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Posts posted by tuktuk

  1. 19 hours ago, CasraTX said:

    Look, straight up, give people a choice.  There will be those that vest time, money to create their DU experience.  Wiping that would be by the polls bad, and yeah in a game like this it would be not fun.  On the flip side, new people looking to join, prime targets would be Eve players and others, who would see the giant lead time others have and decide "yeah... no." means that not wiping deters future.  

    Compromise, a "fresh server".

    Maybe you are like me, spending time tinkering around, and realized you made a lot of mistakes as an uneducated "wow that video looked cool, I'mma try it" blind hop in.  The concept of a fresh start is appealing.  
    I'd give Beta players 2 days max to hop in.  Maybe let them carry over 1 million in credits, a special title and maybe extra training points for their time vested.  This would encourage some to make the switch to help the new server take off.  

    Make it clear to new players when game is live "If you come here, this is a vibrant established server where many players have built a flourishing economy and community"  And "If you start here, it's the wild west, a fresh start where veterans will have a small boost of training points and credits but really the playing field is "even".

    I think that would be the best compromise.

    I hate games that are not single server. I'll probably go back to eve if this ever happens.

  2. On 10/6/2020 at 9:23 PM, michaelk said:

    I've never believed in a company banning players because of exploits, especially for an MMO...if you don't want players to exploit something, how about fixing it, instead...? It's your programming error and you shouldn't be surprised that the "honor system" doesn't work. Bans are a fear-based way to buy the devs more time to fix their mistakes, which NQ isn't very quick to do. 


    I also don't agree with people arguing that something should stay in the game because it "makes it more realistic".


    Realism isn't the the main consideration for successful game design. 


    There's always going to be lots of elements in DU that aren't "realistic" because it's a game, and it has to work as a game.


    Features need to have an actual purpose cohesive to the design of the game beyond "that's how it might work in reality". There needs to be a certain level of fairness that doesn't exist in the real world -- e.g. having clear rules for when your ships are safe or not. If parking in a random tile is a risk, that needs to be reflected in the rules/tutorials and balanced into the game. 


    They will probably come to that, fix it you know.

  3. 3 hours ago, LouHodo said:

    I suggested a descending weapon mount system.  In further detail.


    XS core can mount xs weapons max 

    S core can mount small weapons and below.

    M core can mount medium weapons and below.

    L core can mount large weapons and below. 


    So large cores can put any weapon system on it.  Giving the large core the most versatility but at a greater cost.

    Yeah, this could work. Its really how one would expect it to work.

  4. 13 hours ago, LouHodo said:

    Right now people are complaining about PVP and the current meta of cubes with large radars and large railguns or large missile launchers.  So my counter to fix this issue is no major sweeping nerfs but a couple of nerfs and most a few adjustments.


    -Tie the detection to the cross section of the craft not to the core size.  


    - Max weapon size will be limited to the core size.  So no large weapons on a xs core.  XS weapons on a XS core.  Small and XS on a Small core.. and so on.  


    - reduce damage on all weapons by 40% as a start.  This will give people a chance to survive the first hit.  But bad designs will still be easy to destroy.


    - Reduce accuracy at long range.  Just because you can hit at max range doesn't mean you should.


    I am not trying to kill pvp if anything I am trying to adjust it so it is a bit better looking and less of a block fest.  

    I agree with this, but not if you want to limit putting small guns on big ships. Big ships need small guns otherwise this is becoming another eve where you cant fly alone.

  5. 4 hours ago, Moosegun said:

    That is the point they are NOT forcing PvP, you can get EVERYTHING from the three planets / moons, if you want to go to other planets get a WD, ZERO need to enter pvp = pvp is currently 100% consensual in its present state FACT.  You do not need to enter into the pvp zone unless to are ready to either fight or flight.

    Our org has operations on 8 planets, I have spent 60% of my time in space, both flying to various planets and warping, I have radars on all my ships, do you know how many other players ships I have seen in that time...... ZERO.  Never been shot at, even waved at.  Anyone getting killed in space at the moment it is 100% user error.

    PvP zone is a testing zone, enter it at your own risk, NQ will not expand it until PvP is ready, which will not be for some time.  So chill out and stop making these knickerwetting threads.

    This is stupid though, there needs to be some reward for risking it. Otherwise what the the fun?

  6. Its an age old threat to say that the game will lose its players if things go pvp. This is an assumption based on your own views and does not reflect reality.

    Whenever pvp is mentioned the loud always mumble that muh game will lose players. 

    Not true, in fact there are loads of people that i know of that is waiting to join this game, i'm not talking one or two but entire groups in another game i shall not mention.

    They are waiting for news on pvp. So am I. I dont want to invest all this time in a game that eventually is not pvp related or at least has some meaningful building up of a system instead of just hoarding things and building ships for absolutely no reason than to take screenshots.

    (I'm not giving people crap that like nice screenshots, i like them also, rather the point i'm making.....)


  7. 20 hours ago, FryingDoom said:

    Hold on, if PvP is so highly loved by so many, surely there must be thousands of people feely engaging in PvP, as so many love it.


    Why do you need to force people into PvP if it is such a great thing?

    You speak as though you speak for everyone. If you dont want PVP, stay in the none PVP zone.

    17 hours ago, Emptiness said:

    No, the end goal of this game is to build a thriving civilization.


    Pvpers are the emotionally disturbed and should be rooted out and exterminated with prejudice.

    No, the end goal of this game is not to build a thriving civilisation. What would be the point in subscribing further then? 
    I have everything i need in the game, i'm building a large core atm.
    If i have all the resources, my land is safe why would i continue subscribing. 
    I have then finished the game, i have met the end goal.
    If this is the whole game then I guess i'll return to Eve online and play space engineers if i wanted to build something.

    20 hours ago, Aaron Cain said:

    Because it aint, and nobody is apparently building ships for pure PvP to get them destroyed.

    As i read this i think the aim is not to have more PvP but to have more targets for free stuff.

    DU is not a PvP game, it is a game and has PvP.

    DU also does not bring content, It Is Content and the people need to make the story.

    Well, i was not planning to put C.A.T.S. AcE into action already but now i think I will have to. For defense of our partners we  build fighters for pure PvP with the sole aim to kill these people who are just waiting for an easy kill. So if your looking to help and defend and are not too lazy to only go for free ships provided but actually work to build your ship, join ushttps://discord.gg/uJXeJ7q  .


    I do however share the motion that in beta we already need to have all zones as we will have them after reall launch, And not have them changet at day 1 after launch.


    DU is a pvp game, if it has PVP its a pvp game.
    Lots of us are building ships for pure pvp to get them destroyed.

  8. At the moment all the big ships come out as big squares, i personally want to build a long ship.

    So i suggest to enable us to choose a long format when deploying a core, so we can build longer ships that are not so square.


    It would also be nice if we could move the core to the side of the square instead of sitting the middle, this will enable other types of ship builds such as a cockpit in the back with the front part splitting in two. 

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