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  1. There has been a very active discussion and some very helpful folks on the official discord's mydu-* channels. I've curated some of the information from those discussions here: https://mydu.online/v3/#Guides Please feel free to join us in discord.
  2. Yes, you run the self-hosted server either on your desktop Windows machine using WSL (Windows Services for Linux), or on a dedicated Linux server. You and your friends then connect to the server. Depending on the spec of your "server", you can host a few or many guests. If you have the community of friends and sufficient hardware to host, you can certainly run it as an MMO - the choice is yours.
  3. @Danger There have been several really informative info sessions by NQ-BearClaw on the official discord. Some of the questions you asked have already been answered. 1) Yes. This comes in the form of an installer package which you can run on Windows 11 with WSL, or a dedicated Linux server. Your choice. It likely won't be long before game hosting companies pick this up and offer a managed server like they do for other games. 2) No. Not in its current form. The tools were changed and will require a code change to revert them back - no code is being altered for this initial release. That said, if enough people ask nicely I bet there would be motivation to get it done. 3) Yes - All options and settings are managed through the "Back Office". Every tweak to existing systems you can imagine is in there from what I understand - and it it's not, there are JSON files that you can edit. 4) By custom if you mean something that is not currently in the game, then no, unfortunately not. But it it's in the game, you can tweak it. 5) Fast travel - probably not in the sense of a teleport type beacon to beacon - but using the existing tools in the game, yes. You can adjust the cost and recipe for the warp cells to make them cost less or even nothing. Again - nothing that requires a code change, but anything else that is a setting or a recipe - yes. 6) Sure - you can adjust thrusters and winds and things, even the gravity on a planet. 7) There was mention by NQ-BearClaw that "mydu is a separate thing, and we have a plan for regular du players that want to switch. More on this later..." which I personally interpret that they are looking at ways to offset the cost of myDU for founders - but this is still tbd. Personally I am still holding out hope that this is a positive spin on DU and that it will bring players back to the MMO eventually. Cremora
  4. @DaSpitz you are a legend! Thank-you.
  5. I really hope this just means a change in business model. Paid expansion packs, or paid cosmetics packs (new engines etc) and continued support of the MMO side. That said, this is great news for me as it means I can finally get my friends who are subscription adverse to try what I think is the single best voxel building game available.
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