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Everything posted by lobolito

  1. I rly like the community and i thank you all a lot. But that wont help me with a gamemechanic which is zero fun for me. If i cant build stuff it does not matter if i need 50 Travels to the Market or if someone helps me (Flying + large container) and i only need 1 Trip. Building was the core theme of the game (as promised and still promised in the Trailers). Now it is "go mining" and sell ore to buy the stuff you should no longer build. For me this is an awful Gamedesign. Help wont make that go away. I only checked the forums to see if there is Feedback to my refund-request (in Trailers shown Grafic is not ingame but prerendered and there is no note for that (illegal) + Trailers promise "Create what you want" - and this is a lie too).
  2. Again, thanks for the try. But I do not want to buy stuff. The Trailers and the Game itself promised my, that i could build anything. And as simple as it is: Im not addicted, if the game is no fun for me, i do not have to make it work. I simply quit and play a different game. Its sad, becaus - as i said - DU would have been the game i always wanted. But not without the freedom of building. Even if they add missions. So i could choose mission or mining. Whats the difference, when the goal is: Run to the Market and buy stuff. Thats kind of my real life. I dont need a second one.
  3. And that is my problem: "take it slow, feel free to experiment" I want and i love to experiment. And i dont need fast success. But at this point it is useless. I cant experiment, because i cant build stuff, which i would need to experiment with. All i could do ist mine for hours, then slowly drive (not fly!) to the Market (again and again) and sell in small portions as i have no ship with containers. But even i have better ways to waste my time, then this
  4. Funktionieren die Tutorials bei Dir? Ich erhalte immer die Fehlermeldung "Invalid Transporter location". Nur die ersten drei lassen sich starten.
  5. Thanks again for the Tips. I have not startet the Game in two Days. I have to see if the motivation comes back. To say it clear: I like to start small and build up. But it does not feel like i can grow. XS Containers are so small that they simply do not make sense. I would need to make 50-80 Trips to the Market to sell enough. Thats about 20 hours non stop Flying. Thats is no fun. At least for me. I would rly love to build a (small) ship with M or S Containers, so i could build up. If i could craft the stuff i need, i would have a goal which keeps me going. But i wont build a ship with XS Containers, waste 20 hours Fly-Time to sell Stuff (which i need another 20-40 hours to harvest) only to buy the thinks i MAYBE need to build a Ship with S Containers. And then all again to build a ship with M Containers. Im ok with this, if NQ wants new Players to play like this. But then its simply not my kind of game. Whats pretty sad for me: As i bought the gametime (my knowledge base on the Game before the Blueprints) I thought, this game was pretty much what i wanted for years.
  6. Ich baue inzwischen mit einem 3d Drucker mehr als ich zuvor gekauft habe. Das wird in 10-20 Jahren noch ganz andere Dimensionen annehmen. Es gibt ja jetzt schon Häuser aus einem "3d Drucker". Wenn Du es für unrealistisch ansiehst, dass so etwas in der Zukunft gebaut werden kann, solltest Du dann nicht auch mal darüber nachdenken, wie die Technik des Erz-Abbauens funktioniert? Der Avatar richtet so ein Ding auf Erz und dann wird es in den eigenen Rücksack transferiert, dessen Gewicht den Avatar auch nicht zerquetscht? Du kommst mit dem Realismus-Argument nicht weit, das es ein Spiel ist. Du kannst dir nicht beliebige Aspekte herauspicken und versuchen mit mangelndem Realismus zu argumentieren, wenn Du dies nicht auf alle Aspekte auslegen willst. Alleine schon der Unsinn der physischen Verfügbarkeit von Blueprints. Ich kann also im Spiel digital sehen wo ein Blueprint zum Verkauf angeboten wird. Muss dann aber dorthin fliegen, um den digitalen Blueprint abzuholen? Jedes Holzmodem kann Daten übertragen. Warum geht es im Spiel nicht? Komm also nicht mit Realismus. Der Patch ist ein Fluch für neue Spieler (wie mich). Ich habe kurz nach diesem Angefangen, weil mir Freunde das Spiel empfohlen haben (vor dem Patch). Diese spielen nun alle nicht mehr und ich selbst werde es nach den drei Monaten auch nicht mehr anfassen, falls nicht massiv zurückgerudert wird. Im Mindestfalle muss alles Tier1 und alles was in Assembly Line M und darunter gebaut werden kann ohne Blueprints funktionieren. Zumindest wäre das eine Änderung mit der ich leben/spielen könnte.
  7. As a new Player: Get rid of Blueprints for all Tier 1 and everything you can build in Assemly Line M and lower. Give the new Players some aire and possibilities. I would not mind buying Blueprints for advanced Stuff. Right now it is even hard for me to go to the next Market. And all i see is "You need the Blueprint". So i cant experiment. I want to build a smal ship as i statet in another Post. But how? The Tutorial wont work. I have no clue what i need. And for everything i need to travel to the market. What if i forget 1 wing or 1 brake is not enough? Waste another 15 min for travelling to the Market? And to those who are saying "You can build a better Ship with what you have", plz consider, that new Players dont know how and cant try stuff out, because we cant build stuff!
  8. Thanks for the replys. Im not sure if i will start the game again. To be honest, i prob will, because of the 3 month paid. The Tutorial would help a lot. But they dont work "invalid transporter location". Only the first 3 Tutorials are working. Thanks for the youtube Link. I may give it a try. Im rly not sure if i want to play a game which makes it so hard. If there would be not blueprints (lets say for Tier1 and all in and under Assembly Line M) i wohld have no problem. I love to figure stuff out by myself. But with the vast way to the market it feels like i need to waste so much time.... Im 1 Wing short? Ok, lets waste 15 min again. Oh, 1 Brake was not enough? K, theres another 15 min Traveltime to the Market....
  9. Im pretty new to the Game. So maybe Im missing an important part or someting. I want to go into building a Ship, as i need an option to sell the stuff i mined. And i have pretty much no clue what to do. All i see is that i cant afford the Blueprints which i need to build the Parts. So i figured i try to buy them. But how can i know what i need? I have no clue how many wings/brakes/engines (and what kind) /and what else i need. Im 35 km away from the nearest Market. It takes a huge amount of time to visit the next one. Im I supposed to do multiple trips before i have everything i need or is there a simpler solution i just dont see?
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