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  1. This is definitely an issue, my org of 10 people has been visiting safe zone moons and planets and coming up empty for T3+ ores on nearly all of the tiles we've scanned so far. When we do find deposits they are very small, maybe 3-5Kl nodes that nobody else wanted to spend a great deal of time or effort to dig up. We're moving to Warp Drive gameplay, which requires a lot of T3 resources and they have been incredibly hard to find. Without renewing resources, the economy loses lubrication and starts to grind to a halt, meanwhile prices even for basic things begins to skyrocket due to market supply not being able to meet demand anymore because travel becomes limited along with the resources. Without renewable sources of materials or a TRULY vast amount of static resources, it's inevitable that the economy and gameplay of the simulation is doomed to failure. And it could happen way faster than you may assume as the playerbase grows and the speed of mining the resources accelerates.
  2. I am requesting a new XS Sliding Door at 4x8 cubes (1m wide by 2m tall) as the current S Sliding Door is too large at 6x12 (1.5m wide by 3m tall). Standard ceilings in buildings are 2.5m high, meaning that the 3m tall door sticks up above the floor above by 1 cube (0.25m). Being 6 cubes wide, it's also really hard to hide into walls when it's opened, so having the 4 cube wide door is much easier to keep hidden when open, and still plenty wide to walk through. Having these new smaller doors would vastly improve my existing ship builds and remove a lot of issues with tight builds (which are super common in spacecraft, so we should have smaller doors).
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