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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Atmosph3rik

  1. Let's agree to disagree then :)


    *cough cough* I think you're forgetting the Millenium Falcon's design.


    That's funny i never really thought about it, but i think i always pictured that being the turret on the starboard side of the Millennium Falcon, but i just looked closer at a picture and that's the cockpit.


    It would be tough to fly that thing from way over on the side of it like that.  I've got a whole new respect for Han Solo lol 


    3) Using a control Unit activating the "Drone Camera Mode" (usable for any ship, but will be probably useful essentially for biggest spaceships):

    Third Person view. You see the Spaceship in its globality from outside the ship. Will probably make piloting easier if a really big ship is piloted only by one player.


    I am happy to hear this.   :)


    I do understand why other games like Elite Dangerous choose not to allow it.  The immersion of being in 1st person in the cockpit is awesome.  But i've noticed a funny thing that happens with the design of the ships in Elite Dangerous.  As the quality and price of the ships go up the cockpit on the ships extend further and further out from the front to allow for closer to a 180 degree view.


    On the huge freighters your basically in a little glass bubble sticking out of the front of the ship.  It makes for a much better view but in reality it doesn't seem like a very realistic design.  Putting the pilot out there on the front of the ship like that, one little slip of the controls when your landing and you'd be a pilot pancake.


    That just got me thinking about how it might really work in the future.  So we have backup assist cameras on SUVs now, so i would imagine on a spaceship in the future you could have cameras all over the ship and maybe even some kind of 3d composite view of all the cameras that might look and feel a lot like a 3rd person view in a video game.


    So as much as i enjoy 1st person view sometimes i'm glad we'll have the option for both.


    I was also thinking that the "Drone Camera mode" could be used for building.  I know initially there may only be a 1st person view for building, which i think will be tough.  If we could enter that same Drone camera mode when we're building with some sort of movable pivot point and no clipping, that would be great.  A building camera mode exactly like that is supposed to be in development for Landmark still i think.

  3. Voxelmancy was the term used inside another game. Here in Dual we call it "voxelmorph". :P


    Seriously though, I would like to lose the term voxelmancy and not carry it over to this game. 


    I like Voxelmorph a lot.


    I didn't like the term Voxelmancy either.  It grew on me in a sort of Stockholm Syndrome kind of way i guess, but i don't like how it equates effort to some kind of voodoo.  


    On the subject of whether it's a good thing to have it in the game, i guess it's sort of a double-edged sword.  First i think i should clarify exactly what i think "Voxelmancy" means though.  At one point i just thought of it as highly technical building.  But as building in Landmark has evolved my definition of what it means definitely has too.


    What Voxelmancy means to me now is more like unsupported building techniques, or unintuitive methods.  Doing something with a building tool that produces an unintended result.  We had to use these tricks in Landmark because we had no other way to create many shapes.  The voxels had the ability but we just had no way to shape them.


    So the more tools we have to shape voxels, the less need for Voxelmancy.  


    If we are just talking about depth in building, or how technical you can get, then i personally can't get enough.   But I think the building can still have all that depth and also be accessible if it's intuitive and well designed.


    One thing i love about Landmark is that even though it essentially has no progression, when i log in i'm a level 80 Voxelmancer, and the best part is i can delete the character and make a new one and still be a level 80 Voxelmancer, because the progression is all my own.


    I guess the trick is just to make the learning process something that's enjoyable and a part of the game too.


    People shouldn't have to go out of the game to learn how to build if possible.   So maybe some kind of system that allowed players to create in game building tutorials might be the answer.  What if you could record a hologram of your character performing a few building steps then add instructions to it and save it in game somehow. 


    That might be too complicated to make happen but it would be cool :D   

  4. I'll probably also have to go find a better HOTAS as well. 


    So I got Elite Dangerous recently and at first i was considering buying a HOTUS setup, but it turned out i actually really like the flight controls with a mouse and keyboard.  Luckily someone told me to try switching Yaw to the X axis on my mouse, Roll to the A and D keys and throttle to the mouse wheel and that helped a lot.


    I never played EVE, so i'm not sure how the controls work differently, but the flight controls in Elite Dangerous seem great to me so i hope we end up with something similar in DU.


    I realized that i have more then 30 years of experience with a mouse and keyboard and none at all flying an actual jet or using a HOTUS so i should probably just stick with the mouse and keyboard.


    Learning to orient yourself in 3d space is rough,  i was spinning around drunkenly and crashing into stuff for hours in the tutorial before i got the hang of it. 

  5. The 20 members selected before Winter Holidays were just the first wave of this team, and there will be other waves through 2016. The reason we proceed in small waves is to give opportunities for members to ask questions, to know a bit more each member


    That sounds like a good system.  I will definitely be getting more involved where i can in the future, and hoping to get in on one of the next waves.   For a while now i've been sort of floating between a few different types of games not really feeling like any of them are exactly what i want, and i really think you guys may have combined all of my interests into one game here, so i'm pretty excited to see it take shape!



    Hello and welcome,

    If you don't mind answering what kind of foods do you cook, do you specialize in some certain area?


    I've always thought that i should have a better answer for that question lol =D  


    I grew up in the north east US so i don't have a really big cultural connection to any style of food other then fried seafood and lobstahh.  The restaurants i got my start in all really required a knowledge of classical French cuisine so i have probably studied that the most.  Lately i've been getting into Spanish food, they cook some really delicious stuff over there.  I just got a 25 pound bag of Smoked Paprika from Spain as a christmas present, so I'm going to try curing my own Chorizo with it.

  6. Greetings Alpha Pioneers! Atmosph3rik here.


    I've been following Duel Universe on Twitter since i was introduced to it by Kiklix.   When i heard about the first Alpha team being chosen i realized it's about time i come say hello here on the forums.  I just got done reading all of the lore and it is all really exciting, the more i hear about this game the more i like it =D


    I've been an outer space and Sci Fi fan since i was a kid building Lego space ships and watching Star Trek TNG on tv.  I'm not any kind of graphic artist by profession i'm actually a Chef, but i've been playing Landmark the game (not the cult) for the past year and a half and it's been a blast.  


    The idea of being able to build stuff and then actually see it come to life and have a use and a purpose sounds awesome i am really excited about the idea of that.  My main area of interest in building has been Modern/Sci Fi houses and small personal transportation vehicles like the one in my signature below.


    So hello to everyone here at Duel Universe /wave




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