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Everything posted by Joxico

  1. Welcome Sir, I hope your arrival on the leadership team will take this company even higher and Long live Dual Universe and Novaquark ! Best
  2. Hi NQ, For me the value of the Mining in L/h is sooo ridiculus ! in ONE HOUR 1/2 scoop of traditional mining ? how to build something or create something ? the atmo break stacking is the onlty way to have enought break without kill the ship design !! please leave it ! thanks for your feedback !
  3. Hi NQ, For me the value of the Mining in L/h is sooo ridiculus ! in ONE HOUR 1/2 scoop of traditional mining ? how to build something or create something ? the atmo break stacking is the onlty way to have enought break without kill the ship design !! please leave it ! thanks for your feedback !
  4. Donc personne pour repondre ?
  5. So when you find some fucking rare mineral with your detector it may be in another parcel ? ........Looooose....
  6. Hi. I need to know if the mineral detector only detect on your parcel or everywhere ... do you know ?
  7. Dans le sens ou le detecteur peux tres bien reagir a un mineral qui n’est pas sur la votre et vous etes comme un con...
  8. Bonjour,bonsoir, Le détecteur de minerais vois-t-il uniquement des minerais sur votre parcelle ou pas du tout ?
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