is just a temporary bandage, but when you're hemorrhaging like this maybe that's your only option. I'll be unsubscribing accounts either way due to NQ's downright shickery. More eminently though I have to withdraw my recommendations to likeminded friends. Hope the next kick of the can is at least a good punt down the road for ya'll. The player community is truly the best feature. What is the best case scenario for number of new players acquired at launch anyways? Not enough. They're in project salvage mode just trying to keep the scam rolling to get back as much wasted capital as possible before the inevitable flop. Modern gamers will consider reviews before whatever off-gameplay cinema-esque patchwork advertisements drop and the company has garnered an irreparable reputation whether from its wishy washy policy , equivocal communication , or unfulfilled promises. Feel free to prove me wrong as I'd like nothing better than for DU to end up a love story and not a tragedy, but signs tell starkly otherwise.
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