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Posts posted by Silvligh

  1. Not entirely sure how I came across DU, but I did, and at first I thought it was just like any other space MMO, something like SWTOR or maybe Elite Dangerous. I was like meh and moved on. Later on it popped up in my search suggestions and I gave it another look, read through the devblogs, looked through the graphics and concept art, and I was like, this is something different. Checked out the forums, met quite a few interesting personalities/fanatics, joined the forums myself, and so here I am now happily part of the Dual family :)


    Cheers to NQ and the DU community :D

    And cheers to you to being an active community member!

    Hype! Hype! Hype!

  2. the beginning was the same like yours, i googled space MMO and found a compilation which included this one. then i checked this website out and found it to be appealing due to the fact that it has a voxel based build engine and beautiful graphics both at once. then i read they aim for maximum player freedom, and i thought this must be the game i waited for. then i read it will be oculus compatible and that sealed the deal for me.


    i am a former player of SoH so thats why i like the aspects of this game.

    I'm glad that you love the game as much as I do!!

    Or what I've seen of it anyway.

  3. Just a fun little thing.


    When I first saw this game, I was interested in the concept work, I saw it on one of my MMO places I go to.

    When it said space sim, I decided to check it out.

    Read what the game was about on the website... VERY INTERESTED AT THIS POINT!


    Then I read the devblog, the first title made me *pretty much* faint in astonishment. (It was LUA Scripting) OOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG

    I started enthusiastically reading into this, before going "Na, na, na. I got to see this from the start"


    Read the whole devblog, the Lore I absolutely LURRRRRRVED! And everything just worked for me. The social aspect, the looming overhead of possibly founding the first laws, federations, societies! It was glorious, I stayed in this state for about 3 days before I came down from the excitement.


    I then realised I had family, and threw my brother at this website. He had a similar response as mine and we (I swear) probably looked like a bunch of fangirls over One Direction or something.


    So everyone.

    How Hyped were you when you read about this?


    (On an offnote, Nyzaltar, this is a casual post. I want a person responding, not the moderator(No need to be so formal lol))

  4. Just a small thing I was thinking about.
    Is this game going to have the cursor visible? Or will it be a reticule or even nothing in the middle of the screen.
    I was just wondering as I am a bit lazy and don't want to have to hold down [MOUSE2] when I run around like other MMOs.

    Is this going to have a similar style to Minecraft in terms of FPS?(no cursor on screen unless inventory and menus).

    If this has already been said somewhere, put a link down below.
    Otherwise I await your reply.

  5. I just read the Dev Blog again on LUA Scripting. I can't wait to play DU. I have made a couple hand full of spaceships in another voxel building game, but they only fly in my imagination because there is no development going on to make builds do anything more than look pretty. 


    I can't wait to get into DU and make my first tiny attempt at a spaceship. Will most likely be something small, easy to make and get up and running. If/when you guys pull this off, DU is going to be the coolest game in existence!

    Every single time I read that post, it just makes me fall on the ground having a nerdgasm.

    It always leaves me feeling good for a few days XD.

  6. Hey everyone!!


    This thread will be about me, flaming about me, or adoring me. If you don't want to be apart of this... Go home  :P


    Okay so. I found this site on a sci-fi MMO site list. Checked the summary. Got intrigued, wanted to know more.



    I read through the whole devblog, and can I say, it was absolutely fantastically amazing!

    The articles were great, the story was great.

    The more I read about this game, the more excited I got.


    Its been 2 days since I read the whole lot. Whenever I think about this game, I still get the excitement in my chest.

    Not many things do that to me.


    I'm currently an avid player of many games such as League of Legends(No Hate) StarCraft II and Lots of other MMO's like Space Engineers and StarMade.


    Another MMO that I play is actually a new MMO called "The Repopulation" and I write quests for them, and review other peoples quests.


    I enjoy music, Sci-fi, a sense of community, and any arcadey like game.


    For instance my current favorite arcade game is "Monaco: Whats Yours is Mine" and My profile picture is actually "The Lookout" from that game.



    I'm really hopeful for this game, and I hope that I can find a couple of people that enjoy my interests as much as I do.

  7. This just came to me.


    I thought about what if I wanted to document the history of a planet.

    I was wondering whether a notes sort of system or journal system could be viable.

    Kind of like a Book/Paper in Minecraft.

    Players write stuff down. Other players pick it up. Could be good for guides, among other things.


    Also, they could be good for writing stories, for those people who enjoy them.


    Apologies if I need to clarify, this was more of a passing thought or whim.

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