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Posts posted by Skyblade

  1. There are many aspects of this game I'm unhappy about not just the update, I am a solo player! I like been a solo player! I just feel like they want you to team up with other but I've had alot of bad experience with others! I prefer to play alone or with 1 or 2 of my friends that's it! It really feels like the Devs are alienating solo to small player groups and for me that's not ok!.


    Other issues are things are constantly broke in the game and don't get fixed and them taking 2 months to reply to a issue is ridiculous. I know you get the people that say "what do you expect with beta bla bla bla" but what I do expect it to be able to play the game how I want to play! Not how they want me to play! It's meant to be a sandbox style game but it's becoming more directed. Not to mention all the things that are just plain broken! I've had enough of just hoping things get fixed but don't yet there more focused on other things like bringing salvage missions out which is good idea but fix the rest of the game first before adding more problems along with this new update.


    Im not going to be a part of this anymore! I play this game to chill out and relax but more and more I play I become frustrated and annoyed! 

    I can't play this no more it's too frustrating!

  2.  i also have this issue

    it wont allow me to place the bleprint even though i got all the parts??

    i have the emergency control unit in my inventory and still it says i dont have basicECU



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